
Threats of Sky and Sea by Jennifer Ellision

mellhay's review against another edition

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This is a nice fantasy for teen readers to enjoy. A fantasy element and story with characters that relate, even when clashing in thoughts.

The story is well written and relaxing for me. I'm looking forward to continuing the series.

*This audiobook was provided by the author, narrator, or publisher at no cost in exchange for an unbiased review courtesy of AudiobookBlast dot com, at my request.

Bree's simple life as a tavern maid with her father is flipped inside out when Elementals come looking for a truant, and find her father. Da is a Duke that ran from his duties as adviser and high Rider of the king. Thanks to the words of Prince Caden, Bree is spared death and brought into Court life as her father is locked away for his crimes. The talisman that her father slips her before he's taken away may hold secrets to the powers of the Elementals, or Adepts as the nobility call them. The only way to see her imprisoned father is to do as the King asks, to investigate her father's last mission which he went missing from and the treasure he was to retrieve for the King.

The narrator's clear and clean in speaking, but the space feels dead around her, like the sound is eaten up around her. She feels as she's talking to me with a slight ting of a southern and relaxed country feel to her voice as Bree, the main character. At the beginning I notice it's not at a steady cadence but that there is draw in some of her words and quickness in others. She does a smoothness that fits Lady Katherine and a slight low tone for Da, more a small attitude difference but not major voice differences for characters.

This book has the solid fantasy feel to it and the world. It also has a young feel with Bree at a young age and coming into court life. The story was easy to listen to. The world was introduced at the beginning, with the Elementals or Adepts as the nobility like to call them. The special names for what each Adept can do along with a brief description slip easily into the action of the story so it's not feeling like an information drop. Then we fall into the troubles that await us, or Bree and her father. All the scenes have an importance and you can see the connections as you reflect on what's passed as we move forward.

Predictable? Yes it is. But the writing is well done and sometimes familiar is relaxing to read. The friendships created, threats made, and the revolutions made of the characters were a few things I saw coming.

This is a nice fantasy for teen readers to enjoy. A fantasy element and story with characters that relate, even when clashing in thoughts.

The story is well written and relaxing for me. I'm looking forward to continuing the series.

knittyreader's review

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I received a free copy through Netgalley, in return for an honest review.

What more can I say, than that I loved this first part of the 'Threats of Sky and Sea'-trilogy? I know the storyline may not be the most original of all, but complete originality is something that does not exist, is something I learned over the years that I read and reviewed loads of books.

The characters are likable, with all something that makes them real. As an 'older' YA-reader, I loved that Da came across as a real, caring and (even while imprisoned, kind of) involved parent. He was not someone on the side, because, there should be parents somewhere. This also made Bree more of a real 16-year-old girl, although headstrong and with a good mind of her own, instead of an adult with the apparent age of a teenager.

I do wonder if some kind of love triangle will occur again though. Bree does seem to have some interests in the making. But oh well, that's something to worry over for later parts!

nicolemhewitt's review

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This review and many more can be found on my blog: Feed Your Fiction Addiction

Threats of Sky and Sea is a sweeping fantasy set in a kingdom at war – where the king employs Elementals to do his bidding and take down kingdoms. Bree is just a simple girl living a simple life who gets caught in the crossfire – and her life becomes more complicated than she ever would have imagined.

What Fed My Addiction:

The writing.
Ellision is a fantastic writer. There were so many little turns of phrase that caught my attention. I’m not the type of reviewer who typically makes note of many quotes (and listening to this book on audio would have made this even more difficult – I would’ve had to pull over to write them down half the time!), but if I were reading this on my Kindle, I would have been highlighting a lot!

Bree is a strong heroine. The type who knows who she is and refuses to change for anyone – even when everyone around her is trying to mold her into someone new.
Strong family bonds. Bree absolutely refuses to give up on her da, even when she discovers that he’s been lying to her her entire life (this happens pretty early on in the book, so it’s not really a spoiler). I love that, even though she was rightfully frustrated about her situation, she never actually doubts her father – she never turns into a petulant child who lashes out because of his transgressions. Her faith in him and her love for him are unwavering.

The romance.
A slow-forming romance that had me swooning? Yes, please!

