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The Faith Experiment by Laurel Christensen

cdjdhj's review

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This "Time Out Classic" by Laurel Christensen recounts the author's struggle to loose weight and run in a marathon and how faith help her to achieve her goals and realize the God wants us all to have the best lives we possibly can. I started reading this book late one night before bed planning to read only a few pages and then continue the next day. I ended up reading the entire thing before I went to sleep. It is not that long and it was readable, interesting and inspiring. Highly recommended.

alidottie's review

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I have loved Laurel Christensen Day since I met her when she was putting together a local team for a Time Out for Women weekend years ago. She is so down to earth and relatable. I love her Worst-Case Scenario Girl and how she overcomes.

papidoc's review

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The Faith Experiment is a delightful little book with some timeless wisdom about faith, prayer, and action, by Laurel Christensen. I’m not sure, but I believe it is based on a talk she gave during a Time Out For Women program. In it, she relates a bit of her own faith journey, and some things she learned about how to exercise faith along the way.

Some favorite insights:

1. “Commit to something that feels beyond your reach.”

2. If faith is the first principle of the gospel, and I struggle with it (who among us does not?), then I will probably struggle with all of the other principles as well.

3. If I am going to ask for bread (Matthew 7:9), it better be the right kind of bread. So, instead of just asking for things I want, even things I want a LOT, I should first go to Heavenly Father in prayer and find out if those are the things He wants me to ask for, if it is right to ask for those things. Father knows best.

4. You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face…do the thing you THINK you cannot do. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

5. “When we have a vision of what we can become, our desire and our power to act increase enormously.” (Dallin H. Oaks)

6. “Where you are today is no surprise to your Father in Heaven. You’re not further ahead than He thought you’d be. You’re not way back behind where He thought you’d be. You’re right where He knew you would be…Consider the possibility that God sees the potential for your life in a way that you have not seen yet – or are too afraid to see.”

7. “Faith is about wanting what GOD wants for you. That’s not faith in an outcome, it’s faith in His plan for you – your plan A. Live with faith.”

ryceejo's review

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Exactly what I needed. She nailed it!

lynnettes's review

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Loved it! Really got me thinking about my attitude when things don't go the way expect them to or want them to.

papi's review

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The Faith Experiment is a delightful little book with some timeless wisdom about faith, prayer, and action, by Laurel Christensen. I’m not sure, but I believe it is based on a talk she gave during a Time Out For Women program. In it, she relates a bit of her own faith journey, and some things she learned about how to exercise faith along the way.

Some favorite insights:

1. “Commit to something that feels beyond your reach.”

2. If faith is the first principle of the gospel, and I struggle with it (who among us does not?), then I will probably struggle with all of the other principles as well.

3. If I am going to ask for bread (Matthew 7:9), it better be the right kind of bread. So, instead of just asking for things I want, even things I want a LOT, I should first go to Heavenly Father in prayer and find out if those are the things He wants me to ask for, if it is right to ask for those things. Father knows best.

4. You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face…do the thing you THINK you cannot do. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

5. “When we have a vision of what we can become, our desire and our power to act increase enormously.” (Dallin H. Oaks)

6. “Where you are today is no surprise to your Father in Heaven. You’re not further ahead than He thought you’d be. You’re not way back behind where He thought you’d be. You’re right where He knew you would be…Consider the possibility that God sees the potential for your life in a way that you have not seen yet – or are too afraid to see.”

7. “Faith is about wanting what GOD wants for you. That’s not faith in an outcome, it’s faith in His plan for you – your plan A. Live with faith.”