
Tiger by Jeff Stone

critter's review

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It was a bit slow at times, but it was interesting with plenty of action.

iraboklover's review

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Keren abis. Ngiler pas baca gerakan kungfu nya. Fu ini macan banget ya, tapi keren. Ending-nya rada gantung. Soalnya habis ini gilirannya Malao yang ahli kungfu gaya monyet. Pasti penuh hal konyol nih.

Cerita diawali dengan penyerangan ke kuil Changzen oleh mantan biksu yang ingin membalas dendam, Ying si elang. Tidak tanggung-tanggung Ying ingin menghabisi semua biksu yang ada di kuil Changzen.

Mahaguru pun menyuruh 5 pendekar mudanya yang diberi nama Fu, Malao, Seh, Hok, dan Long bersembunyi dan lari. Seperti Ying, masing-masing dari mereka diberi nama sesuai nama binatang dalam bahasa Kanton. Fu yang pemarah tidak ingin lari dan sembunyi. Tapi Ying yang begitu kuat memaksanya untuk mundur sejenak.

Fu pun untuk pertama kalinya hidup di luar lingkungan kuil. Untuk pertama kalinya hidup sendiri dan untuk pertama kalinya mengambil keputusan sendiri. Fu yang begiti polos sekaligus pemarah menghadapi banyak masalah. Namun, kebaikan budi yang diperolehnya dari pendidikan kuil berhasil membantunya.

Buku pertama ini bikin gregetan,terlalu pendek, dan menyisakan banyak misteri yang tersembunyi. Tentang masa lalu Ying, masa lalu Mahaguru, siapa sebenarnya si pemabuk dan siapa sebenarnya Tanglong. Ceritanya bakalan masih panjang nih.

lakelivelaugh's review

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I first read this book when I was a kid (and all of the series except for the last book) and I wanted to re-read it because I remember it being fun. It still is! I just finished this and I'm starting the second book, now. It has a good storyline with some good, unique qualities. Overall I would say that it's fun, entertaining, and easy to get into.

jav094's review

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Kung fu movies are my guilty pleasure, I should admit this before even attempting to describe my love affair with this book. ( It's a little disarming how often I read books intended for much younger readers.) The story is vaguely reminiscent of many other fantasy settings, the wise old master dies and leaves his disciples with power and the responsibility of avenging him and setting right whatever is wrong with the world. But such a typical summary does Jeff Stone no justice, and he deserves recognition. Not only is the story interesting in that permanently-in-your-head way, it's also descriptive to the point that I prop this book open for pointers from time to time.

It's a kung fu book, among other things. All of the action scenes, and there are quite a few of them, involve the fluid physical movements that are so difficult to nail down in both writing and real life. How exactly does one describe in detail the whipping motion a snake-style fighter employs? "Whipping like a snake" hardly covers the intricacies that Stone wants to relate. The main characters are, after all, masters of separate styles of kung fu. Their story should describe how minutely perfect their form and technique is. The amazing thing is, Stone does it! Every description of a tiger claw fist, of protagonist Fu's swift tiger-like movements makes it feel more real, more vividly fierce than just metaphor could. I've always had some trouble writing action scenes, especially fighting sequences. There's a certain unpredictability and flow that I've never been able to get to sound authentic. Stone does, repeatedly, and he does this in several books. It helps that he himself practices the arts that he describes in his books, and from him I try to learn how to portray motion and tension in battle.

riddle94's review

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Actual rating is 2.5 stars.

iceangel9's review

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The first book in Stone's series entitled The Five Ancestors. This is the story of five young monks who are masters of various types of kung fu. When their temple is raided by a monk who was once their brother they are left alone. The Grandmaster and their brother monks are dead; the secret scrolls of the temple have been stolen; and the five young masters are unsure what to do next. This appears to be the start of a great series that boys will enjoy very much. It combines action, adventure, mystery, and kung fu. What more could a guy want?

pumpkinmama's review

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Listened to this one w/kids on ride TO vacation. Kept them engrossed, but I thought it was a big snooze-fest. Just detailed descriptions of kung-fu battles interspersed with barely interesting characters and plot. Though it did please me that it was exactly as long as our journey was - as if it were timed!

moimoi5c878's review

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Keď sa vás z čista jasna opýta kamarátka, či náhodou ešte nemáte "tú kung fu sériu čo sa podľa zvierat volala a oni mali ich štýl boja a Mori veď vieš" a vy zrazu máte zjavenie a flashback a booyah.
Kedysi v dávnych dobách základnej školy, som vďaka môjmu úžasnému talentu a skromnosti vyhrala v nejakej tej súťaži knihu. Knihu, ktorú som prečítala ja a kamarátka a všetci čo naokolo chceli, tak veľmi sme z nej boli hotový. Samozrejme, že to bola táto kniha.
Po siedmich-ôsmich rokoch si nepamätám nič...
Ani len kde som ju zapotrošila.
Takže 4 hviezdičky aby som nezabudla na jej kvality, ale zas nech ju neprecením a idem si ju aj so zvyškom série (až po žeriava som čítala kedysi! Kde sú spomienky na to?) požičať do knižnice.

raafi's review

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Gila! Kayak kejar tayang aja. Sedikit terburu-buru karena pengennya satu hari selesai membaca ini. Akhirnya selesai juga.

Aku yakin kisah ini menarik bagi remaja seusia Fu yang masih 12. Tapi tidak buatku. Kurang greget! Kurang berat! terus dihajar Fu pake jurus Tendangan Tanpa Bayangan

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