booknut7159's review against another edition

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Bry is ready to finally attend a regular high school after years with the evil aunties. Or is she? She is still having trouble controlling her wolf and with the general public getting picture happy, the last thing she needs is to un-shift in the nude. Now Bry has a group of strangers following her around town and her best friend Elle is willing to help her confront them. Can Bry determine who these strangers are? Will the answers uncovered change how she looks at her future?

Moonlight and Midtown is an in-between novella from the Fairy Tales of the Magicorum series. This book is just a tease of what may be awaiting us when the second novel comes out. Bauer does spend a little bit of time recounting events from the first novel, but quickly the new story unfolds and readers will be pleased with the outcome. There are magical creatures, an adventure and even some romantic tension mixed in. A fun read for those who enjoyed the first book.

nemerith's review

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Well, seems like being a werewolf is a bitch on your wardrobe. Shredding everything you wear and most definitely for Bryar who doesn't have full (or any) control over her wolf.
For women, this means one thing... SHOPPING! (I have to admit... I seriously hate shopping, ugh... ah well)

This was a very enjoyable interlude between Wolves and Roses and Shifters and Glyphs. As always, the author painted a very clear and detailed picture which left us to enjoy the story to its fullest.

Character development was good. Bryar is having wolf issues, serious wolf issues and having Knox around does a world of good. She needs to learn control and ascertain dominance over the wolf... yeah, good luck! :D Not to mention her other 'gifts'.
Elle is, as always, sooooo awesome!!! I really want to know what her deal is! :D Maybe a spinoff? Maybe some pov changes? Best of all, she is a gamer :D (I knew I liked her haha)
The men in the books are rather caring and understanding, which makes it a nice change in pace.

Pacing and flow were good. This isn't a long instalment and a lot happens, so hold onto your horses for an eventful ride.

All in all, I liked it. It was a bit of a recap for me who the main characters are and what happened in the first book (ideal if it's been a while since reading Wolves and Roses). On to Shifters and Glyphs!

misstoddynho's review against another edition

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Wolves and Roses foi um dos melhores livros que li no ano passado. O primeiro livro da duologia Fairy Tales of the Magicorum traz uma premissa diferente de releitura de contos de fadas. Já pela sinopse eu sabia que Moonlight and Midtown não traria muito de novo para a história, mas ainda assim eu estava bem ansiosa para ler e não me decepcionei.

Nesse conto, vemos Bryar Rose e companhia se preparar para estudar numa escola de verdade. Até os seus dezessete anos, ela foi educada em casa pelas suas tias/fadas-madrinhas, e agora no último ano do ensino médio ela vai começar a conviver com outras pessoas. Seria tudo muito fácil se sua vida não tivesse dado uma guinada de 180 graus no seu último aniversário.

Dizer que eu estava com saudades de Bryar é dizer que o sol é amarelo e o céu é azul. A personagem continua com aquela mesma personalidade forte, cheia de atitude e língua afiada. Agora com um novo desafio na sua vida. Bryar descobriu sua verdadeira descendência mágica e tem de aprender a equilibrar isso juntamente com escola, amigos e namorado.

Knox continua sendo aquele personagem um tanto calado e observador, mas quando está com Bryar é um doce de pessoa. Ele sabe o que Bryar realmente é e tenta ajudá-la no que for possível, mas sem invadir seu espaço e respeitando suas decisões.

Elle é a melhor amiga que se pode ter, seja para ter um ombro amigo a chorar até para desovar um corpo. Fora que ela está disposta a fazer sacrifícios pelo bem estar de seus amigos. Seu passado é um tanto misterioso, porém Bryar confia nela o suficiente para saber que sua amiga esconde algumas coisas para sua proteção.

Por último mas não menos importante, temos Alec aka salvador da pátria com suas pedrinhas. Confesso que queria ver mais do personagem, mas o pouco que apareceu deu pra matar saudades.

O conto tem um pouco menos de 200 páginas. Amei como a autora equilibrou tanto a relação de Bryar com Knox quanto sua amizade com Elle. Não são todos que conseguem equilibrar essas relações de forma saudável e que tenham seu espaço. Dá vontade, né certo conto que saiu esses dias…

Como falei no começo da resenha, Moonlight and Midtown é um conto que não acrescenta tanta coisa na história, mas serviu para matar saudades dos personagens e dessa história maravilhosa; além de me deixar muito mais ansiosa por Shifters and Glyphs.

"Vamos encontrar a música, Bryar Rose. Não há nada mais divertido que dançar e beijar sob a luz do luar"*
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lenni_loves_literature's review against another edition

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Too short! I just want more!

alexcanread's review

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This review first appeared on my blog Alex can Read.

Moonlight and Midtown is a fluffy novella, filling the space between the first novel of the Fairytales of the Magicorum series which came out last year, and the second novel which comes out later in 2018.

Just as much fluffy fun as Wolves and Roses, Moonlight and Midtown sees Bryar trying to navigate through the new-to-her world of the Magicorum. She’s always been on the fringes of that world, but now she’s neck deep and in desperate need of clothes that won’t be destroyed when she shifts.

All Bry wants to do is meet her new classmates without being forced to literally wear a potato sack.

Moonlight and Midtown is a fun whirl through the world of the Magicorum and just the refresher I needed as I look forward to Shifters and Glyphs later this year.

Moonlight and Midtown is available now!

Thank you to Monster House Books and NetGalley for providing an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

alexcanread's review against another edition

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This review first appeared on my blog Alex can Read.

Moonlight and Midtown is a fluffy novella, filling the space between the first novel of the Fairytales of the Magicorum series which came out last year, and the second novel which comes out later in 2018.

Just as much fluffy fun as Wolves and Roses, Moonlight and Midtown sees Bryar trying to navigate through the new-to-her world of the Magicorum. She’s always been on the fringes of that world, but now she’s neck deep and in desperate need of clothes that won’t be destroyed when she shifts.

All Bry wants to do is meet her new classmates without being forced to literally wear a potato sack.

Moonlight and Midtown is a fun whirl through the world of the Magicorum and just the refresher I needed as I look forward to Shifters and Glyphs later this year.

Moonlight and Midtown is available now!

Thank you to Monster House Books and NetGalley for providing an eARC in exchange for my honest review.