
Teófila's Guide to Saving the Sun by Cynthia A. Rodriguez

beckyrendon's review

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This book hurts. It's a painful, exorcism of emotions, fears, and toxicity. It's love in it's most ugly, and still so beautiful, form.

Teófila's Guide to Saving the Sun sounded like a good idea. I saw the blurb, appreciated the unique title and the gorgeous cover art. I shrugged and said sure why not. Wrong reason to read this book!

The feels are almost soul crushing. The intensity and vibrancy of the emotions are impossible not to feel down to your morrow. The love and lost feelings. The need and hope. The despair and longing. They are echos and also a percussion baton to your skull at the same time. You hear the remnants of their existence while being battered with them in the now. Think of this as a beating. I know, just trust me. You get jumped outside on a starry night. You weren't watching where you were going. You made a wrong turn but didn't realize because you were looking up. The amazing, awe inspiring stars had you captured in their gazes. When you were hit with the first blow, it was such a shock you didn't have time to react. By the time you have registered the pain, you're already too late to defend yourself. It's six on one or more. You are just trying to protect your head. And then as the blackness seeps in, the pain too much, you see the stars and you ask them why? That is Teófila's Guide to Saving the Sun.

It's brutal, it's agonizing, and it's so damn beautiful you don't need an answer to the why. You are just so glad you were looking up in the beginning. There are some amazing, inspiring quotes hidden in these pages. I marked my copy up with highlights galore. I can't bear to share them with you because they are such pivotal realizations. But I can't help but tell you, they are life changing thoughts. Soul warming comfort in a world that isn't so bright.

Reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood

bookish_kayy's review

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ohkassreads's review

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4 stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️ I went into this book completely blind and I’m so glad I did. While I was so frustrated with some of Teófilas decisions I realize this is the reality of a lot of peoples lives and it’s so hard to let go of things even when they hurt us the most. Very emotional read.

bibliophile90's review

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I was expecting a long and angsty read after I read the blurb of this book, however, the story felt rushed. The chapters were short, which I didn't minded, however the author didn't go into a lot of details, we just got flashes of the important moments in Teófila and Elijah's lives. I really enjoyed the first half of the book, and was expecting a lot from the second. But it was a bit of a let down. I think if this book was longer I would've been able to connect better to the characters and care for them. I think some things were added to create unnecessary drama, and it felt a bit forced.

The majority of this book felt like a Young Adult novel and then it turned into more of a New Adult towards the end. I would've also liked to see some chapters told from Elijah's POV, because he was an interesting character, and I was curious to see what he was thinking. This book had a lot of potential, I especially liked the first few chapters focusing on how Teófila and Elijah met and how their friendship developed. I do want to say that I liked the characters and that they were original and interesting. The author did a good job in keeping me invested and interested enough to finish the book (and trust me that isn't easy, I DNF books a LOT), and see what would happen to the characters. I just wanted more depth in the story and characters.

jrrogue's review

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This book was a trip. A sad trip. Books laced with melancholy stay with me. And, everyone knows I don't read or write lighthearted books.

Teófila and Elijah go through quite the journey in this novel. It spans over 20 years and shows the kind of all-consuming-love not many people experience. I wish I could have stepped into the novel to see Elijah sing on stage. To see T's face when she looked at him.

I legit want this to be a movie. I cast Gina Rodriguez and Michael B Jordan in my head as I read. It would be MFing epic to watch it play out. The fights, the tears, the lows, and the blinding highs of their journey back to each other and apart, over and over again.

Also, Cynthia's writing is so good it makes me sick. It's GD poetry. Every line is heavy as shit. It sinks into your gut and I wonder what genius demon/angel possessed her as she wrote. In short, I'm honored to know her.

pebblespenguin1's review

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This story was filled with such angst, I couldn't put it down. Cynthia's writing was beautiful this passionate story tore me apart. I loved both of these characters so much.

amor_fati's review

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This book has a raw beauty to it. It speaks of truths to the darker side of life some may be afraid to speak about but after reading this you will see you are not alone. It also shows the lovely side of falling in love with who you are and growing to become a stronger person. So you can love true and honestly.

Teofila’s journey with Elijah spans decades. Theirs is one literally written in the stars. It makes you believe that fate can make things happen and that things do happen for a reason good, bad, silly and crazy because it all defines the person who you will become. Cynthia’s telling of their story is one so honest that there were times I was left speechless and breathless only to find it all again a few pages later.

It will leave you asking yourself, “Do I take a left turn here and see what fate has in store for me?”

tzd's review

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Expecting a sweet childhood friends-to-lovers read, I was pleasantly surprised. This was a beautifully written book brimming with angst and emotion, taking a deep dive into the not-so-glamorous life of fame and the blackhole of addiction. Watching Teofila and Elijah evolve and change over the years was soul-wrenching and gave me all the feeeeels.

talonvictoria's review

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When I picked up this book, I had no idea what to expect. The title threw me for a loop and I had ZERO idea where Cynthia was going to take this one. But once I started reading, everything kind of just fell into place. The title meaning, the story meaning, the characters, all of it. It was a fantastic journey. 

I think my most favorite part of this book was watching Teofila and Elijah grow and evolve over the years. They took turns. While one went through something, the other was there to help and vice versa. I think the balance of it all was executed nicely. Not only that, bu the time span of this book is 20 years. Not many people can pull this off in one book, but Cynthia does an incredible job of making it all flow together nicely. 

This book contains some of Cynthia's best writing. To date. It was sharp and articulate. It was delicate and all engaging. No line was left untouched. Every line I read packed a ton of feeling. Whether it was short or long, the words in this book will hit someone in all the right places. 

If you are looking for:
Two unforgettable characters.
One unforgettable story line.
A best friend that is a true ride or die for Teofila. (I freaking LOVED Miley)
A book full of self-discovery, love, second chances, and hope.

Look no further-- I think Teofila's Guide to Saving the Sun is just the book for you. I know it was just the book for me.

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