
From The Ruins by Janine Infante Bosco

sonja_ahrb's review

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If you’ve read Ms. Bosco’s Tempted series or her Nomad series, you know Pipe and why he’s in ruins, but if you don’t, don’t worry that I’ll spoil anything for you because I won’t. I’ll just say that ever since his ruin, I have wanted Pipe to get a happy ending and when I realized that From the Ruins was his story, I absolutely could not wait to read it! I tell you, I was so excited for this book, even more than normal when it comes to a Janine Infante Bosco book. And From the Ruins shattered my expectations and was even better than I was hoping for. It was truly outstanding and I wholeheartedly loved it!

Layla is my kind of woman! She’s strong and fierce, she doesn’t back down, she speaks her mind and she doesn’t feel the need to make those words pretty or censored. She’s protective of her people and always tries to do her best and never gives up. Layla is a force to be reckoned with and it’s no wonder that Pipe couldn’t resist a wonderful, generous soul like hers. I adored Layla and she’s without a doubt one of my favorite heroines, although I think it’s safe to say that she is my favorite out of them all - I just completely loved her!

And Pipe! Oh my gosh, seriously, I’ve always liked Pipe, I probably even loved him, but where did this Pipe come from?! The man is sexy as sin - I honestly had no idea, but I totally blame that on my crazy mind - but I loved Pipe for so much more than his physical allure. I can’t even tell you about him because I don’t want to spoil what he’s like for you, not that I’m sure I could do him justice if I tried anyway. Pipe wormed his way into my heart and completely stole it - I fell in love with that man so hard and he is definitely my favorite hero!

From the Ruins can be read as a standalone, it’s told from Pipe and Layla’s POV, they do get their happy ending, and now here’s some Truths:

Truth, From the Ruins broke my heart and made it ache. It made me want to cry and pull out my hair at times.
Truth, while there is darkness, there is so much light and warmth in this book too.
Truth, From the Ruins made me laugh and smile and grin so much and I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed reading it or how much I fell in love with it.
Truth, From the Ruins is beautiful, epic, and full of truth and love and most of all, heart.

~ Sonja, 5 Stars

lynn_the_greyhound_mum's review

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Very good book I didn’t get into it immediately but persevered and really got into it. There were a couple of edits that were missed.

The first being at Pipe’s first wife’s funeral ‘they usher to the sides of the casket’ what did she mean by usher? According to the Oxford English Dictionary an usher is a person who shows someone to their seat in a hall or theatre. A doorkeeper at court so to announce or show. It would have made more sense to have worded it as ‘they move to the sides of her casket’.

The other phrase that stopped me in my tracks was ‘does that mean you are an excerpt’ during a conversation about how long Pipe has been riding a motorbike. I think it should have been ‘does that mean you are an expert’.

Other than these two non existent edits it was a very good book.

nb247's review

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Gah....I am so in love with the Satan's Knights!!!
I was not sure how Pipe's story was going to go but.........
I was a-f**kin-mazing!!
I loved all of it and I can't even go into details because it will ruin(no pun intended) it for you, but if you love broody, broken, dirty talkin bikers and funny, independent, strong women then this is FOR YOU!!!

floppybutton's review

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5 Truth Stars!!!!!

Janine’s books have my heart by the balls….if my heart had balls…you know what mean.

So, me and Janine were talking the other day over a glass of wine. Well, Janine wasn’t there, but my kindle was…same thing. And Janine was like, “Hey, girl! I’m gonna make you cry your eyes out!” and I was like, “Girl, nah uh!” and then she was like, “Cry, Bitch!” and I was like, “Leave me, alone, Janine!”…and then I’m already crying by 10%. I am NOT a girl who likes to read sad books. I wouldn’t call her books sad. I would call them REAL. She always includes some type of real issue, and it doesn’t matter what “issue” she is including in the story, she always pulls and pulls until my heart breaks from her words alone.

Pipe is struck with tragedy several books ago, in the worst way. He already didn’t have a shiny life before, but he was given a glimpse of happy before another tragedy. He’s known way too much loss for one person. He escapes and leaves the only family he’s ever know. Who can blame him? He lost everything. He is a broken man who has no idea how to deal.

Layla. She is a single mother of three. These kids. Love ‘em. I’m super picky about kids in books, and these kids had so much character and were essential in pulling Pipe from the ruins. Layla is also just trying to get through each day. She has been through a not-so-great marriage which ended in divorce. Bitter against all men, she is not ready for Pipe….at all.

