
Plus loin by Robin York

outoftheblue14's review against another edition

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E-galley received through Netgalley for review

Caroline Piasecki is a nineteen-year-old student at Putnam, in Iowa. Her father is a judge and she wants to go to law school, too. She has recently broken up with Nate, her boyfriend of three years. But then she discovers that he has posted intimate pictures of her - sex pictures - to the Internet, together with her name and school. Suddenly, everyone has seen Caroline naked.

West Leavitt is a student of biology at Putnam. Everyone knows he's shady: he works many jobs and is also a drug dealer. Caroline's father has warned her to stay away from him. Yet Caroline is drawn to West. On sleepless nights she starts going to the bakery where he works.

Although Caroline and West pretend they are not even friends, they soon develop feelings for each other. West, however, also needs to take care of his mother and young sister; and Caroline needs to fight against those who want to ruin her life by posting her pictures.

This new adult debut novel deals with the subject of "revenge porn" - posting someone's intimate pictures online in order to humiliate them. Caroline has done nothing wrong - she only had sex with her longtime boyfriend. However, he took her pictures while they were having sex and posted them on the Internet. What Nate did was desplicable and wrong, and there's no real reason why. Yes, she broke up with him, but of course he wasn't really in love with her - otherwise he never would have done something like that to Caroline.

When Nate justifies himself with him mother and says that what Caroline has done is desplicable - he's lying. She has done nothing wrong. She was just having sex with her boyfriend and didn't prevent him from taking her picture. The only one at fault, here, is Nate himself.

West, too, has done his share of questionable thing. Most specifically, he sells marijuana, and apparently has had sex for money with older women (including his mentor's wife). His temper flares quickly and has punched Nate more than once for talking disrespectfully about Caroline. Yet, under the tough exterior, he has a kind soul and caring personality. He loves his younger sister and wants to protect her. he worries about Caroline, too, even at the beginning when they just know each other by sight.

In this new adult book, at least there's some studying and paper writing going on and not only partying and drinking. The revenge porn plot makes it somewhat original. Also, the heroine is not a virgin.

This is the first book in the series, and the happy ending is delayed to book(s) to come - to a second, or maybe even third book. I keep hoping for Caroline's roommate to hook up with West's roommate for some reason; they seem suited to each other.

I will be reading the next book in the series. I want to read about Caroline and West being happy together.

haleymfischer's review against another edition

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This book is my favorite heartbreaker. Even after reading it half-a-dozen times, I still feel just as strongly as I did the first time I read it back when I was a teenager.

Caroline and West have both have been hurt badly by other people—Caroline by her ex using revenge porn against her and West by his abusive, deadbeat family. West has learned how to shut down his hurt and turn it into action that he hopes will propel him into a better life. Caroline is just now learning what hurt really is and how profoundly it can impact your life.

Watching the two of them figure out how to care for each other is really, really special. At first, it's just about Caroline and her pain and West helping her survive the worst few months of her life. But there's a slow shift throughout the story to where Caroline is healing and realizing that, as much as he's given her, he's also taking too much from her. From there, there's this painful push-and-pull in which the two of them try to stay true to themselves while continuing to fall for each other.

Book #1 doesn't end the way you hope it might. But their story is worth the pain.

5★ — Deeper
4★ — Harder

marscandy37's review against another edition

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I'm really picky about the books I read. I give a book about fifteen pages to know if I'm really going to like it. If by then I don't enjoy it, I will not continue reading it.

It only took one sentence into this book to draw me completely in. I love this book so thoroughly I was sad when it ended. That doesn't happen often.

I pick books apart, it's true. I make notes, write wittisms in a notebook about stupid situations, analyze plot holes, underline mistakes.

There isn't one bad thing about this book. Not one bad or sarcastic comment in my notebook about any of the characters. I loved them all.

This book is so perfectly written, so unbelievably well plotted it makes you sigh with pleasure. There's never a time where you wonder what's the purpose of this, where is this going? Every sentence had a place. The only thing I can compare it too is eating chocolate after my kid is asleep. It's a treat, enjoyable and undisturbed.

