
Love Rehab by Louise Bay

pause_theframe's review

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This was such a great read! I loved the blurb and really thought it might be a good book, but I was not expecting it to be so very great. It is my first book by Bay, and it will definitely not be my last.

I was very impressed by her writing style. I felt that it was excellent at showing us the story, rather than telling. I like that it didn't just spout things at us, but actually created a background, characters with both flaws and perfections and even a relatable story to tie it all together.

She was also able to really give us a story that had surprises and tension, between all those sexy moments and sad moments. Lots happened, but it never felt rushed, it just flowed well.

The characters were perfect. They balanced each other out, really giving us an exciting Yin and Yang factor, as we got to travel through Love Rehab. They had depth and details that really created a picture for us, and as the story grew, they evolved, just as one would in real life.

Finally, the pace was excellent. It was always giving my something to look forward to or something I was wanting to know the answer to, which kept me hooked on the pages, flying through chapter after chapter, each night.

I really recommend this as a winter time cozy, but with lots of emotion, read.

** I Received this book for free and voluntarily provided my honest and unbiased review.

paginasdealex's review

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ARC provided by the author via Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review.

I tried to come up with a witty one liner to start this review, but since I couldn't let's jump right into it.

Previous to this book I read Indigo Nights so I knew what I was looking for when I started this book and I was not dissapointed.

This book was deep and emotional. It took me into this self-discovery journey. I got to tag along with Mackenzie in this adventure.

The writting was beautiful. Easy to understand (english is not my first language so this is important to me and other non-english speakers) and quick to read. I finished it in 5 hours, I'd wish I could've read it in one sitting. It was such a wonderful read.

The characters were really complete. I often complain about characters being uni-dimensional when reading smutty books, but as every Louise Bay character I've read these characters had so many layers it was just delicious to discovery each one.

The story is fairly simple. Mackenzie has been left by her fiancé more than once and she wonders what's wrong with her. So she grabs her bags, her two best friends and fly to the a ranch in Oklahoma to Love Rehab. A program that promises to fix her love life and hopefully help her achieve her happy ever after. But the night before the program starts she meets Blake McKenna, let me just tell you he'll become a very important part of this story.

I have no complains with this book. It was a delightful read, I laughed out loud several times and I even teared up a little.

5/5 stars and I'm extremely thankful to be given the oportunity to read it.

romantasylife's review

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Love Unexpected follows Mackenzie, a woman who is addicted to the idea of love and happily ever after. She gets an awakening when she decides to go to “love” therapy and she drags her friends along. They have one night before they have to disconnect from the world and connect with what they want.

Enter in Blake. He just happens to be at the bar that Mackenzie are her friends are going to to unwind. Mackenzie’s friends talk her into having a one night stand, something she never does. She agrees and decides that Blake is the guy.

Only, he’s more than just a one night stand.

I love the idea of this book. It’s cute, sexy and funny. I love that I get to see a character like Mackenzie learn about herself and learn that she needs to stop giving so much of herself away to a man who’s not going to stick around for the long run.

I love the circumstances in this book. I haven’t read a book about love therapy before. I think it’s a fun concept and I’m really loving that she found someone at a retreat.

I definitely need to pick up more of Louise Bay’s books in the future. Loved this book so much!

4/5 Stars

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review

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4.5 Cocktails

Louise Bay does it again! I never know what to expect with her books, but I know I'm always going to love the characters.

Blake and Makenzie were easy to love. Makenzie was easy to connect with and understand why she needed to rehab her love life. And when she was down and feeling like she was a failure at this too, you wanted her to realize that for once she was being true to herself even if she didn't see it. Blake brought out the real Makenzie, helping her understand herself and what she wanted out of her life. But at the same time, Makenzie helped Blake make a decision about whether he wanted to follow his dream or not.

