
Captain Marvel, Volume 3: Alis Volat Propriis by Kelly Sue DeConnick

pun_intended's review against another edition

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No one writes Captain Marvel like Kelly Sue

gswizzel's review against another edition

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I'm so sad that this series has come to a close, but I'm so ready to read more about Captain Marvel in the future.

This volume was my least favourite in the series as we weren't introduced to any new characters and almost the whole volume was dedicated to wrapping up the series. It was a good conclusion, but I do think there should have been more to it. Either way, this is a GREAT series!! I had a really fun time reading it!

jmanchester0's review against another edition

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This omnibus combines the trades Captain Marvel v1 In Pursuit of Flight (#1-6) and v2 Down (#7-12). My separate reviews below:

Volume 1 (2013) In Pursuit of Flight

I love Kelly Sue Deconnick‰ЫЄs writing. But the whole time travel thing was a tad confusing. I‰ЫЄm definitely going to have to keep reading.

Other than that, it was a good, solid story. Any other time, a 4-star rating would be a real compliment. I really liked it - it was a good comic. But when you are expecting a 5-star-knock-it-out-of-the-park story, it can be a bit of a letdown.

The art was consistently cool throughout the book - but when you aren‰ЫЄt familiar with the characters, different art styles can make you confuse them. (Compare Tracy in #1 to Tracy in #6.)

Volume 2 (2013) Down

I knew it! I knew, as much as I enjoyed volume 1, I knew volume 2 would be even better. Kelly Sue DeConnick is a genius. Volume 2 is hilarious, fun, suspenseful, action-packed. Everything a great superhero comic should be. Thanks, Ms. DeConnick! You do not disappoint!

jmanchester0's review against another edition

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This omnibus combines the trades Captain Marvel v1 Higher, Further, Faster, More (#1-6) and v2 Stay Fly (#7-11). My separate reviews below:

Volume 1 (2014) Higher, Further, Faster, More

Here comes the fun! I love laughing out loud to comics. When the writing is amazing and the characters come alive, books are so much fun. Plus we got to see the Guardians of the Galaxy. All-around, an excellent book!

The Origin of Captain Marvel by Kit was fun, too!

Volume 2 (2014) Stay Fly

Wow! This comic just keeps getting better and better! I loved every issue! This might be my fave TPB by Kelly Sue DeConnick. (So far, at least.) And there‰ЫЄs so much variety here - so many different things going on! (Even a cameo from
Spoilerthe most powerful mutant of all - Santa!

jmanchester0's review against another edition

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This omnibus combines the trades Captain Marvel v1 Alpha Flight (#1-5) and v2 Captain Marvel: Civil War II (#6-10). My separate reviews below:

Captain Marvel v1 Alpha Flight (#1-5)

With Kelly Sue DeConnick off the job, I was worried I wouldn‰ЫЄt like it, but Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters have picked up the torch and are doing a great job. It‰ЫЄs still a lot of fun and full of action. But I don‰ЫЄt know if they quote captured her personality as well as Ms. DeConnick. (Or maybe they just gave all the good lines to Puck.) Nah, I take that back. I think they captured it pretty well.

But there was some great suspense! I can‰ЫЄt imagine having to wait for these books month-to-month.

And, yay! A cameo from my favorite marvel hero! (No, not Santa Claus.)

But the main take away that really scares me?

Words don‰ЫЄt matter.

I‰ЫЄm scared it‰ЫЄs true.

Captain Marvel v2 Civil War II (#6-10)

This started off really frustrating. You read the first issue in this TPB, and then Civil War II basically happens, with some massive stuff going down, then you get to issue #2 in the TPB, and, if you didn't realize that, you're like WTF just happened??

But I was really wondering about where Carol came down in Civil War II, and this book made me feel better about Carol‰ЫЄs options. An interesting conundrum.

jmanchester0's review against another edition

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Except for the Black Vortex chapter, this was pretty fantastic. It starts on a high point with some great action. And it ends‰Ы_well, let‰ЫЄs just say it makes me realize what kind of an amazing writer Kelly Sue DeConnick is. AMAZING! Five stars for the last story alone.

One of the reasons I stopped buying comics monthly is that it‰ЫЄs so hard to keep track. Partly because it‰ЫЄs so hard to remember month to month - I really enjoy reading the TPBs, though I don‰ЫЄt think that helps the comics industry much. But also, with all the massive crossover storylines - I‰ЫЄm a completist and want to have everything. That‰ЫЄs just not doable from a financial or even time management perspective. Take the Black Vortex storyline - part of Captain Marvel‰ЫЄs chapter was dropped in a single one of her issues. What do you do with that - whether you‰ЫЄre reading the monthlies or TPBs? I mean, I‰ЫЄll probably look for the story now since it involves Captain Marvel AND The Guardians of the Galaxy. But if it didn‰ЫЄt have the Guardians I probably wouldn‰ЫЄt care. And now there‰ЫЄs an out-of-context portion of this volume with no background and no future. It‰ЫЄs kind of annoying.

But that doesn‰ЫЄt take away from how amazing the rest of the book is. That‰ЫЄs just my rant.

And I guess that‰ЫЄs the end of another run? The next stories start over with #1 - collected on the Alpha Flight and Civil War II TPBs. And the omnibus that contains this volume as the first е_ has The Carol Corps as the second е_. That‰ЫЄs the only one of these Captain Marvel series I couldn‰ЫЄt find at my library so i had to pick it up on eBay. (Can‰ЫЄt wait to get into that!)

jmanchester0's review against another edition

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I have to admit, I‰ЫЄm not a fan of Scott Hepburn‰ЫЄs art. And Matteo Buffagni picks up where Hepburn leaves off. I especially don‰ЫЄt like their faces. Or hair.

Overall, I felt like there was too much going on in this omnibus. I think I like Carol so much better when she‰ЫЄs operating with other people one-on-one. That‰ЫЄs where Kelly Sue DeConnick‰ЫЄs magical writing really shines.

abner19's review against another edition

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This was an interesting 'end' to the series but it got a bit confusing. They brought in other story lines, which would of been fine had I read them, but I haven't and that took some of the engagement from me. Overall, still enjoyable.

lylias's review against another edition

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I'm in love with Carol Danvers.

imamandajulius's review against another edition

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5 stars for the final issue in the series, 3.5 for the first two, and a big ol' WHY to the Black Vortex issue. Rating highly because I found the final issue to be deeply touching.