
The Girl with the Windup Heart by Kady Cross

mororke's review

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I finally finished The Steampunk Chronicles. While I did enjoy the series overall, I feel that the series could have ended successfully with a trilogy.

This book is mainly about Mila and Jack and how their relationship is built and the challenges they face. While Jack has been one of my favorite characters, I found this story, and the way his character developed to be a bit boring.

I felt like Mila did not contribute to the story really at all. Comparing her to Pinnicchio over and over only became cumbersome throughout. Her story was almost identical to Finley's storyline in the first book.

Finley and her friends seemed to be a mere afterthought even though the entire series hinged on the group and their battle against The Machinist. To say I felt like I wasted two months on on this a series is a huge understandment.

My advice if you are going to read this series is to stop before reading this one. I was very disappointed and wish I hadn't wasted over a week trudging through the story.

Read all of my reviews on my blog,

bethyboo29's review

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Kind of disappointed with this book but I feel that's likely because I began the series when "The Girl in the Steel Corset" had just come out so I've been waiting for the series to come out as the years have come and gone. I think it's because I've changed my tastes a bit. The novel just wasn't all that well written. I mean I still love the characters but Cross' writing style just doesn't suit me anymore. To tell you the truth I'm relieved the series is over, it became more tedious to keep track of it than it should have been. Overall, if you have liked the previous books in the series you should certainly read this book I think I just changed and I'm growing out of Young Adult fiction now...

thechaoshour's review

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Quick Thoughts
1. I don't think I've ever been this disappointed with a series ending. It was nothing like the previous books.
2. Everything was rushed and went way too fast. It didn't feel like a story but more like a bunch of random pieces thrown together. It didn't help that there were 2 story lines and we kept getting random flashbacks.
3. I didn't feel like any of the characters were the same people in this book. They were are extremely boring and had no personality! I don't know what happened!
4. I think that this whole book just felt like a mess to me. Everything about it was rushed from the plot to the character development and I found myself not really enjoying any of it. I'm disappointed because I loved the first three books and this last one felt nothing like the others.

squishies's review

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2.5 stars, pushing 3, but not quite.

I was totally interested in Mila's story because she actually was one of the more interesting characters in book 3... what the heck happened?

I mentally groaned every time Mila and Jack's story came up; it was just so... bland and boring. Their story isn't anything new, if anything, [b:Devil in Winter|114166|Devil in Winter (Wallflowers, #3)|Lisa Kleypas||1823830] does that type of storyline/characters so much better. Mila just felt like a spoilt brat more than anything.

On the flipside, at least Garibaldi and the gang's storyline was a lot better and more interesting.

I sadly still don't have a favourite character in this series - they're all so flat and boxed in to their given roles.

seitenreise's review

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Im vierten und leider letzten Band kommt es zum großen Endkampf gegen den Erzfeind von Griffin King und seinen Freunden. Außerdem wird die Geschichte von Mila weiter erzählt.

Ich habe für diesen Band etwas länger gebraucht. Einerseits kam das Leben dazwischen, andererseits wollte ich diese wunderbare Reihe nicht enden lassen.

Mehr über Mila zu erfahren und wie sie die Welt entdeckt, eine Welt, die voll von Wissen und Glück, aber auch voller gefahren ist, war für mich extrem spannend. Ich habe sie sofort in mein Herz geschlossen. Bei einem ihrer "Ausflüge" erfährt sie mehr über Jack Dandy, als dieser irgendjemanden wissen lassen wollte.

Auch die Handlung um Griffin und Finley spannt sich weiter. Garibaldi ist immer noch nicht besiegt und gleich zu Anfang entführt er Griffin in den Äther. Finley will alles tun, um Griffin zu retten. Teilweise fand ich ihre Ausflüge zu kurz abgehandelt, vor allem gegen Schluss hab ich mich gewundert, wo auf so wenig Seiten noch so viel zu erwartende Handlung hin soll. Doch alles wurde zu meiner Zufriedenheit aufgelöst.

Insgesamt fand ich diese Reihe einfach nur klasse. Es war endlich mal wieder etwas ohne eine aufdringliche Liebesgeschichte, in der die Abenteuer der Charaktere im Vordergrund standen. Das diese auch noch schicke Klamotten im Steampunkstil und phantastische Erfindungen hatten, war ein perfekter Bonus.

julaliciousbookparadise's review

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review to come.

Such an amazing series.

kalie_universe_pristineprose's review

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Best ending to a series ever!!!

heathen_'s review

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It was alright at first, but it was just ugh by the end. More like a 2.5

castranosis's review

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I’m kinda glad I’m done with these books. My library had all but the novella about Jack Dandy. And since I’m not interested in buying it and every book being two stars, I don’t feel as if I’m missing out on much by not reading it.

It only took until this book for there to be no emphasis on how the characters were not normal. Quotation marks weren’t overused like they had been in previous books. Thank goodness.

One thing that really annoyed me was that in every other book, Finley’s father died while her mother was pregnant with her. Until this one, where he died when she was around 3. And her parents took her to the Greythorn property because Griffin’s parents invited them over. Where she played with not just Griffin but Sam as well. Kinda something to pay attention to.

Series overview:

barbs's review

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Zu wenig Finley und Griffin, aber dennoch 5 Sterne da ein toller Abschluss zur Serie.