
This Night So Dark by Meagan Spooner, Amie Kaufman

pewterwolf's review

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Review Taken From The Pewter Wolf

Tarver has started to have nightmares. Nightmares about something that happened six months prior to the horror that was the Icarus crash. Six months prior where Tarver has to rescue a group of civilians from a group of brutal mercenaries. But is what happened then connected to what happened to both him and Lilac...

I finished this several days ago and, I did like this. It was a fast read (though I did have to spread it over several days - real life sucks sometimes!) and it was a nice titbit for readers. We get more Tarver and Lilac and we see them after the events of These Broken Stars. But it also gives us a insight to Tarver's history and why he was on the Icarus.

And it does a good thing by making the plot thicken over the mysterious LaRoux Industries.

But, I did have some issues. I always do so why did I expect not to have problems is anyone's guess.

While it was nice to read this, I was expecting more. I'm not what more I wanted but I was expecting more details, more hints and clues and more story (with this download, 47% is This Night So Dark and the rest is sample chapters of [b:These Broken Stars|13138635|These Broken Stars (Starbound, #1)|Amie Kaufman||18315607] and [b:This Shattered World|13138734|This Shattered World (Starbound, #2)|Amie Kaufman||18315710]). Also, I expected to see a crossover where we meet Jubilee from This Shattered World and see how she and Tarver know and interact with each other. But the only clue for This Shattered World is Tarver mentioning he was based on Avon a month or two ago.

While this isn't important to the series in my opinion (so if you miss it or decide not to read it but read This Shattered World), I think fans will enjoy this. And if you're curious over this series, this is free and there is sample chapters of These Broken Stars and This Shattered World, I would say go to it.

jeslyncat's review

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Perfect piece to the Starbound universe, very, very short though--I'm glad it was free.

ameserole's review

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I honestly have no idea what to write for this.

This Night So Dark is a novella for the Starbound series. In it, you will get to know more about Tarver. He's kind of a war hero.. bu other than that it was okay? I don't remember much from reading it a couple of days ago but that's because I've been in and out of all day meetings all week.. so my mind was honestly elsewhere.

Overall, it was cute and short. I'm glad that I read it.. but now I feel like I'm obligated to finish off the rest of the series.

novahkiin's review

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First off: I'm so thrilled this is in Tarver's POV, because he's still my number one favorite character out of this series.

Second off: I'm glad it dealt with something that wasn't quite mentioned previously in the other books, though was still connected with everything going on to a very strong degree. I want to know more about Tarver's life before the Icarus, and I hope there are more novellas to come with more stories like this.

I also hope there are more for the after, or more for the during, such as what Tarver and Lilac are up to while Lee and Flynn are busy getting up to their shenanigans, though I know we got to see some of them in the book itself. I pretty much just want more, but what else is new.

I really enjoyed this little bit, especially when it gave us more for Tarver's character and helped to even further flesh him out as a character, which I only love more now that I've seen this scenario he's lived through, along with the way he handled the interactions.

A+, Tarver. A+.

postitsandpens's review

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1) First of all, I want to say that I thoroughly enjoyed This Night So Dark. Not only did this novella provide more Tarver POV - and give us some of his backstory, as well as some information on the crash of the Icarus in These Broken Stars - but it also let us have more interaction between Tarver and Lilac, whom I adore.

2) Tarver called Lilac "beautiful" - not once but twice. Be still my heart! ♥

3) This novella introduced us to a new character, Sanjana, who, to put it bluntly, is totally kick ass. She's one tough lady, not only good in a tight spot but also extremely intelligent and quite witty. I don't know if we'll get a chance to see more of her, but I for one would definitely love to know what she's gotten up to post-This Night So Dark. Especially considering Tarver and Lilac's revelations.

4) This was 109 pages of non-stop action. While I knew that Tarver would obviously be okay, since the events here preceded those in These Broken Stars, my anxiety was kind of through the roof at points as he worked to get himself and the others into safety. It definitely had a huge edge of your seat-feel to it, and I loved that. It's been a while since I've read something that grabbed me like that.

5) I'd sort of forgotten just how young Tarver is. I mean, I KNOW he and Lilac are both young, but he's referred to by one of the scientists as a kid, and that sort of hit me hard. This really is a young man who was put into a very dangerous situation - two, if you count the whole stint on the weird planet post-Icarus crash - and managed to come out on the other side relatively unscathed considering. The fact that he can departmentalize and focus when needed is something I personally find very attractive in a character, and Tarver is definitely one of my favorites!

FINAL VERDICT: Since This Shattered World focuses on two new characters, you'll want to read this simply for more Tarver and Lilac. Definitely give this one a read!


To see more of my reviews, please visit me @ Read and Reviewed!

pixelski's review

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My heart was in over drive this whole time woah the action just never stopped. I loved the suspense and anticipation. Dang Tarver.

nelsonseye's review

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I enjoyed this novella detailing Tarver's past before meeting Lilac. It was a quick read, but the suspense was good, and the characters (both the "good" and the "bad") were interesting enough. I do have the rest of the series on my "ready-to-read" pile, so we're good to go and see what will happen next in this scifi world.

daffz's review

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While this story was enjoyable enough, I don't know if this story really needed expanding. It didn't add much to the story and the readers basically know how it ends already.

seeinghowitgoes's review

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More of a chapter than a novella, it's timed from Tarver's POV before the events of the first novel, explaining how he became so decorated as well as some scientific mojo pseudo explaining the catastrophic ship failure that was to come.

Featuring kick ass female scientists, crazy terrorists and overall enjoyable action it's a reminder that the strength of this series isn't just the love story but just how unapologically sci-fi actiony it is.

schreibratte's review

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Eine wundervolle kurze Geschichte, die Licht in Tarvers Vergangenheit bringt und gleichzeitig nach Band 1 ein schönes Wiedersehen mit ihm und Lilac darstellt, in der bereits bekannten Form mit Dialogen zwischen den Kapiteln und einem Epilog zwischen den beiden Lovebirds.

Tarvers Mission, für die er ausgezeichnet wurde und über die er nicht gern redet, kam auch in "These broken stars" nie richtig zur Sprache. Man weiß nur, dass er gezeichnet ist von jenen Erlebnissen und dass er bei einer Rettungsmission eine nicht genau bezifferte Anzahl Zivilisten sicher zurückgebracht hat. Hier wird genau diese Geschichte erzählt, eingebettet in das Setting, dass Tarver davon träumt und mit Lilac darüber redet. Trotz ihrer Kürze (der Großteil der über 100 Seiten sind die ersten Kapitel von Band 1 und 2 der Starbound-Reihe als Leseproben) hat die Geschichte Twists und Überraschungen, sehr viel Spannung und ein, zwei neue Charaktere, die sofort lebendig werden (aber vielleicht nicht bleiben, haha!).

Die Geschichte ist kostenlos und über die Homepage der Autorin Kaufman bekommt man ein paar Quellen angeboten, von denen bei mir nur eine für Deutschland funktioniert hat, aber ansonsten eine sehr lohnende Kurzgeschichte und schönes Wiedersehen mit Tarver!