
Reality Hero by Ashlynn Monroe

mawmom's review

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Ashlynn Monroe has a gift for writing something unique and unusual and doing it in such a manner that it seems like it is 100% normal she creates her characters and situations in such a way that the world is seamless. In Reality Hero Zane our hero is just that a hero as in superpowers and everything, our heroine, Dina, managed to escape the mutations that created the superpowers in the 4 others held with her so she takes her average self and gets a job in television (reality tv no less).

Dina left Zane and the others because she loves them so much she never wants to be a liability to them because of her "normalness". Zane has never stopped loving Dina, he has kept an eye on her by going by her house regularly without her knowledge just to make sure she is okay.

This is really an unique take on the whole second chance at love when you throw in super villains and television reality dating shows. The story line is clever, fun, funny, sexy, suspenseful and has plenty of openings to turn this into a series of books about the secondary characters. I enjoyed reading this and am on the look out to find out what happens with Dina's sister Ella.

I received this book in exchange for my honest review.

xakyr's review

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When I first saw this book, I was so excited about it after reading the blurb, but it was months before I was able to afford to purchase it. Thank goodness for sales, right? However, when I finally got settled in to read it, I found myself extremely disappointed in it overall, even though it was a halfway entertaining read.

Dina came off as selfish for a good bit of the book, even though we as the reader knew that she had an ulterior motive for her actions. I finally got to the point with her where I expected her to develop superpowers randomly, as it would have made things more interesting! Zane didn't come off as the superhero type really, more of an anti-hero that has been forced into the role of hero. Dina's sister was a complete bitch, and I couldn't get why she wasn't wondering why her sister was avoiding them. Rain just accepted it, which didn't set well with me.

The experimentation plot wasn't well explained, and while it is clear that the author was setting up for other books in the series, I wasn't all that excited for them either. The book was entertaining, and quick to read, which saved it from a two star rating, but I'm not sure I'd re-read this or even continue the series. Looking for good superhero romance? Check out [a:Jennifer Estep|580315|Jennifer Estep|]'s Bigtime series and take a pass on this one.