Pipe and Layla are neighbors who hate each other (love this trope!). Neither of them are in a good place. They are just trying to stumble through life. Layla has a few more smiles left, so she isn’t afraid to give those smiles out to those who deserve them, and Pipe starts to crave her smiles. When Pipe rescues her and the kids from a couple of household disasters, the ice begins to thaw between Pipe & Layla. They eventually find solace in each other in the form of hot, crazy sex (yes, please!), forgetting their issues for even a brief amount of time.

The only way to describe how Janine’s books make me feel is by sharing this memory. One of my favorite memories that will stay with me forever…I was on the back of my Dad’s Harley. We were riding in the dark on the way home from an outside concert at a winery, and we were listening to one of our favorite songs. At the time, we thought my dad had cancer. Little did we know a couple weeks later, we would find out that by a miracle, he did not have cancer. Anywho, the wind was in my hair. The rumble of the motorcycle beneath me. The stars above me. This memory is SO MUCH. And THAT feeling is Janine’s books.

Janine is THAT author. That author that you don’t know is AMAZING. That author who will make you FEEL. Will make you LIVE through her characters. Will make you CRY. Will make you LAUGH. And you will regret not reading Janine’s books. Don’t regret it. Read her books.

Thank you, Janine, for sharing a part of yourself in this book. I will never grow tired of your words. One day, I will hug you (maybe for an awkward amount of time) and thank you personally.

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

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bribookish's review

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Oh my god, this book took me completely by surprise! I haven't really heard much about this book. And I'm so happy I chose to read it. Because I absolutely adored this book! I couldn't stop highlighting CONSTANTLY. This book was everything!

I may not be in a relationship and I may not have kids, but MAN. This book!

I just can't with my feelings. So happy I read it!

bobosbookbank's review

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FROM THE RUINS is book one in the Satan's Knights MC series and is a bad boy, MC romance. It takes place in the same world as the Tempted series and the Nomad series, i.e. all the characters are interconnected but it still stands completely alone. I'm not sure but I think this one may be my most FAVORITE from Janine Infante Bosco! It's intense, gritty storyline grabbed me from page one and kept me spellbound until the end. Through all the sorrow and the pain and the darkness lies a truly beautiful tale. It's about finding your soul mate when you weren't even looking, learning to forgive yourself and the positivity of love. Lee (Pipe) is far from the perfect male specimen that I often read about. Now don't get the wrong idea, he's a totally hot, possessive beast (who wears leather and rides a Harley) but he's also struggling with a devastating past. Layla, though is the super hero..she has a heart of gold and the mouth of a sailor! As opposite as they seemed, Layla and Pipe were perfect for each other. I loved their interactions, they tended to bring out the best of each other. And without giving TOO much away, together they created a fabulously flawed family. Told from dual POVs with a sweet ending. I received, read and voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

elylibrarysec's review

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Rating: 4.5 Stars

Lee “Pipe” Jameson can’t wait to reinvent his life. But that’s going to be a hard road to travel. It’s a road that is complicated with violence and pain. He’s a man that needs to learn that grief will get easier with time but violence doesn’t solve anything. Layla Milano is dealing with a different type of grief but she’s not the only one she has to worry about.

This story is not about a bunch of men that ride motorcycles. These are hard men who live hard lives, wear leather, make no excuses, and their bikes are just an extension of who they are. When Layla and her family enter a scene you just can’t help but laugh. They all seem to lighten a scene that could easily turn dark. They seem to be very good for Pipe. If you want to look for the scene-stealer, her name is Lexi. Then you have the typical teenage boy – at times I could see him as a younger version of Pipe.

At first I started to wonder where the author came up with the title but as I got to know both of our main characters the light bulb went on. Sometimes I have a hard time picturing the main characters as a couple but I have no reservations here. They compliment each other perfectly and are exactly what the other needs to pull them out of the invisible hole they seem to be in. This may be the first book in the series but it comes from The Tempted series. So if you want to know more about the brothers of this MC there are five books to choose from. I look forward to see where Ms. Bosco plans to take this new series.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

nbiblioholic's review

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If you’ve read any books from Janine Infante Bosco, then you may already have met Pipe. He’s the SGT at Arms and Jack’s right hand. He’s the one who calms the demons in Jack’s head. If you haven’t read one of her books, then you’re in for one hell of an incredible introduction.

