
Midnight Revenge by Elle Kennedy

eesh25's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars

I put off reading this installment for a few months. First, because reading it would meaning I was all caught up with the series and would have to wait for the next book to come out. Second, because I didn't expect to like it much,

The book follows the character Derek Pratt, or D, and he's a mercenary. He's cold and hardened and pretty much ruthless. He's been in the series since the first book and I've never liked him. He was such a total dick. In this novel, he's on a mission to find and rescue one of his teammates who's been captured by some very dangerous people. To complicate matters, a previous one-night-stand, Sofia, gets involved in the mission and he now has another person to save.

Which is funny because Derek isn't exactly the rescuing type. Sure, he's part of a team of mercenaries that specializes in rescue missions, but he's only involved in it for something to do. Knight in shining armour is not his style. Also, he's a dick.

But as we get to read from his perspective and get to know him better, he becomes a likable presence. We learn more about how he feels as opposed to how he acts. We learn of his past and the things that were responsible for his cynical and bleak outlook of life. And we see him grow and realize that thought the world is a horrible fucking place, there are moments of happiness.

It was really good to read about him and, by the end, I actually liked the guy. I mean, I've has pervious moments of not wanting to punch him, but they were usually few and far between. This was a certain thing.

The other protagonist, Sofia, is also great. There was one brief moments of incredible stupidity on her part, but other than that, she was strong, composed and just... good. She's a good person who cares about others but also doesn't let them walk all over her. It's a very good combination, in my opinion.

I liked the relationship between her and D, thought I do feel that the 'love' thing happened a tad too soon.

Overall, this was a surprising read for me. It was more brutal that most of the other installments, I think. I loved the story, the actions and the characters. I adored the subplot with Sully and Liam, two others mercenaries, and... I would say that I can't wait to read their book, but I've already read it (it came out yesterday). So I'll just say that I'm very happy with this novel and I highly recommend reading this whole series.

Midnight Rescue
Midnight Alias
Midnight Games
Midnight Pursuit
Midnight Action
Midnight Captive


ceta_cea's review against another edition

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I don't know how long I waited for Derek Pratt's story. Now after finally reading this book I can say, it was well worth the wait!

This is not an easy story, in fact if you have triggers regarding sexual abuse and sex trafficking, you may be cautious while reading it. There were parts were I had a hard time reading because it felt like I was the character going through those things.

Still I think this is one of the best book Elle Kennedy has written. The way she portrayed Derek and (also Sully's in the sub plot) feelings is superb. I loved the change in Derek and how we as readers were able to see behind the layers of his character. There was so much more to him, than the cold-hearted assassin he showed us in the previous books.

Sofia was absolutely the right heroine for him. Though some of her decisions made me go "huuh", she still had this "take no shit" personality that made me smile. Most important though was the warmth she had and her way of seeing life. She was just there and refused to believe the cold hearted front Derek presented was his true self.

While I personally am absolutely not into MM books, I really love the characters of Liam and Sully. I'm not sure exactly were the author plans to go with them, and though I suspect she will not take the route I would like with those two, I'll still buy their book once it is out.

At the end of this review all I can say is, that I want to hug both Derek and Sully and tell them they will overcome what happened to them. That they are great characters and I hope to see them shine. Reading this book made me very sad for Derek's past (and also Sofia's) and Sully's present. But I'm also beyond happy for Derek, he deserve his HEA.

caseroo7's review against another edition

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I am a huge fan of Elle Kennedy's after reading the first three books in her Off-Campus series, so when I saw Midnight Revenge I couldn't wait to read it! Though this is the seventh Killer Instincts novel, it is easily read as a standalone. Since I hadn't read the previous books in this series, I was a little worried about jumping in here with book 7, but I didn't have any problems understanding anything. While I did like parts of this book though, I have to admit that this wasn't exactly what I had been expecting from Elle Kennedy, even knowing that it would be different because of the genre.

Derek "D" Pratt is known as being the most intimidating as well as quietest member of Jim Morgan's mercenaries. He does do emotion or allow anyone to get under his skin. His past is a secret that few know about, and he has been living off grid for years. But when his teammate Sullivan is mistaken for Derek, he knows that he must once again deal with his past in order to rescue his friend. But just when Derek gets a lead on where Sullivan has been taken to, the one-night stand he hasn't been able to forget shows up and complicates the situation further by telling him she is pregnant. Derek finds himself unable to avoid Doc Sofia Amaro any longer when she inserts herself into his mission, but not only will he have to protect her and rescue his friend, he now has to try and keep his and Sofia's unborn child safe as well.