What Left Me Wanting More:

Slightly Predictable.
I had figured out most of the twists in the book before they were actually revealed (but I I hadn’t figured out the exact circumstances for the main twist, so I still really enjoyed the reveal). The fact that the book followed typical YA fantasy tropes didn’t help that any. If you’re the type of reader who’s gotten tired of the typical tropes, you might get frustrated with this one – I still enjoy the book as long as they’re done well, and they were in this case.

If you’re a fan of YA fantasy, then you need to pick this series up! It has everything that you could want in the genre – complex characters, fantastical magic, dangerous plotting, and exciting conflicts!

The Narration:
I really enjoyed the narration of this book. I thought that Misty Daugherty did a great job with it and gave it an emotionally compelling reading. Her voice was light and pleasant, but still had just the right amount of snark for Bree!

I give this book 4/5 stars.

***Disclosure: I received this book from the author via Audiobook Blast! in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***

hiveretcafe's review against another edition

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This post was originally posted on my blog, Hiver et Cafe

I was provided with an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated in any way.

I definitely enjoyed this one. It reminds me a little bit of Graceling and also Throne of Glass with the supernatural and evil King elements as well as the fantasy and political intrigue.

The book introduces the reader to Breena, a barmaid, who discovers that her father is a traitor to the kingdom in the worst way possible when the King's men arrest both her and her father.

She discovers that her father is a duke and was once the best friend of the King before disappearing for sixteen years. She is brought into court life while her father stays in prison to atone for his treachery. The king uses Breena's father to control her and to get what he wants, information on a treasure that he stole and kept away from the King.

The supernatural powers in this book correspond with the elements and have their own names. Those who control fire are called Torchers, those who control air are called Riders, those who control the earth are called Shakers and for water, they are Throwers. Their powers are usually revealed on their seventeenth birthday or perhaps some time after that. I enjoyed this aspect of the book, though we aren't given a map of what the land looks like and not much world building is done to give the reader an idea of the world outside of the castle. World building is crucial in fantasy because a whole new world is created.

I don't feel as if there was all too much character developing for any of the characters aside from Bree. Things just happened to the other characters whilst I felt Bree was the only one who did some growing from those events. Bree annoyed me to some extent simply because she was very do first, think later whilst I am the opposite. However, some of the things she says are pretty funny. My favourite character would have to be Aleta. She is a very interesting character and I would love to get to know her more. Her predicament is an interesting one, especially when you get to the end.

I don't really know what to make of the romance in this book. It seemed to come out of nowhere and simply thrown in for the sake of romance. I think it would have been just as good had the romance not been there. It was just somewhat awkward and weird because though I suspected it, I didn't expect it to happen simply because it would have been perfectly find without it.

"Monstrous men will turn and flee, when faced with threats of sky and sea."

"'Tell the cat I loved her.' 'We haven't got a cat.'"

"Did it ever occur to you, Tregle, that practically suffocating someone in their sleep is not the most ideal method of instilling a sense of calm in them?"

"It rests upon the ocean - a vast body of water that glitters with secrets."

"The smile Aleta unfurls is far more cutting than any knife I've ever held."

"They know that fire can burn. But they've forgotten how water can scald."

Overall, though this book was good, I didn't particularly find it great, though I didn't think it was terrible either. I enjoyed it and it is a great fantasy read. I would love to read the next in the series, especially to find out what happens next.

amethystbookwyrm's review against another edition

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This and my other reviews can be found at

Thanks to Netgalley and Patchwork Press for giving me this book to review.

Bree has lived a normal 16 years as a barmaid at her father’s tavern, until her father’s past catches up to them. Bree discovers that her Da was a good friend of the king but ran away after his last mission. With her father in prison, Bree is throw into a new life of politics and lies. Bree is desperate to free her father and escape but that becomes difficult when the king finds out that she is the weapon he has been waiting for. With time running out for Bree, her da and her friends, will Bree be able to unravel her past and escape from the king’s grasp before she is used to destroy a nation.

Threats of Sky and Sea is a very good if predictable fantasy book, with danger, a hint of romance and magic. It was slow to start, but as we got to know the characters it quickly picked up.

