
Ink Exchange by Melissa Marr

kerrygibbons's review

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Meh. Not bad. But not as entertaining as the first one. We’ll see on the third.

It should really be like a C- or a 2.5 stars. But I’m trying to reserve 5 stars for outstanding, 4 for thoroughly enjoyed, wonderful books, and 3 stars for really good to good. It is just under that mark.

cleah's review

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An interesting way to write a sequel - taking the attention away from the characters in the first book.

I was hesitant at first, unsure that these new characters of Leslie, Irial, and Niall would be as interesting as Ash, Seth, and Keenan. But they TOTALLY were!!! As Leslie contemplates getting a tattoo, and then finding herself thrown into a world she never could have imagined existed, I was captivated right from the start.

There have been other books written about paranormal tattoos, but Ink Exchange is the perfect version for young adults. Leslie's life is not an easier than the others we have met in this world, giving readers lots to identify with. Perhaps in future books, Marr could focus more on the relationships between Ash and her human friends. With her new position and powers, it would be interesting to see how she can continue to go to regular school.

It is also worth noting the art on the cover. BEAUTIFUL. I especially love the treatment of vines/flowers around the title, to include an "ink" theme.

tiddlerrr's review

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Borrowed the book off somebody and didn’t have a chance to finish it before returning 

readwithpassion's review

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I've read a lot of Wicked Lovely and I read the first half of this one, but I couldn't get into it. I actually have a few students I would recommend it too, though. It is the type of book that certain kids will love, but most won't get into, in my mind. I am going to have to add myself to the list of those who can't get into it.

julespie's review

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Kind of annoying that book 2 was not about Aislinn and Seth and Keenan and Donia but still liked the story. Excited to read book 3 since that is the true sequel to Wicked Lovely.

mari_escapeinabook's review against another edition

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In this second book in the Wicked Lovely series by Melissa Marr we meet again Ash's best friend, Leslie. Although we meet Ash and Keenan this story is mostly about Leslie's life. Leslie is trying her best to survive, make a better life for herself and take control of body and soul. She has decided to have a tattoo done to mark the change but this tattoo gives Leslie more than se bargained for.

Ink Exchange is a much darker book than Wicked Lovely and more realistic in that way. Yes, this is a book about faeries but that doesn't mean that things can't seem real, especially when the main character is human. In all the darkness there is love and perhaps more love and attention then Leslie wants?

I somehow find Leslie more believable and likable as a character than Ash, the main character in Wicked Lovely. I'm not quite sure why but perhaps it's because Leslie's life experiences seems more real than Ash's does?

owls_rainbow's review

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EDIT OCT 2013: Reading Wicked Lovely definitely helps to understand the characters and the world better.

Interesting book. I liked the world. The back cover said this is a sequel 'of sorts' to Wicked Lovely but I get the feeling you need to read the other one first to get a proper feel for the world and it's characters. For example why is Niall referred to as Gancanagh?

Overall good but I will re-read after reading Wicked Lovely to see if it makes more sense.

libertyskies's review

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I didn't like the main female character as much as Aislinn in the first book, but I loved the male interests. This is a much darker book than the first (We're dealing with the dark court here!!!) but still highly enjoyable. It dealt with important issues and I felt that Leslie was a person people could relate to, with faults, in comparison to Aislinn, who seems perfect. Looking back on this book from when I read it as a young girl, I was surprised I didn't notice some of the underlying references to... er... other 'subjects' but it is a young adult book and it was awesome!!!

aneeqah's review

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Actual Rating: 2.5 Stars. I'm being pretty generous rounding up though...

j_elphaba's review against another edition

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Depois de no primeiro livro da série Wicked lovely nos ter sido dada a conhecer a deslumbrante Corte de Verão, agora é a Corte das Trevas quem domina as páginas descritas por Melissa Marr. Uma autora que idolatra e descreve todo o género de fadas, desde as que mais que gostamos às que simplesmente repudiamos, e insere o leitor nas suas intrigantes cortes como se do mundo real se trata-se.
Este é um livro onde a fantasia reina, onde os sonhos e pesadelos misturam o real e a ficção, com um lado negro e cruel, conseguindo ser apaixonante para os fãs deste estilo literário.

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