Every flaw the characters had was explained.

Caroline the goody-goody rich girl with approval issues.

West, the walking dichotomy, the bad boy who isn't really a bad boy.

Even Evil Nate, the guy you love to hate.

I'd recommend this book to anyone. I dare you not to fall in love with it.

The only thing I hate is having to wait until July for the sequel. Which I'm most definetly reading.

mollywetta's review against another edition

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This one was okay -- it has many of the same tropes as other NA - a sexual assault (in the form of an ex boyfriend posting explicit photos online) and a guy from a poor, abusive background who likes to punch people. The writing was better than many others. I made it to the 80% mark one night, then just didn't care enough to see how it ended.

camibookish's review against another edition

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Good book, there's some depth there that it's not fully developed and I hope to see in the next one on the series. Thank you Manon for this discovery!

jackiehorne's review against another edition

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Surfacing the Sexist Assumptions Behind Revenge Porn: Robin York's DEEPER

A week ago today, a Manhattan judge dismissed the first attempt in New York State to prosecute a "revenge pornographer." For those unfamiliar with the term, "revenge porn" (also known as non-consensual pornography or cyber rape) occurs when a person posts pictures of another person without his or her clothes on, or in a sexually explicit position or act, on a social media site such as Facebook or Twitter, without that person's consent. Most often, the poster is a former romantic or sexual partner of the person in the photograph, and the posting done in order to shame, intimidate, demean, and/or physically threaten.

According to the New York Daily News, Criminal Court Justice Steven Statsinger wrote in the decision dismissing the above case that while the defendant clearly sent sexually explicit photographs of his former girlfriend via Twitter to the woman's employer and her sister without her consent, the act did not "violate any of the criminal statutes under which the defendant was charged." Though the judge termed the defendant's act "reprehensible," under current New York state law, the defendant had not done anything criminally wrong.

The general tenor of the comments posted in response to Daily News piece were disheartening, if unsurprising:

This is why I tell my daughter, be mindful of pictures, who is taking them and where they are. This stuff will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

Don't want anyone to see you [sic] nude pix? Then don't have them taken in the first place!! DUH!!

When will women learn not to allow anyone to take nude photos? There are too many stories of women showing up on these revenge sites.

Maybe woman in NYS should be nicer to the man they hurt!

Women can't help themselves. They LOVE to take pictures, and nude photos makes [sic] them feel sexy. They place a HIGH premium on looking and feeling sexy. Not their fault, though, as the beauty industry is so manipulative and suffocating.

Though several of the posters echoed the judge's belief that the man was a jerk, more of the comments (from both men and women) focused on cautioning against the behavior that led to the woman's victimization. Why are we so ready to blame the victim? Does it have anything to do with the fact that in the majority of these cases, the person featured in the photos is a woman?

New Adult author Robin York attempts to answer this question in her provocative, insightful, and surprisingly romantic first novel, Deeper. The story opens with Iowa college student Caroline Piasecki, opening a link sent to her by her roommate, a link that reveals photographs that Nate, her old boyfriend, took with his iPhone while they were having sex. The link, to an internet porn web site, includes not only the pictures, but also Caroline's name and home town. As a bonus, an added-on cartoon bubble has been pasted next to her face in the final photo: "I'm Caroline Piasecki! I'm a frigid bitch who needs to get FUCKED!"

Up until the middle of her sophomore year, Caroline had been the embodiment of the proverbial good girl. Dated the right guy, earned the good grades, got into the best colleges, Caroline never caused her single father the least bit of trouble. Though she'd recently broken up with her first serious boyfriend, Caroline thought she had the whole world ahead of her. But now, with sexually explicit images of her proliferating across the web, and the derogatory, shame-inducing, and outright threatening comments anonymous males are posting in response to them, Caroline believes that her dreams for the future have been irrevocably damaged.

