
Cream of the Crop by Alice Clayton

cmdc325's review against another edition

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I really liked this story. I like that Natalie was a strong and confident woman. And oh my, Oscar... I feel that we all need an Oscar in our lives. I do think that some parts at the end were annoying, but I think they were necessary. I am looking forward to seeing them come up in the new book.

tlandrews's review against another edition

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curlymunroe's review against another edition

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3.5 out of 5 stars.

As HUGE fan of book one in the Hudson Valley Series, NUTS, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Cream of the Crop and Oscar.

Let me start by saying I loved the fact that Natalie was curvy, and not a toothpick. I feel like too many of these authors dish out a huge misrepresentation of what the norm is. Big boobs, big or fake hair, an hour glass figure, legs for days, and a size 2. We all can’t be Kim Kardashian, and in my opinion that isn’t even real. Natalie is career driven, loves her job, her city, her family, her life and she owns her curves. What’s not to like, especially if you can be that person, and own your size with confidence. I loved her sassy attitude, and how she and Roxy related to one another. Their friendship banter, mixed with Natalie’s lack of filter made for some great conversations. Those two girls are day and night. High maintenance versus low maintenance. There are aspects of Natalie, that I didn't always enjoy, and at times it was off putting. It was definitely difficult not to eye roll, but it didn't detract from the story itself.

Lets move on to the Oscar, the dark, handsome and somewhat mysterious dairy farmer, the whole town of Bailey Falls swoons over. He is everything I'd hoped him to be, and more. You know what they say about the quiet ones. Oscar brings it and the brings it some more. I love how Alice writes these guys. These farmers are intelligent, well versed, well thought out, hardworking, job loving, hard loving men. He's definitely a guy who knows what he wants and goes after it. Oscar's back story is definitely not what I expected, but it all makes sense once it's woven into the story.

The heart of the story, is one full of twists and turns emotionally. My take away from this book, is that you can't be on point all the time, without sacrificing certain parts of yourself. Meaning, Natalie has lived her life a certain way, since she was younger. The wall she has put up is safe, and it's helps her keep control. Letting someone into that tightly controlled world, completely takes her off her axis, and forces her to think about something other than herself. From where Oscar sits, he's content with his life, and adding Natalie to the mix works for him in Bailey Falls, and he's not sure how he fits in her life in NYC. Relationships are about give and take, and Natalie needs to learn how to give again.

Overall, I liked this book, but it just didn't have the same appeal to me, as NUTS. I am looking forward to the third installment. I give this a rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars.

An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review.

chelseathebookaddict's review against another edition

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I was kind of disappointed in this book after reading book 1. Book 1 transported me to northern New York small town living and made me fall in love. I was really hoping book 2 would continue that feeling but instead we got a bratty heroine that is completely obsessed with herself. She is one of the first plus size heroine's that I have read, but it was kind of cringy how full of herself she was. Luckily, we got to learn about one of her past relationships and her journey toward self love, so she was redeemed a bit in my eyes, but whoa - some of those first few chapters were mega irritating (this is coming from a plus size woman). The hero was lack luster in my eyes as well. He didn't talk much and had secrets and a weird relationship with his ex wife that just turned me way off. And for some reason, I couldn't get a good picture of him in my head. Overall, I still wanted to read the entire book so that I could stay in this small upstate town. The writing was still funny and witty but not as much as the first book. I will move on to the third simply because of how much I LOVED the first book. Maybe Clara will be interesting and keep my interest.

millerbca's review against another edition

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So so!

This is the second book of Alice Clayton's I have read. The first being Wallbanger, which had me laughing my butt off. I found this book, boring. I couldn't get into it. I stopped reading it several times. The characters didn't connect. I didn't feel that spark or that chemistry you see with good characters. I just didn't like it.

lovehollyxx's review against another edition

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Phew! What a saucy read; Oscar and Natalie completely owned my heart. It's a great...big fat 5 stars from me!

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review*

Full review to follow

austra_pro's review against another edition

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Tā nu ir, ka izdevēji paši nogalina labas grāmatas, spiežot autoriem rakstīt tempā jaunus gabalus. Un tempa dēļ pietrūkst uzmanības attiecībā uz detaļām, rodas kļūdas un paviršības, un galu galā nav laika baigi iespringt visur uz loģiku un ticamību, vai sižeta virzību. Arī šis visumā ir labs chick-lit, bet līdz pirmajai sērijas grāmatai nespēj aizvilkt. Mazliet žēl, jo bija potenciāls būt labākai, īpaši tā daļa par to, kā idioti bojfrendi spēj izčakarēt meitenēm smadzenes uz visu dzīvi. Bet izklaides nolūkos grāmata bija pat ļoti ok. Patīk autores humors un spēja šo klišejisko žanru padarīt baudāmu.

lemonyond's review against another edition

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loverofromance's review against another edition

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The narrator really was horrible and I ended up returning this book. I just couldn't stand the style of narrating she did and her voice was a bit grating on my nerves. Will buy this in EBook format instead.

giulia_acobac's review against another edition

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3.5 stars