
A Crack in Everything by L.H. Cosway

suzy76's review

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This was truly a lovely read. Yes I bawled like a baby in parts but it was just felt so true and real and truly gorgeous. I can't wait to read the next.

tracity's review against another edition

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Reread: I’m not changing my rating, but I did not enjoy the second time and will not reread

carli_likes_books's review against another edition

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Loved the first book but idk, just couldn’t get into this one. DNF

mafer1's review against another edition

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This is a prequel of their love story. Not what I was expecting, I was looking for the love story as adults, not teens. However, it was a fast and entertaining read.

charliered's review against another edition

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What I love about L.H. Cosway's books is that that I can always expect a different, interesting and well-written character. Dylan would be that character in this book with his extraordinary sense of smell combined with a doom and gloom personality. I enjoyed this overall even though the MCs are teenagers (I really can't stand teenage drama lately). The MCs and the story has that maturity in them so I guess that's why I liked it.

anjali_bookstersisters's review against another edition

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I am always looking out for that perfect ya romance. And iI finally found it in this book. L H Cosway has outdone herself in this book. Dylan and Ev’s romance was dreamy, intense and all consuming mixed with equal parts hopes and dreams for their future together and apprehension about the path life will take them on. They both had troubled pasts and you can clearly see how their past has shaped them into being what they are. I also love the fact that the troubled past didnt consume their love story which is what usually happens. I loved the different ways they view the world, their random fact outpourings and the dreams they have for their future. I also fell completely in love with Sam. Everyone needs a bestfriend like him in their lives. But what totally suprised me was the endings. I didnt see that coming and it totally threw me for a loop.
Now I cant wait to get my hands on the next read more about what happens to the king of doom and the queen of randomness.

rachelreadsravenously's review

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5 stars

"You're sunshine, Evelyn, and there's nothing but clouds around here."


Boy am I glad I waited to read this book until part 2 is out. I'm gonna try and squeeze in a semi-comprehensible review here but it's probably just gonna be me screaming all over the place.

Evelyn is a teen living in a bad part of Dublin. One day when he's running away from a gang, Dylan rushes into Evelyn's apartment for a place to hide. From then on the two become friends and then more. But there are sinister forces working against the two of them that threaten to tear them apart.

"It was warm here. And safe. I loved kissing him. I could kiss him forever. If only I could."

I basically spent the first half of the book like this:

And the last fourth of the book like this:

What can I say, I love this book! And then it ripped my cold little heart to shreds. LH Cosway is Queen of the Feels and I will forever be her devoted servant, taking her heart lashings with every book.

I would say more but honestly I need to dive into book two ASAP so I'm off to do just that!

"I loved Dylan O'Dea. And probably would forever."

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inkledoo's review

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I’m sorry L H Cosway, but I couldn’t finish this. Got about 30% in and couldn’t handle the awkward, unnatural dialogue. The heroine was way too positive, and peppy, while the hero was way too irrationally grumpy and ranty. The characters also seemed to act super immature way too immature for their ages.
This makes me sad, because I love me a good book by this author; however, I feel like I’m either hit or miss with them. Totally in love, or can’t finish them.

bookpauper's review

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I thought the story was so beautiful. I started reading before bed and I was like, "Welp, it's time to hit the sack, that's a good couple of chapters down". I stopped to bookmark and realized I was 3/4 of the way through! I was so wrapped up in the book I put myself in a wonderful booky timewarp.

All of the characters are nuanced and real. They're clever and relatable and I couldn't help but root for them. I love L.H's words. I love the hopeful sadness. Fantastic.

astridthebookishsweettooth's review

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Review @ Vanilla & Spice Books

Dreaming big is the only way to get away from the harsh reality of living in a neighborhood in Dublin, where bleakness and gang violence rule the daily life of their inhabitants. It's what Dylan does - he is determined to leave this part of his life behind.

Evelyn doesn't have aspirations like that - her mom had her when she was 15, pretty much the average age for girls to get pregnant in that quarter of Dublin. Her aunt, a very young woman with hopes and dreams of her own took her in. This is the setting when A CRACK IN EVERYTHING starts.

Evelyn has a sunny, optimistic personality. While she realizes that the place she lives in isn't ideal she always looks for the good things in her life. Always on her side, having her back, supporting and loving her are her aunt Yvonne and her best, gay friend, Sam. When Dylan crashes into her life she not only finds a friend but a love so deep it could last a life time.

Dylan is the realist to Evelyn's optimist. Her positive outlook on life is what draws him to her. He looks at the bleak life ahead if he stays in the same place but Ev is the light that breaks through the clouds for him.

I am completely in love. Totally and 100%. Evelyn and Dylan experience first love like any teenager. Like any teenager they feel that it will last forever and in their case I would even agree. It's all-encompassing and deep.

... I can only see my dreams clearly when I look through you first.”
My insides blared on loudspeaker, while my voice was barely a whisper. “I don’t understand.”
Dylan gave a sad laugh. “I just feel like any achievements are pointless unless I have you by my side.”
In a heartbeat, I saw an entire life, a timeline of seventy or more years, with the only constant being Dylan’s hand in mine.

However, life and tragedy don't stop, not even for love. I loved, laughed and cried with the characters of this story. Sam, Evelyn's best friend, in particular stole my heart. He was an amazing friend, didn't have a filter and called people out on their BS. Just as wonderful was Yvonne, Evelyn's aunt. What a good heart this woman has.

Dylan, oh my, good to the core, honest, serious, an old soul if you will - he adored Evelyn, it was plain to see and he never held back to show her.  He stood up for her and protected her. Dylan shot up the ranks to one of my favorite heroes, he is so incredibly special.  His talent, to be able to smell the finest nuances of fragrances, is also unusual and makes him stand out of the mass of main characters.
Finally, Evelyn - her talent is gardening and it complements Dylan's perfectly.I loved the bright light she shone on her friends and especially on Dylan, who often fixated on the gloom and doom in his life. She was so good at pulling him out of it. Until she broke too.

One thing I wanted to mention which didn't make complete sense to me...Evelyn waited to have sex atypically long - Dylan is her first and they don't use protection. They don't even talk about it. It's Sam who actually raises the issue. It wasn't exactly plausible and completely out of character for somebody as cautious as Evelyn to have unprotected sex.

It didn't make sense to me given the time she waited for her first time and what she knew about her mom and other girls in the neighborhood who became pregnant as teenagers - however, that is nitpicking, because the first installment was otherwise perfection.

“God, we make me sick sometimes.” I chuckled. “We make me sick sometimes, too.”

A Crack in Everything is the first installment about an epic love that is unbearable to watch being torn apart because it's not the main character's doing that makes it happen. L.H. Cosway captures the atmosphere of the dreary, a little hopeless life in a working class quarter in Dublin. I wish I could tell you every little thing that I loved about this book but my review would become so long you wouldn't read it - that is if I haven't lost you already.

The story ends on cliffhanger and what a cliffhanger it is. I ugly-cried - My heart broke for all of the characters - not a single one was unaffected by tragedy and I'm only pulling myself away from the book long enough to type out my review. I can't wait to go back and see things set to right. So...later!

There was a crack in me now, and someday it was going to expand and swallow me whole.