erincataldi's review against another edition

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This was a quick and fun read that takes place in the Star Wars Universe. Canto Bight is the Casino planet featured in The Last Jedi and it's basically a higher stakes version of Las Vegas. It's a prosperous city with a dark underbelly that will always thrive on greed and war. This book features four short stories by notable sci-fi authors that take place on the casino planet. None of them feature any major characters from the Star Wars series, but there are a few mentions of the impending war and the First Order. The stories feature thugs, gamblers, wine sommeliers, tourists, masseuses, and more. The stories are all vastly different and contain a great number of different species, plot lines, and adventure. They were all fun and entertaining and I would definitely read another compilation like this.

killerklowns's review against another edition

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this was so boring and honestly would’ve rather preferred a story tie in with this planet more along the likes of what was done for galaxys edge but whatever i guess

jimmacsyr's review against another edition

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Fun short stories. I enjoyed the book.

travnik3's review against another edition

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I love a good Star Wars universe novel and this does. It disappoint.

sevskywalker's review against another edition

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This was such a great addition to the Star Wars canon, I cannot say how much of this stuff ties into The Last Jedi, but I can definitely this will stand on it's own.

I have heard someone describe this as the Pulp Fiction of Star Wars and I was sceptical even as I was reading it. But then I read the last few pages and everything clicked in fantastically just like all the stories in Pulp Fiction blend and crossover fantastically.

All the stories are very good and well written. And I enjoyed all of them with two novellas being outstanding of all the four. Even though you might get so invested in the story, there is always some background info, a name drop here, an organization drop there , and that makes you feel that this is still Star Wars.

All of the stories takes place on the luxurious city of Canto Bight, a city of gambling and corruption, gangsters and scummy politics, you name it. Canto Bight makes its appearance in The Last Jedi,so, maybe that is where any tie-in may happen.

Also, this book completes my goodreads challenge for this year. And I am very happy that this is not only a Star Wars book, but also a very good Star Wars book,.

Ratings of individuals novellas:

1. Rules of the Game by Saladin Ahmed: 5/5 stars (One of my favorites of the collection, Saladin Ahmed's writing is on point here).

2. The Wine of Dreams by Mira Grant: 4/5 stars

3. Hear nothing, See nothing, Say nothing by Rae Carson: 4.5/5 stars

4. The Ride by John Jackson Miller: 5/5 stars( And, this is my favorite of all the novellas. Of course John Jackson Miller is a Star Wars veteran and he delivers as expected of him).

Overall Rating: 4.65 stars... Thorough enjoyable with some truly thrilling moments throughout the four novellas.

rebecanunez's review against another edition

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"Canto Bight" es una antología que explora las intrigas y extravagancias del casino de lujo visto en la película "Star Wars: Los Últimos Jedi". Compuesta por cuatro relatos escritos por autores talentosos como Saladin Ahmed, Rae Carson, Mira Grant y John Jackson Miller, esta colección lleva a los lectores a las profundidades de Canto Bight, revelando historias fascinantes detrás de las elegantes fachadas y las mesas de juego relucientes.

Cada relato aporta una perspectiva única al universo de Star Wars y al misterioso mundo de Canto Bight. Desde las intrigas políticas hasta las complicadas relaciones entre residentes y visitantes, los escritores exploran las diversas facetas de este destino de juego. A través de personajes coloridos y complejas tramas, "Canto Bight" da vida a un rincón del universo Star Wars que la pantalla grande solo pudo esbozar.

Los relatos individuales se entrelazan para formar una visión completa de Canto Bight, revelando sus capas ocultas y profundizando en la vida de aquellos que habitan y visitan este lugar extravagante. Cada autor aporta su estilo distintivo, pero la coherencia en la ambientación y el tono mantiene la integridad del mundo de Star Wars.

La antología ofrece una rica variedad de personajes, desde contrabandistas y jugadores hasta residentes locales, todos conectados por las experiencias únicas que tienen en este deslumbrante destino. Además, la narrativa explora temas más amplios, como la avaricia, la lealtad y las elecciones morales, agregando profundidad al tejido de la historia.

Para los fanáticos de Star Wars, "Canto Bight" es una oportunidad de sumergirse más allá de las películas y explorar un rincón específico del universo expandido. Aunque es parte de la nueva ola de contenido de Star Wars, esta antología captura el espíritu clásico de la saga mientras agrega capas intrigantes a la narrativa general.

En resumen, "Canto Bight" es una adición bienvenida al canon de Star Wars. Con relatos convincentes, personajes memorables y la magia característica de la galaxia muy, muy lejana, esta antología ofrece una experiencia envolvente para los fanáticos que buscan aventuras más allá de las películas principales.

coenobi's review against another edition

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While 3 out of 4 stories in this collection are fun, the fact they don't really do much for TLJ or even just the part of the movie that takes place on Canto Bight makes me remove a star from this rating. Even though, this isn't nearly as bad as a lot of people say in my opinion.

burniescrolls's review against another edition

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A fun little collection of stories that give a bit more depth to the time spent on Canto Bight in the film. Each story would have little moments where they would drag, but had fun premises and interesting characters using the casinos and seedy deals as the backdrop of said characters' shenanigans.

brianneedsanap's review against another edition

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Super fun, and gave the THE LAST JEDI setting some depth and sparkle.

pio_near's review against another edition

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A collection of four short stories starring the vile, glitzy underbelly of... Well... Vegas in space. Stay for the last story, though... By far the best!