I had trouble connecting with both D and Sofia here. I felt like we didn't really get to form any kind of connection with D before the action started here, and we didn't know much about him at all. While we did get pieces over the course of the book, there just wasn't much development until the end of the story. By that point it was a little too late to really feel invested for me. Sofia was feisty at times and at other times she came off as naive. It was a bit hard to really get behind her character when I just felt like she was all over the place. I didn't understand her being so dead set on throwing herself into the middle of a dangerous situation in her condition, when she easily could have waited. If that wasn't bad enough, she finds him and tells him and instead of heading home to take care of herself and her unborn child, the knowingly puts herself in even more danger because she is scared for D. It just didn't work, and quite honestly I didn't like her after that. While these two did have chemistry and had some hot moments, I found that those didn't work for me all the time either. They just didn't come off as natural and seemed to be thrown in where I really questioned their timing.

Overall, I was a bit disappointed with this story and I just didn't think that it worked for the most part. Romantic Suspense is a tricky genre for me, because I need to feel a balance between action, suspense and romance. Unfortunately that was my biggest issues here. There were times that I felt like the romance was forced and I missed the connection between Sofia and D. Part of that I think was the fact that I just didn't feel like anything really developed until the very end and I wasn't attached to them through the majority of this story. I did think that there were moments of greatness here, and surprisingly one of those was the Sullivan/Liam subplot. I found myself more interested on everything those two had going on than I was about Sofia and D. So while I did enjoy parts of this book, it wasn't my favorite Elle Kennedy book. I will check out more in this series though, and I think if you are a fan of romantic suspense or the Killer Instincts series this is one worth giving a chance.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

romancejunkie1025's review against another edition

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wow a REALLY intense story with some cliches but overall a fresh take on a story that could have torn apart any relationship. Loved to see D get his HEA and Sofia was his perfect match

helennike's review against another edition

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this one is the best one yet i cant even begin to tell u about everything this made feel goddamn im gonna need two to three business days to recover

also this acrually says a lot considering theres a pregnancy in this book and still i enjoyed every single page of this even yhe ones yhat fucking broke my heart tgat diesnt make sense but just ugh this was so good

allibruns's review against another edition

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This is not something I would normally read. I don't like suspense. I picked this up because I saw it at the library and was like "I love Elle Kennedy, I'll give this a go". It's now official, there is nothing Elle Kennedy can write that I won't like. It was fast paced, funny, steamy and I liked all the characters. I now want to read the rest of the series.

inmyhumbleopinion's review against another edition

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Derek “D” Pratt is the coldest most remote bad boy in a sea of bad boys and this book tells his story. To be truthful I wasn’t sure the author would ever be able to crack the hard shell she had given this character. And to think that all it took was an itty bitty Doctor from down Mexico way. Sofia is as tough as any of Nicole’s girls just in a different way and if she is going to keep D in line she is going to have to be. The bigger they are the harder they fall.
The sub-story dealing with Liam & Sully about broke my heart. I recommend reading at least Midnight Captive (Killer Instincts #6) if not the rest of the previous books first. This book can be read standalone but is so much better with the background. Enjoy this action packed ride with big, bad D.

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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Midnight Revenge showed a very different side to D - in small doses, and during short scenes. I loved it!

booknookie's review against another edition

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You can read more of my reviews at my blog The Book Chick.

This is a damn good book. Pretty sure my heart stopped at least two times while reading this. Fast paced and action packed and I loved it. Not my favorite in the series however but a pretty close second, I must say. This series and Elle Kennedy is really starting to be one of my all time favorites. Her writing is so good and easy that just reading her words makes me feel god. Then we look a little deeper and reading her story and just like that I’m lost, in love and forgotten the world around me.

This book is about Derek “D” Pratt. An character who have been around for most of the series. He is a hard son of a bitch with a past darker than anyone can imagine. I didn’t like him at all the earlier books, but I do now understand why. It took me a while to really connect with him, but then I had Sofia. She is a wonderful character with just the right amount of umpf, stubbornness, quirkiness and she has a really smart head on her shoulders. There is no way you do not like her. I really liked that there was no love at first sight, no lost love or heartache in the beginning of the book between those two. I liked that they “knew” each other beforehand but the lack of sappy, fluffy love made it more believable and the suspense unbearable.

Then it is always nice to meet the characters from the earlier books. Book number 6 ended on a small cliffhanger and this one gives you all the answers you need about what happened. It’s not completely over and done with but I would not say that there are a cliffhanger so you can rest easily.

Kennedy do like to create tension in her plots and between her characters and I think it is the way she does it that makes it so good. She is always balancing on the edge and if you have not read this series, I do have to say “what, you have not read it? You just have to read it!!” 

dgignac's review against another edition

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Great installment to this series. Definitely a pivotal book in the overall storyline!