If you're looking for a book that is fun, sexy and a little angsty LOVE REHAB is one that you should pick up. The storyline is engaging, the characters easy to connect to and their romance one you can completely get behind.

ladycivic's review

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Mackenzie needs to figure out what is going on with her love life. After failed engagement number three she decides to take her friends with her to Love Rehab. Little do her friends know they aren't going to a spa, but are going to be camping in the middle of nowhere. After being pressured by her friends to throw caution to the wind and have a *gasp* one night stand the night before being dumped in the wild, Mackenzie realizes she once again has feelings for another man. A man she assumes she will never see again. When Blake shows up the next morning to help his sister out with the new campers Mackenzie can't believe her bad luck. She can't even have a one night stand the right way!
I loved this book. I loved the journey Mackenzie took to realize why she has failed at so many past loves. I really enjoyed the banter between Blake and Mackenzie...I felt that I was really able to relate to them, like they were friends of mine. Thank you, Louise, for another amazing book!

bookedandbusybookblog's review

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Mackenzie Locke is a love junkie. Be exactly what the man needs to fall in love with you then you will fall in love with him, right? That mentality has Mackenzie on marriage proposal number #3. However, when fiance #3 comes to the wedding dress shop, Mackenzie realizes something needs to change. Packing up her two best of friends, they head to Love Rehab where they are all determined to find out exactly what they need to do to meet their Prince Charming.

Blake McKenna is a smart, sexy man who is just looking for direction in his life. Returning to his family’s ranch to make some life altering decisions, he had no idea that Mackenzie was going to turn his life upside down.

Before the are confined to Love Rehab, a night at a local bar ends up in a sexy and incredible one night stand for Mackenzie, something that is totally out of character for her. And there is a reason for that...which she realizes the next morning at Love Rehab when Blake is there to help his sister run the camp for the next few days.

Soul searching leads some of the ladies in Love Rehab to come to terms with their mistakes before others. But when the shaman tells Mackenzie to stop looking for the love that is right in front of her face, will she realize who that is before it is too late? Will Blake finally tell Mackenzie how he feels about her? Where will Blake decide to go, Boston or Oklahoma City?

Love Rehab is a really fun and sexy read. I enjoyed Mackenzie and her road to realizing exactly what she needs in her life to make it full. It was enjoyable to read her transformation and how she realized she needed to go after what she wanted more than anything. When she finally knows who the shaman was talking about, what will she do to get him back?

bookmarkbelles's review

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I love the idea of Love Rehab and I wonder if this type of retreat exists. If so, sign me up! I could relate so much to this book and found myself questioning my own choices in life.Blake is yummy and charming. I need to find myself an Un Cowboy

kaytlynallbooked's review

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Love Rehab starts out with Mackenzie having just had her third engagement come to an end. She has a plan, and to achieve this plan she needs to be married. However, it seems that she can't make it past the engagement. So, after her third engagement falls apart and her fiance dumps her while she is trying on wedding dresses she decided she need professional help in the love department. Where else would she go other then Love Rehab of course! In the middle of nowhere Texas on a ranch, Mackenzie hopes to find the answer to why she can't make it to the alter, what she doesn't plan on finding is the delicious Blake. Blake and Mackenzie meet in the only bar in town on her last night before cutting herself off from the world for a week. Her friends pressure to let go and have the one night stand experience she is missing, because why not when you are in the middle of nowhere right? And of course she has an instant draw to Blake. What she doesn't plan on is Blake showing up at her Love Rehab and stealing her heart away while her week goes by.

I have to say I really enjoyed this book. I think that the overall idea of this book was quite original. I know if I had a Love Rehab anywhere near me I would check myself in. The characters in this book were real and relatable, I think everyone can relate a little bit to what Mackenzie is going through during the progression of the book. She is struggling to understand why, even though on paper she is the perfect partner, she can't seem to figure this love thing out. She doesn't understand why she can't keep a man to make it to that last step of forever. I think at some point every girl has had these feeling of unworthiness and self doubt in the relationship department. Bay does a great job at making Mackenzie's journey a struggle to find out what she truly wants out of her eventual marriage, as well as finding out who she truly is instead of being the girl every guy wants.

