
Before You Break by Christina Lee

melly2966's review against another edition

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love love loved this boook!!!!!!! My heart broke for Quinn, and I just loved how strong he and Ella were. Perfect couple!

nicolemhewitt's review against another edition

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This review and many others can be found on my blog - Feed Your Fiction Addiction

Before You Break, was a great follow-up to All of You. In fact, I actually think I enjoyed this book more than the first one. This book could definitely be read on its own, but it would give you a richer view of the characters if you read All of You first.

The negatives:

A bit unbelievable.
Okay, I definitely had to use a bit of suspension of disbelief with this book because it was just so unbelievable that Ella and Quinn didn't recognize each other's voices. Especially once they were together. It's not like they never talked on the phone in regular life and their "phone voices" were so much different than their regular voices. Sure Ella uses Gabriella on the suicide hotline and Quinn uses his real first name, but Ella suspects that David isn't his first name anyway. As time went on, I just thought it was a bit silly that they didn't figure it all out. But I was enjoying the story enough to be able to suspend disbelief and not let it bother me too much.


Ella and Quinn.
I really loved Ella and Quinn together. Ella had been with her loser boyfriend for just a little too long and he'd obviously gotten tired of her. She was (I felt, realistically) holding on to the relationship when it should have been over - not quite ready to let go. I loved that Quinn felt so protective of Ella when he saw that his friend was being a jerk and not treating her right. While Quinn wasn't an expert on relationships, he knew how a girl should be treated and he wasn't going to just put up with his friend's antics. Meanwhile, both Ella and Quinn were fighting their mutual attraction and the connection that was beginning to form between them. Quinn and Ella were fun together - plus there were plenty of sparks! Ironically, this book had a lot less sex in it than book #1 (which was about a virgin!) - I liked the build-up and the sexual tension!

Message of hope.
The main storyline in this book was really touching and definitely portrayed a sense of hope. Quinn was tearing himself up for a mistake that he'd made in his past - he couldn't forgive himself and didn't know if he could live with the pain anymore. Ella was also living with a sort of guilt - the guilt at not having seen the pain that her brother was in before he'd taken his own life. But while Ella had dealt with her pain and worked through it in positive ways, Quinn was still swallowed up by his pain. Ella had something that Quinn needed - a sense of peace. Not the ability to forget, but the ability to move on. Because of this, she was able to help Quinn in a way that no one else could. The overall message of the book was positive and encouraging, without being cheesy (which can be hard to do!). I loved it!

This was a great contemporary NA read with a strong message of hope. I give it 4/5 stars.

***Disclosure: This book was provided to me by NetGalley and Penguin in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given. All opinions are my own***

kate_and_books's review against another edition

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There are very few YA/NA books and series out there that I like this series is one of them. Before you break deserves 4 baseball and dragonflies!

Please read the first book:

[bc:All of You|17838603|All of You (Between Breaths, #1)|Christina Lee||24962064]

This book has depth and a lot of it.... Suicide is a topic that is often ignored or swept under the carpet but it doesn't need to be. We've all been in a situation where we thought that there was no escape but there is. Christina Lee describes these feelings and emotions in a tasteful manner filled with emotions, sympathy and understanding.

Ella lost her brother and her whole family was devastated.... She managed to pick up the pieces to her life and move on. Ella is studying pysch. and dating her boyfriend Joel her last remaining connection with her brother. Joel is a douchebag (and that's me being nice)

Quinn hasn't been living on existing with all the guilt that he has been carrying around with him. He has his demons and gets help the one thing that really miffed me about this is that surely if you talk to someone often enough you start to recognise their voice.