The usually confident, outspoken Caroline finds herself with her head down, hoping that if she just keeps a low enough profile, the whole awful mess will just disappear. That someday she'll be able to get the chorus of vulgar men and the hateful, demeaning slurs they post in response to her photos, out of her head. York does not shy away from the shockingly aggressive, abusive, and denigrating words male posters feel they have the right to spew from the anonymous safety of their computers: Got what you deserved, didn't you? Slut. I can't help it, Caroline... It's your fault or being so fucking hot!

Lying low certainly means not getting involved with the campus bad boy and local pot dealer West Leavitt, even though the two have been attracted to each other since freshman year. The last thing Caroline needs is to discover West and her ex in the midst of a fistfight, a fight purportedly sparked by her ex's derogatory comments about her. "He'll draw attention to me. My primary purpose in life at the moment is to disappear.... I can't chance it happening again. I need to talk to West." But Caroline's "talk" doesn't quite go the way she had planned. And soon she finds herself in a tenuous "not-friendship" with the compellingly attractive West, a boy bent on protecting others, but unwilling to show anyone, even Caroline, the truth behind the facade he presents to the rest of the college world.

York hones in on just what is so appealing to readers in the New Adult genre: the overwhelming feelings of first, requited lust; the all-consuming focus on a new love; the difficult, often traumatic life circumstances that prevent young love from flourishing; the pleasure-pain of angst when love goes awry. She has a real gift for not only for limning the contours of passion, but also those of character, particularly characters from different class backgrounds, and the inevitable misunderstandings and miscommunications that result because of those differences.

But at the same time that she embraces some NA tropes, she clearly rejects others, carefully and convincingly exposes the sexism that underlies them. Fighting Nate on Caroline's behalf may seem heroic, but West's behavior also undercuts Caroline's own power, her own ability to fight her own battles. As does publicly staking his "claim" to her only two days after he's broken off their "not-friendship," cutting in front of a guy in whom she's expressed interest and kissing her in public during the women's rugby team fundraiser. While some girls might find such a public declaration swoon-worthy, it only infuriates Caroline, because she understands the sexual politics behind it: "Mine, his mouth says. Mine, mine, mine. But I'm not. I'm my own." Part of what Caroline has lost because of the outing of her photos is her sense of control, her ability to make up her own mind. Having someone she cares for take away that control is little better than having it stolen away by someone who means her harm. York also highlights how much the appeal of the NA "bad boy" rests on class differences, differences that simultaneously make working-class male rule-breaking attractive to "good" middle class girls, but deny young working-class men the power that their rule-abiding middle class male counterparts take for granted.

A good girl is not supposed to be a sexual creature; but a good girlfriend does what it takes to make her boyfriend happy. Including not making a fuss when he pulls out his camera. The paradox of two such diametrically-opposed messages is what lies at the heart of the blame-the-victim mentality when it comes to revenge porn, York's story argues. York shows how Caroline gradually comes to realize that she's drunk the patriarchal Cool-Aid, buying into the belief that she, not Nate, is to blame for the public release of his private photographs. Not only due to West's more earthy, matter-of-fact take on sexuality, but also due to Caroline's new involvement in sports, her willingness to allow female friends to support her, and her ability to mock the very derogatory terms intended to bring her down (for example, laughing rather than getting upset after a friend trying to persuade her to join the rugby team says, "Oh, right. I'll settle for the blow-job queen here, then"). Only after Caroline realizes "I'm not bad. I'm not good. I'm just alive. I'm just here, dancing," can she find the courage to face down Nate, to demand her father's love rather than his judgment, and to persuade West to allow her to be more than just the damsel in need of his saving.

At the end of her book, York includes a note to the reader, urging us to become involved in the campaign to outlaw revenge porn (currently legal in every state except New Jersey, York reports, although the above map suggests California has recently outlawed it, too), by visiting the web site End Revenge Porn. Immediately after I finished her book, I clicked on the link, and signed the petition encouraging legislators to draft and pass laws to criminalize this deeply anti-feminist crime. I hope you all will, as well.