Pipe is lost. Everything that meant something to him now has no meaning. After a tragedy strikes the club, Pipe’s life is in ruins. He’s lost his wife and he’s lost his way. Removing his patch, he hasn’t gone nomad. Nope, he’s off to rediscover who the heck he is now and try to move through the grief that has now consumed him. The last thing he needs is a nosey neighbor and her kids to boot. So he thinks.

It’s from the ruins they will rise.

Layla is recently divorced and is trying to make a new life for herself and her three children. Life’s hard but she tries to make the best of a tough situation. After moving for the third time within a year, she’s determined to make this time stick and provide some stability for her family. But there’s a brooding, dark, and rude man next door who causes a bit of a hiccup to her peaceful plans. However, she sees him. Like really sees him. She can see his pain and hopes to discover its source and provide some solace. Layla was truly a beautiful person. No less beautiful than Pipe.

In order to rise up, you have to fall. It’s a fast and furious descent that renders you speechless and leaves you staring up at the heavens wondering how you’ll ever climb this hurdle.

One of the things I love most about this author’s writing is how she creates and develops her characters. They’re beautifully flawed and insanely easy to relate to. Take Layla for instance. Any woman who finds herself with the job of raising her children almost entirely by herself can see themselves in Layla. I know for sure that I did. Being a single mom isn’t glamorous and it isn’t easy. Not only do you have to take steps to ensure that your children don’t suffer from the loss of what used to be, but as a woman your insecurities are your worst enemies. How do you move on? And when someone does come along, someone you would like to take a chance with, how do you juggle being a mom and a woman? It’s a difficult balance and the author didn’t sugarcoat it at all.

Now Pipe took me by surprise. I assumed he’d be so far from reach that it would take ages for Layla to touch him. But that wasn’t the case. He was able to see his way out pretty quickly and it was all due to the almost instantaneous connection he shared with Layla and her children. And when this man came out of his shell… when he allowed himself to feel… when he acknowledged that he didn’t die with his wife and that it wasn’t his time to go but to live… oh man, this dude showed up!! Pipe has always been loyal, tried, tested and true. But when it came to Layla and those kids, he became so much more than just the SGT at Arms. More than the poor boy from horrific circumstances that tried to make the most of the opportunities he was given. He became the right man for his new family. Whether it was fixing the plumbing, taking a little girl to a dance, or recreating a bedroom to make someone happy, he was all in. I couldn’t have asked for better.

This book was a bit different from those I’m used to from this author. It had less action and more heart. But I’m not over here complaining. Not one bit. Because the author always shows heart in her writing and this story showed it the most. Maybe because it hit some personal points for the author. Maybe because it hit some personal ones for me. I’m not sure, but it was definitely one of my favorites so far. So if you’re a fan of motorcycle club romances or a fan of second chances, I highly recommend adding this book to your list!

Release Date: September 26, 2017
Genre: MC Romance
POV: Dual - 1st person
Heat: 4 out of 5
Type: Standalone with character crossover

hollaback77's review

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I didn't think that the author would be able to top Roamer. I really didn't. I'll tell you why: Because that was a story for the generations that would need to be told. I hounded her to come to the Authors Invade Columbia after that book came out...Because I knew I would be buying every single book she's ever written. I was wrong about Roamer being her best. There's an Introduction to the book where she talks about her life and how this book, her her. She lays it all out there. It's not pretty, it's not Cinderella, it's not a fairy tale story, but it's Property of Parrish. 

Pipe is an enigma and Layla is his salvation. He's not a man any longer. He's a shell of a man and he screws and boozes his way to oblivion until he meets Layla and her three children. This is the best book to date of Janine's and I am so blessed that I got to read it ahead of time. We all have regrets and we wish we could go back in time and erase the past. Pipe can't bring his wife back and even though he thinks losing himself in the bottle and women are going to work...Layla's gonna do everything to pull him out. I had to sit and think about this review before I wrote it.

There were a few misspelled words and a few that were used the wrong way, but in NO way did that detract from the story that you're in. It's rich in the culture and subculture. I loved the children in it. I thought she brought life and light to the grieving process of death both physical and the grieving process of a marriage. You can tell that the author gave her heart in this book and laid it bare for her readers. We are all Property of Parrish...Ride or Die...Forever and Always.