Ella splits up with Joel as she is attracted to Quinn and vice versa. Quinn feels as if he isn't worthy but with Ella and Gabby's help he starts to heal. The ending of the book kind of left me hanging so that was a disappointment. Great book and I can't wait for Rachel's story although I don't do the whole band thing. So, we'll see...............

yesididbringabook's review against another edition

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I really liked this. The development of Ella and Quinn's relationship was realistic and the whole Gabby/Daniel thing, although I somewhat question how there wouldn't have been voice recognition, was a unique and compelling storyline. I applaud Ms. Lee's ability to craft believable guilt and hang-ups, as I surprisingly did not take issue with them in this book.

lorinadupuy's review against another edition

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Je l'ai lu en français et honnêtement c'est très mal écrit...

nyxshadow's review

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A nice love story. Not very complex, but with cute characters.
Ella was strong even if she was afraid of the unknown. She can may like be with the wrong guy than alone, but this guy's not violent so I understand.
Quinn punishes himself with a life he doesn't want and doesn't even like. If his past was common in New Adult, I like his "punishment", more less common.
I think I prefer the anonym conversations, characters are more honest and complete then.
The story is a little un-realistic, but sweet anyway. A good read, a nice romance novel. I like it!

agrutle's review against another edition

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I grabbed this book as soon as it was for sale. I loved the first book so I was equally excited to dive in to Ella's story.

For the longest time after the tragedy of her brother taking his own life, Ella has tried to put the pain and grief she went through to good use in helping others. She gets a call one night on the suicide hotline where she works, that seems to resonate with her, something about this caller seems personal. Daniel is depressed, angry and blames himself for the death of his friend. Week after week she gets calls from him and she continues to try to figure out a way to help him see that he can work through his guilt and grief and start living again.

All while Ella is doing this, she's dealing with her boyfriend, Joel. She doesn't know why she's still with him, they aren't having sex anymore, no connections. The only thing she can figure is that he is a small connection to the past, to her brother Christopher. Joel played and coached Christopher for soccer. Her parents like him and she just doesn't know what to do. Then she starts to notice Quinn, Joel's frat brother. He's quiet and keeps to himself, but hes a really nice guy. He took care of her one night while she was sick and Joel was passed out, he wanted to make sure no one took advantage of her. She has to decide what or who she wants, Joel the connection to her brother and past or Quinn, something new and exciting and make her feel desirable.

Quinn lives with quilt. He feels like hes responsible for his best friend's death. He's down, angry and a whole other set of emotions. One night when he feels like all he wants to do is drive his car off a cliff he calls the suicide hotline and talks to Gabby. She make him feel like maybe he's supposed to move on and let go and live. Right now he wouldn't consider himself living, he is living the life he thought Sebastian should be living. Playing baseball, joining a fraternity, going out clubbing and just in general living the life of a twenty-something.

Quinn has always thought that Ella could do better than Joel. Mainly because he's watched him flirt with every girl that has a heartbeat and also because Joel's a douche bag that's cheated on her too. Having taken care of Ella while she was sick, he can't keep her out of his head. He's doesn't feel like he deserves her though. He doesn't feel like he deserves anything.

I loved Quinn and Ella's story. They were hot and sweet. Just a all around good couple. I do wish he hadn't waited so long to tell Ella about Sebastian but I understand not wanting to rock the boat. I loved the glimpse of Avery and Bennett. I must say if you haven't read Avery and Bennett's story you really should, while they aren't in this book too much it just sets the tone for Ella's story. You get to meet her and know her through Avery and also you get to learn more about the writing style of the author. Check out these stories you won't be disappointed!! Don't forget to leave the author a review!!

cupcakegirly's review against another edition

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After reading BEFORE YOU BREAK, the second book in the BETWEEN BREATHS series, three words come to mind: Poignant. Emotional. Hopeful.

This book addresses the topic of suicide and all of the emotions surrounding it; grief, guilt, love, but most importantly, hope.

Ella and Quinn have both been affected by tragedy, something that draws them together and goes beyond the physical attraction they share, but they've handled their feelings differently. Where Ella has been proactive, Quinn has internalized his feelings and suffers from a form of survivor's guilt. They try to find solace and comfort in each other but that only gets them so far.