I like Bree as she stands up for herself but is also kind and handles the changes in her life reasonably well, however, because she was so headstrong it caused her problems as she did not know which battles to fight and which to not. Bree’s Da is a very mysterious person and even at the end of the book there is more to discover about him. Prince Caden is a charming character who is torn between loyalty to his father and what he believes is right. However, the characters which I was underwhelmed with are the villains, the king and lady Kat, as they are not original.

I saw the twist at the end I saw coming but I still want to see what happens next in Riot of Storm and Smoke. I would recommend Threats of Sky and Sea to fans of Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas or Fireblood by Trisha Wolfe.

christajls's review against another edition

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I reviewed this is in Volume 3 of Inaccurate Realities but the short version is that I absolutely loved it. Highly recommended for fans of C J Redwine, Sarah J Maas and Robin LaFevers.

laughlinesandliterature's review against another edition

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I’m not sure what I was expecting with Threats of Sea and Sky, I was hoping for action/adventure, with romance. It was definitely met all the criteria, and it turned out to be a pretty decent read altogether. I liked Breena, and I loved that she was feisty and smart. I felt like Jennifer Ellision did a great job of creating a believable world and characters.
That being said, there was just something about this book that didn’t work for me. I can’t exactly put my finger on it, but it left me feeling like this book was just okay.
The side characters were a definite plus in this book. I liked that Aleta was a kind of flip side to Breena. Showing how Breena might be if her father hadn’t left. Caden was interesting, although I didn’t love the romance there. Also, there was a definite twist at the end that has potential, and so I’m hopeful that the next book will bring more to the table.
I’m not really sure why I didn’t absolutely love this book, it was made up of all the right stuff. I didn’t have high expectations, but I think I was still expecting something a little more. I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

_camk_'s review against another edition

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I saw quite a few positive review for this book on my feed so I gave it a read.

The book is super cliched and troupey but overall isn't a bad read.

bluebeereads's review against another edition

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Istyria book blog ~ B's world of enchanted books

DNF at 58%

I'm so sad about this! I heard great things about Threats of Sky and Sea before I started it. It was being compared to Throne of Glass, one of my favorite series at the moment, by a friend of mine. But I didn't like it. I didn't really click with the writing, characters, story,... For me it was pretty confusing. There are terms like Torchers, Throwers, Riders, Adepts, Makers and others like that, but I didn't have a clue what it meant. There is little to no explanation for those things. Same with the world-building. When I was halfway through it, I still didn't really know what was going on and where and when this takes place. I didn't like the main character either. Breena was pretty annoying and I didn't connect with her at all. Or any other character for that matter. I can see the similarities between this book and Throne of Glass, but I didn't like this one. Again, I heard great things about it, so I guess it's just me. It is pretty rare for me to dislike a book that involves elemental powers, but there's a first for everything. Please give this a try, maybe you'll love it more than I did. I hope you do.

staceyhust88's review against another edition

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Originally Posted At:

*This book was provided to me by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*

My Thoughts

This book is not getting talked about enough. Guys. It is SO good!  From the writing to the characters to the Elementals; everything combines to make the perfect story.

They think I am glass. But I am not. I am not delicate. I am stone. If they want to break me, they will have a hard time of it. I am unbreakable.

I just want to yell from the rooftops that everyone should read this book! Ok, maybe not EVERYONE, but if you have a love for fantasy and kick ass heroines then you will probably enjoy ToSaS. It’s been compared to Throne of Glass and I can completely see why but at the same time it’s not at all a carbon copy, it has it’s own unique twists and story line that keeps it feeling fresh and new.

I really enjoyed Breena as a character. She’s loyal, honest, down to earth and feisty as hell. Loved her! I also liked that the author kept Breena from being over the top, kept her from being an instant hero. It takes Breena a little bit of time to wrap her head around events, to come to terms with her new reality, so instead of instant change we get to watch as she grows into her courageous self as the book progresses. I have high hopes for Breena as this series continues on.

Wishes, I am finding, are fickle things when they turn on you.

Breena isn’t the only character who captured my attention.  There is a whole cast of secondary characters that have captured my heart, I literally fear for the well being in the rest of the books.  And lawd please let my ship sail!

You know what’s more exciting than finding a book you love? Finding out that the book is part of a series that is already COMPLETED! That’s right friends! You can go ahead and let yourself be completely swept up into the story without having to wait in between releases.  Excuse me while I go do just that! Commence the binge!