
Windsinger by A.F.E. Smith

crimsoncor's review

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Nice wrap up to the series.

amethystbookwyrm's review

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Thanks to Netgalley and HarperCollins UK for giving me this book to review.

Windsinger is a really good and tense third book in the Darkhaven series. It is full of politics, action, murder and an intriguing story. However, it did feel slow to start but really picks up towards the middle of the book.

I really liked the way Ayla has grown and is able to balance all aspects of her life and is still able to be a wife and mother as well as a ruler and defender. Caraway lacks confidence and that all of who he is down to luck not skill or his instincts. However, I found Miles to be the most interesting character as I really felt for him and the dilemma he found himself in.

I really enjoyed this book and I hope there will be more books in the Darkhaven series in the future. I would recommend Windsinger to fans of the previous books in the Darkhaven series, Darkhaven and Goldenfire.

This and my other reviews can be found at Amethyst Bookwyrm

100pagesaday's review

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Ayla Nightshade is now the Overlord of Darkhaven. She is the only adult Changer left; she can transform into a powerful Alicorn. Ayla has been working on honing her skills both in Changer and human form with the help of Miles, an alchemist and her husband, Tomas, the Captain of the Helm. Ayla finally feels like life is calming down, with her three children growing well and a meeting set for a Peace Treaty with an ambassador from the neighboring land of Sol Kardis, Ayla is fulfilling her role as Overlord. However, the meeting with Sol Kardis goes terribly wrong; after Ayla and the ambassador meet in private, the ambassador suddenly dies. Ayla is the only suspect and Sol Kardis declares war. Now, Ayla must go to the front lines with Tomas left to run Darkhaven and watch over the children while other members of the Helm frantically try to prove Ayla's innocence and figure out who is truly behind the war.

This is the third installment in the Darkhaven series. Windsinger provided a fast-paced, action filled and suspenseful ride in the wonderful world of Darkhaven. I was very pleased to see Ayla grow into a confident ruler, expand her powers, be comfortable in her Changer form and have nurturing relationships with her husband and children. The suspense and intrigue grows right from the start as Ayla meets with the Kardise ambassador. A twisted political scheme is set forth that involves many of the characters that I have gotten to know over the course of the series. I was glad to see Sorrow, Zander, Ree and Art have important roles. As the war rages on, I was also impressed to see Ayla in Alicorn form use her powers. As the end approaches, the tension rose to the point that I did not want to put the book down. I was surprised at all of the players tangled up in the scheme and how they thought everything would play out. Another awesome installment into the fantasy world of Changers and Darkhaven.

This book was provided for free in return for an honest review.