I really appreciated (and liked) what Christina Lee did with these characters. It would have been easy to let them go the stereotypical, yet completely unrealistic route of let-me-fix-you-with-my-magical-body, but she didn't. Yes Ella and Quinn are attracted to each other, and yes they are steaming up the windows something fierce, BUT Lee makes sure her characters are smart enough to realize they can not fix each other.

In order for Ella and Quinn to have any chance at a real, long lasting relationship, they need to seek help elsewhere first. Having a grip on their own issues enables them to help each other move past the pain and onto happier places. Like steaming up windows or making sure no doors fall off their hinges. ;)

Another great addition to the BETWEEN BREATHS series.

merlin_reads's review against another edition

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 Before You Break had potential, but it lost pretty quickly. Gabrielle, Ella, lost her brother when she was in high school. He committed suicide while she was at a party. Once in college, she decides to study psychology in order to try to understand what happened to her brother. While volunteering at suicide hotline she receives a phone call from a boy named Daniel.

Daniel, who also goes by Quinn, feels guilt over a tragic accident that took the life of his best friend. In college he’s basically just living the life his friend would have had if he were still alive. Feeling constantly down and unworthy, he calls a suicide hotline and begins an unlikely “friendship” with Gabby. Meanwhile, Quinn and Ella start to get closer not realizing that they already know so much about each other.

Obviously they’re going to realize they’re talking to each other on the phone and obviously this is going to be some sort of drama plot where one feels betrayed by the other. And…I was right, but it took until 87% into the book for one of them to realize who the other was.


I’m sorry, but how do you not figure it out? Even if you don’t have the “AHA” moment, at some point you would have to be like, “hmmm, this voice sounds familiar”. Nope. Nothing. Then there was Quinn’s constant self-deprecation. Every other paragraph from his point of view reminded us of how worthless he was, how everything was his fault and he didn’t deserve to live. Also, what did Quinn look like? I know his feelings extremely well, but the author never once really describes him to us. I know that he’s tall with hair and an athletic build – oh and he has manly hair on his toes (not joking, this was an actual line in the book).

Then there was the connection between Quinn and Ella. Or actually, I mean the lack of connection. There were no sparks. No chemistry. The only time I felt anything between the two of them was when they were talking on the hotline phone to each other. Most of their actual relationship was spent worrying about what they were to each other. Are they dating? Are they casual? Does he like me? Will she hate me?

Ella was the only thing that I sort of liked. Once she grew a backbone and dumped her cheating boyfriend, her character became interesting. She began to deal more with her past and realize the mistakes in her life. She was moving forward where I felt like Quinn was moving backward. Ultimately, despite the serious subject matter, they just didn’t mesh to me.

I received an e-copy of this novel from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

aboutthatstory's review against another edition

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This was a wonderful, touching story told from dual POV’s. It was so emotional right from the start and it totally pulled at my heart strings.

Ella and Quinn were great characters with tragedy in their pasts and watching their relationship develop was sweet, heart wrenching at times and extremely emotional. Quinn was just so lovable, a really great guy but way to hard on himself. I really loved watching Quinn grow, move on, and accept his past. Ella was a really likable, strong character. I really liked watching her come to term with things. Ella and Quinn had great chemistry together, almost a longing that you could feel. There was a nice mix of attraction and heat. I was rooting for them from the start!

This was extremely well written and had a decent pace. By 70% I was ready for some drama and when it finally happened, it was just the right amount. Not gonna lie, I cried. Wonderful ending.

The bits of heat throughout played out nicely and didn't over shadow the story. There was lots of anticipation, longing and build up. I thought there was just it the right mix.

This is book two in a series, a companion novel and has a completely different feel than the first one (All of You). It was nice to get to see Avery and Bennett again. I'm looking forward to book three (Whisper to Me) which is Rachel's story.

If you are looking for a heartfelt, emotional, romantic read with just a bit of heat, then I definitely recommend this book.

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.