
Mel Goes to Hell by Demelza Carlton

snoopydoo77's review

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This book picks up right where the last one ended. When I saw the title I was wondering why Mel goes to Hell and now I know ;)

You can find my full review here:

mlcreads's review

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This is the third book in the series and it continues Mel's adventures. Lucifer and Mel's romcom is entertaining and you can't help but laugh. Mel's trip though Hell is an interesting mix of encounters with characters from mythology and history, there are also cameo appearances from characters from earlier books. Just sit back and enjoy the ride and don't take any of it too seriously.

crowcaller's review against another edition

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It's weird when people say the cover art is the best part of the book. I don't know. Something about it always rubs me wrong.
With this book, the cover art nearly is the best part- really rather unfortunately. Most of the charm comes from the faint love I feel pulsated from my memories of the first book. And the Actual Gift From God that is that bizarrely charming cover. You know how there's bad photoshop book covers that you just love to laugh at? I can't laugh at this. It brings me too much joy.

This book is a direct sequel to the last, mostly consisting of Mel traveling through Hell to find her boyfriend, the devil, so they can ascend up to Heaven. I think most of the greatness of this series is the strange romantic comedy portions- so removing that, and changing the plot to what is nearly a fantasy adventure tale is very odd. It also, plainly, doesn't work.

I mean, I made it through fine- the writing is, as always, wholeheartedly enjoyable And it's a short read. I like Mel's holier-than-thou, pure, smily tone of voice. Especially when she then says something that catches you off guard in that same warm tone.
This book features the viewpoint talents of Luce though, who is... wholeheartedly way less fun to read than I had imagined. Luce is a fun character to read from Mel's perspective- but he seems to have a whole lot less charisma, charm, and strange innuendo in this book.
Mostly, this is because Luce spends most of the book terribly miserable. Angst is not particularly fun to read in my light-hearted cute angel-demon themed rom-com books. I don't know. It caught me off guard.

The best moments in the book were probably getting to see some of the old characters from book previous. Or even hearing their names. Unfortunately, their screen time is kind of cut short, a good chunk of the book devoted to parodying the layers of Hell from Dante's Inferno. While these segments are fun enough and creative, there are like nine of them in a row, and end up taking most of the book.

What I really care about in this series is somewhat dumb, wholehearted romcom nonsense between our lovely leads, as well as ridiculous happenings involving the silly angel-demon dynamics this world offers. Moving the setting to a very typical hellscape does not really offer this.

I miss our old characters, as the heart of the last book- besides the crazy bits of flirting Mel and Luce got- was Mel's sincere relationships with her many coworkers. Like, I loved that. In this book, we see so few of them, and only one gets a casual, nice conversation with her. Bizarrely enough, one of the characters from last book becomes a villain in this book- for what is perhaps a roughly okay reason, but still a dumb one. These two shouldn't fight! I want them to be pals forever, man.

Extra thoughts:
-I have this weird attachment to archangel Michael, was looking forward for more from him
-“Michael. Who else could it be, but the cross-dressing angel who hated him so passionately?”
-When Luce say a sign hung in Hell that said 'A sexy devil lives here' why does he assume it was Michael? Does he assume Michael is attracted to him? Is that a thing? Can it be a thing?
-If everyone wears robes, dresses, skirts, in Heaven how can Michael even be a cross-dresser
-When Mel said sadly (FAMOUSLY) "Raphael is gay and in love with my brother" was she saying Raphael was in love with Michael?? Now this I gotta see
-There's a lot of greek gods hanging out here but Greek myth isn't acknowledged as being true? So it's very vague if the greek gods are at all connected to these charcaters named after them who share similar relationships (except pluto is persephone's husband not brother?)
-“The bloodied bident prongs, like obscene nipples piercing her shirt through her breasts. Oh God.”
-The longest chapter in this book is just a poker game
-I got very confused about 'michael wanting to get into mel's skirts' bc it turns out he is her brother... I was sitting here like HNGGGG until I realized the other mention of michael wearing dresses meant the skirt thing, was, in fact, literal. thank the heavens

hellvis's review

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'Mel goes to Hell' picks up where 'See you in Hell' left off, and is packed with author Demelza Carlton's trademark humour - from breakfast related disasters, to the reactions of Angels faced with the Prince of Hell...

A bit of a misunderstanding, and a kerfuffle at the Pearly Gates sends Luce back into the furthest reaches of the underworld, leaving poor Mel with the unpleasant task of making her way through the nine circles of Hell in order to find him.

"I thought you'd do anything for me. Now you won't even wear the suit I want you to at our wedding. Maybe you don't want to marry me at all." She rose to her full height, which would barely have reached Luce's chest. She gave a little snort and a nod, before turning her back on her fiancé to stride angrily out of the café.
Mel reached over and touched the man's arm. "Tell her you would do anything for her. Swim through sharks, give your life to save hers," she whispered.
The man pulled his arm irritably away from Mel as he stood up. Luce felt bad for her – she'd only tried to help, after all. He hoped she wouldn't be hurt. After all, humans weren't known for taking advice from strangers and maybe the bloke was better off without his bridezilla.
"Jess, I would do almost anything for you!" the man shouted. "I'd swim through a school of sharks at Trigg Beach to get to you. I'd fend off an entire gang of bikies if they threatened to hurt you."
The girl stopped and turned around.
Luce recovered from his shock quickly. "Say you'd walk through Hell for her," he suggested. "Naked."
The bloke stared at him. "That's a fucking crazy idea. Who'd walk through Hell naked?" He turned back to Jess.
"And I'd marry you in my birthday suit on Swanbourne Beach if that's what you want, but if I make my brothers and my best mate wear pink suits, they'll kill me before the wedding!"
Some of the other café patrons started cheering and Jess sported a hot pink blush. "I couldn't get married on Swanbourne Beach. I've already ordered my dress and my underwear..."
The bloke shoved his way through tables to get to her and the cheering grew louder as the couple kissed. They left without ordering.
Luce turned back to Mel to find her staring at him. "What?"
"Who would walk through Hell naked?" she asked.
Luce shrugged. "I do it all the time. Well, usually with the horns, the tail, the red know, the whole works. People seem to expect it on occasion. Keeps the other demons in order, but clothes would just spoil the effect..."

Find out if you've been misquoting lines from Dante's Inferno (I have), what Demons' do in their spare time, and where do all those viral cat videos and memes come from?

The horrors of Hell are lessened by well timed levity, but beware - there's still a couple of grizzly moments!

Oh, and it's not only Luce who walks around Hell in his birthday suit...