And now I'm headed off to the bookstore, to buy a copy of Deeper for my teenage daughter. Because this is a book that every adolescent girl needs to read.

caseroo7's review against another edition

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Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

Deeper by Robin York completely blew me away with how fantastic it was! I did not want to put this one down and when I got to the end I wanted to cry and scream and throw a huge temper tantrum. I was absolutely not ready for the ending, and I need the next book now. I cannot even tell you just how much this book made me feel. My emotions are all over the place in the best way possible. Robin York brought these beautiful and complex characters to life in such a real way that they will be on my mind until I get the rest of their story, and I am sure even beyond that. Caroline and West are impossible not to fall in love with, and they are definitely some of my all-time favorites after reading this book.

After ending her relationship with her boyfriend of three years, Caroline finds out via text from her best friend that her ex posted sexually compromising photos of her on the internet. Not only does this harm her reputation, but it also puts her future career into huge jeopardy. Not wanting her family to find out, Caroline does her best to get the pictures removed on her own but it seems to be a losing battle. People are constantly judging her and saying awful things to her, until one day when West, a guy she barely knows stands up for her. West is not interested in having any kind of relationship with Caroline including friendship, and he is determined to fulfill his purpose of bettering himself so that he can take better care of his little sister. But soon Caroline is spending her sleepless nights in the parking lot of the bakery he works at until one night he invites her in. Caroline and West begin spending time together and before long they are unable to fight the attraction between them. Caroline and West's relationship is anything but normal and becomes more and more complicated. Despite their feelings and attraction, there are many things that still stand in their way. Can Caroline and West get past all the obstacles in their way, or will they be forced apart regardless of how they feel?

I loved West. He was so deep and complex. He was sexy and sweet, caring, protective and loyal. He was so determined to help his family, especially his little sister. He went out of his way to work so much in order to send his family money. I loved that he worked as a baker, and understood why he dealt drugs. I also really liked that he tried so hard not to let Caroline in and tried to keep her at arms length because he felt she deserved better. But once he realized just how much he felt and she did too, he didn't let anything stand in their way. I liked Caroline. At first I thought that she was a bit weak and kind of flat. But she really grew on me over the course of this book. Once things started to get more serious with West, she really came into her own. She became fierce and protective and I loved how she stood by West no matter what. Through all the mistakes that they both made, she didn't allow West to get away with his crap and made sure that he treated her how she deserved. Caroline and West were really perfect together and even though they had so much standing in their way it was clear that they belonged together. They had amazing chemistry together and they were absolutely smoking hot! Their sexy scenes were beyond steamy, and some of the hottest I have ever read! I loved their dirty talk and phone sex scenes and thought that they were extremely well written.

Overall, this book was beyond amazing! I fell in love with Caroline and West, and was rooting for them from the very start. This book drew me in and would not let go of my attention until I devoured every last page. I will say that this was one of the most emotional books I can remember reading and I think part of that was because I just felt so connected to these characters and became so invested in their story. I really enjoyed the secondary characters as well, and thought that they really added to the story. I absolutely cannot wait until the next story comes out and I get my Caroline and West fix. I am not sure how I am going to make it until July, and I know that they will be on my mind until then. Deeper does end with a bit of a cliffhanger (not a huge one) and the reader is left wondering what will happen next. This book has left me with a huge book hangover and makes me want to go back and reread it. Robin York has written an amazing story that keeps you interested and wondering what will happen next. I would highly recommend this book to any fans of romance, but especially those that like the New Adult genre. This book is an absolute must read in my opinion and is one that I think is not to be missed. I am anxiously awaiting the release of Harder to get more Caroline and West, but I also can't wait to read more from Robin York in the future.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

perjacxis's review against another edition

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This is a great New Adult novel. Sex positive and a strong femal character. Well done!

jsteph63's review against another edition

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My favorite NA book, hands DOWN.

gthomson31's review against another edition

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If you read one book based on someone's word take me in this ..... Read this book ! It's rare I get a book that makes me feel this much , the feels I got with this book ! I need more that ending gutted me surly that's not it I won't accept that ...... I won't lol