Then on the other hand you have you have the sexy uncowboy Blake, who is tied up trying to decide which career path he should be taking in life. Should he risk it all and move halfway across the country and make his dream come true, or should he stay where he is and take a nice promotion and play it safe? The more time Blake spends with Mackenzie the more he finds that he can't run scared from what he has always truly wanted out of life. So, I'm just going to say this...Blake...My Heart!! I loved him so much! He was seriously just a delicious uncowboy dream.

Overall, this is another winner in the book from Louise Bay. She always writes such cute steamy stories, that make you truly route for the main characters. Bay can always draw you in with and interesting premise, and follow up with a great storyline to carry it through. Love Rehab is no different. I highly recommend that if you haven't already added this one to your TBR you do so soon!

bookbae96's review

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I had nothing left to lose...I couldn't stay where I was, stuck in the cycle of rejection and confusion. Clearly, I needed professional help. I'd come to a fork in the road and I could keep traveling straight or try a new route.
I needed a cure.
I needed my plan back on track.
I needed Love Rehab.

Louise Bay has proven time and again that she is a writer of many faces. She's got the second-chance thing, the hot executive afraid to commit, the guy next door, and, now, she's got Blake McKenna, bio-chemist and 'uncowboy.' And, y'all, like every other time, I am in love.

I love the premise of this story. McKenna Locke has been through a series of failed relationships, ones that seem promising, but, well, they're just not working. Deciding to do what any enterprising young woman would, McKenna finds Love Rehab, a sort of 7-step program for those looking to reprogram the way that they're doing things and come out with a clearer understanding of who they are and what they want.

So, off to Christie, Oklahoma, for McKenna and her lovely and entertaining best friends, Kennedy and Rose, for a 5-day 'experience.' And, heck, if you're about to rehab your love life, you might as well get started with a bang, right? Enter said 'uncowboy,' Blake. Sparks, flares, heat flashes, people. It takes about a hot minute for McKenna and Blake to home in on each other and, well, passion explosion.

Louise has done a great job with this book. Once that kismet bomb goes off, and McKenna and Blake begin their journey, there is nothing but love, passion, and some much-needed self-realization, and it all works together perfectly. I mean, there wasn't a page that didn't have me either laughing or swooning, not even one. Quirky and lovable characters, a fresh and entertaining storyline, and a love story that warmed my heart makes LOVE REHAB one of my most favorite reads lately, and certainly one of my favorites of 2016. 5+ well-earned stars for LOVE REHAB. This feel-good read should be right at the top of romance lovers' TBRs, so grab it and enjoy.

***ARC generously provided for an honest review.***

lauraanne9's review

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***ARC Provided by the Publisher and Social Butterfly PR***

This book reminded me why I love Louise Bay.

It had everything. Blake and Mackenzie were wonderful, relateable and acted as people would in this least how I think they would having never been to a wilderness love retreat.

But, that is what matters...that as a reader, I am invested in the story and intereste4d in the characters and where they are going. I definitely was with this.

I sympathized with the choice Blake needed to make, as there was a lot of emotional baggage and I think it was handled well, and in a way that someone reading it would understand the difficulty of the decision he let go of the comfortable and familiar and to take a chance on something that had stung him in the past.

I loved that Mackenzie was facing the same kind of dilemma, but with a different focus...hers was more internal but she also had to look at herself, what was comfortable, and learn to be a different person so she could move forward.

I really liked this, the idea that both Blake and Mackenzie were facing the same decision, albeit one physical and one emotional. I loved the tie it gave them to one another, and I loved that this connection made their instant connection very understandable.

Honestly, I could say more, but at some point it just becomes impossible to avoid spoilers, so I am going to leave this here, with the highest possible recommendation.

If you have never read Louise bay before, starting here is a great place to begin. If you have, reading this will not disappoint.

I highly recommend this book.