
Hades in Love by Mel Bossa

freesien's review

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ARC provided by the publisher through Netgalley.

Let's talk about the cover first: It's sooo beautiful!
And now to the Book: the description of the book (and the cover. The cover!) was intriguing and since the last escort book I read, Dark Escort, turned out to be surprisingly good, I was anticipating this read very much. But, unfortunately, the book didn't deliver.

The protagonists Harris, a.k.a. Hades, and Jude, a.k.a. Pallas, didn't act like grown-ups, they were more childish-like. I didn't connect with any of them. Jude had so many mood swings and Harris was istantly lovesick. Oh yeah, yet another New Adult book with insta love!
I just couldn't understand their attraction to each other.

This book was too short. It could have covered the issue with Harris' mentor Mineau more or other things. And, of course, make their romance more of a slow burn.

I really liked it when Harris talked about perfumes, though. It was always very poetic and they were the best parts of the book. Or when Greek mythology was mentioned, I've always been a fan of Greek mythology.

melaniebopp's review

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So this sounds interesting, right? It sounds like an interesting romance with a couple of guys who want nothing to do with said romance.

What it is instead is an uncomfortable comedy of errors where one guy purchases an escort and falls for him, only to start stalking him in ways that are 100% beyond creepy and definitely arrestable. It's creepy. And made me incredibly uncomfortable the entire time.

And when Pallas finally gives in and they start to date, Harris says he'll be fine with his profession, and then isn't, loudly so. And when Pallas breaks it off, the stalking starts all over again.

It's ... not okay. It's really not okay. This is in no way a healthy relationship, and it should be ended. Like, now.