
Batwoman, Volume 2: To Drown the World by W. Haden Blackman, J.H. Williams III

mountainfox's review

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It was okay but I had a little bit of trouble following the storyline. But I do like the fact that Batwoman is a lesbian. Let's just say that Batwoman is now at all like any of the other members of the "batman club"

bengriffin's review

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If you want to know why I love this series so much you're best off reading what I wrote about Elegy and Hydrology. This volume is probably the weakest in the series but that's only because the others are all excellent. One of the main reasons I enjoyed it less was the more conventional superhero artwork. It's fine, there's the odd iffy pose here and there, but compared to how fluid and fascinating the art is when JH Williams is drawing it, it's quite disappointing. This part of the story felt a bit more conventional too with the main thread being find and fight the baddies, and whilst the narrative does jump around a lot, it feels like a slightly messy trick to jazz it up a bit. That said, the elements I love are still in there. The main strength is the writing of relationships and the interactions between key characters. The dynamic between Kate and Maggie feels very real and I found Jacob's interactions with Bette tender and powerful. It's only because the other volumes set the bar so high that this stands out slightly, but it's far from a low point, and still provides some great moments. I still devoured it in one sitting, and I still couldn't wait to read more.

raypacheco31415's review

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The art is spectacular. My biggest issue with this is the choppiness of the story line. It jumps in and out of the main story and into side stories far too quickly and too often.

starryworlds's review

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4.5 stars.

This is really good. I was shocked by what happened at the end but also really glad. And I like where the story went.

But it was a little confusing to follow at times with it jumping from one time to another than back again. I understand why it was like that though.

Looking forward to reading vol 3 soon.

scottpm's review

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I wanted to like it but I just couldn't. The art just isnt the same and doesn't work with the darkness of the story. The story was too confusing jumping from different points of view. It was hard to read as a collection I can't imagine what it was like reading it monthly.

nglofile's review

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2.5 stars. The graphic style is just as inventive and arresting, but the time-jumping storylines blow way past kinetic to unstable ADHD. The idea of marshaling urban legends as part of the villain agenda has promise, but unfortunately it isn't realized well.

shoggoth_roof's review

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Full action packed volume and many questions still unanswered. We're still with the La Llorona / Medusa case and we have more family issues. Gonna follow :)

Bastante completo, con mucha acción, y me han gustado mucho los cambios con las "historias" de los personajes. Continuamos con el caso comenzado en el anterior volumen. Continuaré con la lectura de esta serie :)

georgina_bawden's review

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Mehhhhhh. Confusing time jump narrative structure, terrible clichéd villains ("I will eat your corpse! BWAHAHAHA!"), zero character back story or development. Kate is so inconsistent. One minute she's ruthlessly mutilating an enemy, next she's yelling "I have a code!" and saving the lives of kiddie-stealing warlocks for some reason. I think I'm done with this title, unfortunately.

abigcoffeedragon's review

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Good news, the story hasn't changed from the first volume, so the same people are still working on bringing you garbage to read.
Sarcasm over, this is a waste of ink and paper and brings such disappointment to what should had been a spokesperson and model character to bring in new readers.

punkystarshine's review

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I'm so glad Heather got me into Batwoman. And comics in general. I hadn't picked one up since I was a kid, but I love stories in all forms and I didn't realize how complex and beautiful comic books that weren't of Darkwing Duck could be. (Though those Darkwing Duck comics were killer.) Plus, lesbians! Huzzah!