
Effortless With You by Lizzy Charles

foxaquatica's review

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It was short & perfect to get me out of my reading slump

ajillionbooks's review

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Loved this book!

glire's review

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Leí este libro casi por accidente: atrapada en el trabajo, sin internet ni sistema para poder laborar. Sin libros, ni Kindle. Y con el Calibre como única fuente de distracción. Decidí arriesgarme y darle al botón de "leer un libro al azar", este fue el que me tocó.

Casi desde el principio la historia me inspiraba un fuerte sentimiento de déjà vu; ; sentía que ya lo había leído antes pero no podía recordar que sucedería a continuación. Supuse que se debía a que no es la historia más original del mundo, hasta que entre a GR a puntearlo y me di cuenta que YA LO HABÍA LEÍDO. The horror!

Y así fue como me di cuenta que mi vida sin GR probablemente sería muy triste. Me imagino leyendo los mismos libros una y otra vez sin saberlo xD

En fin, la historia se merece una estrella por ser tan inmemorable (aún no puedo creer que en ningún momento recordara ya haberla leído). Pero voy a darle dos porque lo leí completo, no una sino DOS veces... y eso debe significar algo.

kcbooks's review

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Such a good and easy read. Effortless With You delves in to finding yourself while in high school and understanding love. Your families love, love for/of yourself, and love for others. Lucy finds all forms of love over the summer.
After getting grounded and sneaking out, her parents force her in to a job with Justin, the one person she doesn’t want to spend any time with.
Over the course of the summer, Lucy sees a different side of Justin along with a different side of her.
If you’re looking for an easy read, Effortless With You is the book your looking for.

hollymbryan's review

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I picked up EFFORTLESS WITH YOU during a 99cents sale at Amazon one day, figuring that even though romance books aren't usually my thing, this one looked cute and could be an easy, light read. Well, it was an easy read, because it was written so well and flowed nicely, but it wasn't all light and fluffy like I expected. I'm really glad I saw the sale and grabbed this book and gave it a chance!

On the one hand, EFFORTLESS WITH YOU is your typical romance story - whether it's YA or adult - and includes many of the usual romance tropes: girl who doesn't know how attractive she is, boy who's gorgeous beyond belief and has an attitude to match, a developing relationship between the two that starts as dislike/fighting and evolves to something more, and the constant push-pull of "s/he likes me, no s/he hates me, no s/he likes me, no..." -- you get the idea! But what makes for a good romance, even with all these typical tropes, is, in my opinion, all about the characters. Sometimes you can read a book that has a good story, but if you don't connect to the characters, it's not going to get very high marks, right? Well, the characters - not just Lucy and Justin, but supporting characters too - are what really made this book a 4-star read for me.

Ms. Charles writes like a pro, and I thought she did a great job with the dialogue between characters, which I think would be the hardest part about writing a book. We are only in Lucy's head for this story, which made for some frustration and anticipation as we wonder right along with Lucy just how Justin feels about her. Their banter was really witty and enjoyable to read. I loved when they were on the page together.

What I wasn't expecting was the detailed story of Lucy's relationship with her parents and little brother, and this aspect of the story is another reason this was a 4-star read for me. Often your typical romance stories are heavy on the primary relationship and light on everything else, but EFFORTLESS wasn't like that. We have a front-row seat in Lucy's struggle to be her own person, to figure out who that person is, and to understand and empathize and get along with her mother. Without spoilers, I'll just say I loved that the title refers to something very different than you initially expect!

I highly recommend EFFORTLESS for any YA romance fan, and I look forward to reading PERFECTLY MESSY next!

danah_kmt's review

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Really adorable story.

earlgaytea711's review

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This book was absolutely great. I had such a hard time putting it down that I finished it in a little over twelve hours between work, class and homework. It was amazing! And definitely worth the 99 cents on amazon.

reader_of_books's review

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I just reread this one and it is still just as perfect as when I first read it a few years ago.
Lucy’s life is far from perfect. Will a summer of painting houses with the annoyingly perfect dreamboat ruin her summer, or will she learn to love who she really is?

mandathebiblio's review

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This unfortunately wasn't my favorite Lizzy Charles. That being said, I'm interested in watching her writing grow into It Had to Be You. I'm so glad I finally read this and Justin is just perfect. The ending made me happy, despite the beginning not really clicking with me. Like I said, I'm interesting in watching her writing grow as she did.

photogeek's review

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You know those feelings you get when you read a book that you just absolutely loved? That giddy feeling of happiness as you read the last line of the book and sigh with satisfaction at the way everything turned out perfectly and exactly the way you wanted it to be? That longing feeling, knowing that you'll probably never encounter a book as great as the one you just read? That small sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe, there will be a sequel with all of your favorite characters in it from the book you just read? Well, these feelings just basically sum up how I felt about Effortless With You. This book explored topics that made my heart ache, but in a good way: love, friendship, family, image, disorders, and self-acceptance. Lucy was such a likeable character, with her snarky attitude and innocent demeanor. Justin was such a sweetheart, with his chivalrous manners and adorable boy-charm. Even the side characters like Alex and Luke made me smile with happiness and left me with an ache in my chest, knowing that it will be so hard to find a good book that will match this one.