
Other Broken Things by Christa Desir

danimack13's review

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for glorifying a 17 year old’s relationship with a 38 year old for the second half of the book

godotwillseeyounow's review

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Even though this is a book about a character recovering from alcoholism, going to AA meetings and confronting life, it was much more relatable than one would have thought; or perhaps it's just me thinking about trying out the Twelve Steps...

The story never sounded fake or forced, the plot twists weren't for the sake of having plot twists, they were just things that happened, as they do in life, and you are unable to control them.

Sometimes I didn't like Natalie (the main character) and that was fine, too. She is a brat, and self-absorbed, and at times her problems sounded like rich, white kid problems, born out of her own fault. Yet somehow, that didn't make her terrible to read.

Even though there were mentions of God, it never turned preachy, which I liked.

The ending was great, not a happily-ever-after, but a there's-still-work-to-be-done-and-that's-okay one. And I really liked that. It had great closure for the story and its characters, all of them completing an arch or having moved from the point in which they began; for once, it was a satisfying ending.

jamiebooksandladders's review

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Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I feel like a weight has been lifted from me because, it too, was really well done. I mean, it was a pretty tough fucking read. Natalie goes through some SHIT man. But it was also enlightening and I have a lot of feelings about how she figured her shit out because it wasn't pretty, it was actually pretty messy. But isn't that how life is? And I just want to say that it really rocks when authors don't try to make life, hard times, good times, etc. seem better than they are. That's so important! And this book is definitely not going to be for everyone, I get that. Hell, I wasn't sure it was for me. But it is so emotionally packing that I do recommend at least giving it a shot before writing it off completely.

The only thing for me was that I was really put off by Natalie's relationship with Joe. Not because he was older but because I could tell it wasn't a healthy one. She was an addict through and through and just replaced one addiction with another. She wasn't good at balancing, which is discussed in the book, and I don't think she realized that her relationship with Joe was the exact same thing. I think Desir did a good job at setting the stage by having Joe be so conflicted about it, but I just wasn't here for them being together.

I liked seeing how the addiction affected everyone in Natalie's life and not just her, at least her perspective on how it affected them. I think it brought depth to the story to see that other people were affected by it and didn't quite know how to handle it -- or Natalie -- but do their best to try anyway. I think the best example of this was Brent and the A's because Brent wanted to be with Nat "no matter what" but didn't really realize what this meant and the A's were just waiting for Nat to "be herself" again without realizing that Nat was being herself.

This one was really good. I liked Natalie's journey through AA and I liked seeing everything from her perspective. But I did feel a bit of a disconnect at some points. That mostly had to do with her relationship with Joe though. Which I wasn't a fan of. I think it ended up being handled well but I still idk I didn't like it.

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