
Hra na smrť by Angela Marsons

ingo_lembcke's review against another edition

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Oh, nearly forgot to mention it, this is about a (new, in the UK) Body Farm.
The first Body Farm is in Tennessee. So expect there to be some gruesome descriptions, maggots and flies.

Not quite 5 stars, dragged a little in the middle, and I did not really like one of the characters (Tracy), although her development and what happened to her both as a child and later was very well done. Bit much though what with all the bullying - this being the main reason and background theme in this book.
The ending was fantastic, not Kim alone fighting this time, also being against vigilante killings:
"In truth she believed xxx deserved to die for what xxx had done to no-name-no-spoiler. But she would never believe their punishment to be the prerogative of anyone other than the justice system."
Exactly, while some books (and MC's) tend to overlook self-metered justice by the unwashed public, or even condone it, this is my kind of heroine and thinking.
So, not entirely 5 stars, more like 4.5 for dragging a bit in the middle, but still better than a lot of other thrillers. As with all other books in the series so far, very highly recommended.

bookph1le's review against another edition

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Another great installment in the series. I love Kim Stone's character, and she gets better with age, evolving and growing as the series progresses. I very much enjoyed how this particular book helped develop one of the tertiary characters, giving that character more facets and a story that explained a lot. Though I was hooked from the first book, the depth this series continues to show will bring me back for more. Marsons' books have an automatic entry on my to-read list.

theavidreaderandbibliophile's review against another edition

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Play Dead by Angela Marsons is the fourth D.I. Kim Stone novel. Kim Stone and her team are being given a “treat” by their boss, Detective Chief Inspector Woodward for solving their latest case. They are being sent to Westerley, a body farm. The West Mercia precinct recently solved two cold cases thanks to information from Westerley. Woodward is hoping his team will benefit from the trip. Unfortunately, the stumble across a body that is not a part of the body farm. Someone beat and killed a woman and then dumped her body at Westerley (it would seem like the perfect dump site). How did they get onto the property without anyone noticing? While searching for clues, another body turns up in similar condition. Are the two connected in any way (besides the killer)? Then reporter, Tracy Frost turns up missing. As much as Kim dislikes Tracy, she sets out to find her before it is too late. Will Kim and her team be able to find the killer before Tracy becomes his third victim?

Play Dead was a wonderful novel. Play Dead is fast paced, has a complex mystery, and great, well-developed characters. I did not want to put it down (so I just kept reading). Play Dead was my favorite book in the series. I liked how Kim is developing and changing and the addition of Barney, her dog, in her life. We also get more details on Kim’s childhood and it will help you understand her trust issues. The mystery will draw you in and there is a good twist at the end that most people will not see coming. It was good to get more information on Tracy Frost (it will help you to understand her better). While Play Dead can be read alone, I would highly suggest you go back and read the other book in the series. It will help you know and understand the characters. One thing that gave me a good laugh is the TARDIS reference (you have to be a Doctor Who fan to get it). I give Play Dead 5 out of 5 stars. I cannot wait to read the next book in the D.I. Kim Stone series (let’s hope the author and publisher do not keep us waiting long).

I received a complimentary copy of Play Dead from NetGalley (and the publisher) in exchange for an honest evaluation of the book.

namitakhanna's review against another edition

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Play dead by Angela Marsons in the 4th thrilling installment in DI Kim Stone’s series

DI Kim Stone is back on another exciting case. There are fresh bodies turning up in a body farm with dirt in their mouths. It’s a perfect place to commit a crime as the bodies can remain undiscovered for a very long time. Kim and her team race against time to find the killer before he claims more victims.

Play Dead is a fantastic addition to the series which gives more insight to Kim’s character without taking away from the mystery. Fast paced suspense , creative writing , interesting characters with a great ending makes it a must read from me
Many thanks to a Bookouture & NetGalley for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest and fair review.

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holly87's review against another edition

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Amazing!! I absolutely love this series, I never want the books to end! Can’t wait to read the next one.

zoelarkbooks's review against another edition

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mysterious tense


teklagyorgy's review against another edition

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A Halálos játék után egyszerűen biztos vagyok benne, hogy az egyik kedvenc krimisorozatom lett Angela Marsons eme munkája, hiszen minden résszel egyre jobban tetszik, egyre közelebb kerülnek hozzám a karakterek, a bűnesetek pedig vérfagyasztóan brutálisak, pont, ahogy szeretem egy krimiben.

whitewell's review against another edition

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Terzo libro che leggo di questa autrice e posso affermare ancora una volta che la Marsons abbia non solo creato una saga solida e valida nel mondo dei gialli, ma un bellissimo personaggio: Kim Stone. Anche questo caso più si va avanti più si infittisce, fino ad arrivare al colpo di scena finale che, come nel precedente libro, mi ha lasciato a bocca aperta.

La Marsons, con la sua scrittura semplice è scorrevole, tiene incollato il lettore fino all’ultima pagina.

Una cosa che mi piace tanto dei suoi libri è inoltre l’evoluzione dei personaggi, è bellissimo accompagnarli nei casi e sapere sempre un po’ di più sul loro passato e sulla loro vita (soprattutto su Kim).


btpbookclub's review against another edition

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We finished book four! This series is soo soo good. Throughally enjoying it. Another fresh case for Kim and her team which may just link to an old case. Oooh.
This case proves that sometimes people will never forget whatever happened in the past no matter how long ago it was and grudges can be deadly… The setting of the story was an unexpected, unusual place… A BODY FARM! OMG. A first for me to come accross this. Shocker.
I apologise if I seem I am repeating myself but all the books in this series so far are so brilliantly written including this one and they’re real page turners. Tense. Fast paced. Thrilling. Edge of your seat. Race against time cases. Brilliant. I already cannot wait to dive into book five. Eee.
I awarded a well deserved four stars and would highly recommend. They all read perfectly as standalones but do make the odd reference to previous cases in the previous books. 

sabrina80's review against another edition

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Nothing more I can say I haven't already said. This author amazes me how she keeps churning out top class thrillers. Number 5 couldn't come soon enough!!