
Ever the Brave by Erin Summerill

ventureswithbooks's review against another edition

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Words do not adequately describe how amazing and wonderful this series was! I loved everything from the characters, to the story plot, to the world building. Erin creates a spell on you with her writing and does not let go until you finish the book. I highly recommend this series!!

noctisora's review against another edition

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Welp, that was disappointing. I know I'm of an unpopular opinion here, and I feel like this is similar to my feelings on [b:Three Dark Crowns|28374007|Three Dark Crowns (Three Dark Crowns, #1)|Kendare Blake||42750582] - everyone is raving about it, and I'm looking around wondering what the big deal is.

I'm going to work on deciphering my feelings and thoughts outside of disappointment and will try to put them into words.


michasia347's review against another edition

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1 star

paz_'s review against another edition

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It is what it is...
This book plays the jump rope with the line between eye rolling love triangle and good drama.
I can say this book just stunned me with the three main characters. One chapter I was all in for Cohen to get the girl, the next for Aodren. Although at the end I just wanted her to be alone for some time, you know?
BUT THE LOVE TRIANGLE! Made me want to hug Aodren because he didn't deserve the struggle he went to with Britta. Also it gave me the most eye rolling moments, cause some scenes were just plain predictable.
One of the most praising worthy parts of the love triangle, though, was that it didn't made the common thing of making at the beginning both man appealing and then after a few chapters one will be the bad guy so you can agree with the main character at choosing the "good one".
The growth of Britta as a Channeler and as a more confident person was so nice to see, encouraging even.
The struggle between the villain and the heroes made all the difference in the confrontations. Although in some way I feel more motivation were needed for the villain.
Anyways, I really was expecting a lot of thing of this book as soon as I'd finished the first one. So I'd say if you liked the first one, you'll like the second one too.

comeauac's review against another edition

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This is a fairly short book, but it took me over 3 weeks to finish. I think that says it all.

sophiarvi's review against another edition

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radrosie's review against another edition

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Ein sehr, sehr gelungener Abschluss für diese Dilogie.

lifeofaliterarynerd's review against another edition

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“Loving yourself, and believing you are good and capable, is a journey.”

Ever the Brave follows Britta as she earns more about her channerler magic and her past, while trying to understand the newly formed bond with Kind Aodern and her enduring feelings for Cohen, her childhood friend turned more. There’s more magic, more politics, and more characters that create an enjoyable reading experience.

Things I Liked
EVER THE BRAVE was incredible fast paced, so if you had problems with pacing in book 1 you should give this a try! There was non-stop action and tension that really made this an addicting read. Nothing felt wasted because there wasn’t time, everything had a purpose in the story and I loved that.

I loved getting different POVs in this story, it thought it really added to the world and story overall. Characters and relationships were fleshed out because we saw things from different, and sometimes conflicting, perspectives.

Thing I Didn’t Like
While I absolutely loved the different POVs we got, the storylines didn’t always feel cohesive to me. There was so much geographical separation and different missions characters were on that everything got kinda muddled.

I wasn’t the biggest fan of the love triangle in this story. I have no problem with the triangle itself or how it was executed, but I felt like the love triangle overshadowed other elements of the story and I didn’t love that.

This was a satisfying follow up to Ever the Hunted and I still really enjoyed the world and the magic system in place. There was so much happening that you didn’t want to look away from the page.

I received a copy of the book from HMH Teen.

books_blackcats's review against another edition

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This is really a 2.5 but I rounded up. Most of the parts of this book were very boring which is sad because the plot is really compelling.

I was disappointed with the characters this time around and I didn’t like the switching p.o.vs.

The romance was sweet though. Altogether this book is not for someone well versed in the tropes of ya fantasy. Younger readers would get more out of the story for sure.

fadingsilence's review against another edition

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Ever the Brave brings this duology into a satisfactory ending with bits of action, romance and girl-power stances.

Moving a while after the end of book 1, this novel continues to develop the conspiracy angle and the mystery behind the magical attack on the king. While it doesn’t remain a mystery for long (like, it’s literally given away in Britta’s first POV), that little twist was a nice add-on. I’m not sure if I liked having it given away so early on, or knowing the fact of who it is but trying to figure out where the author is going with this little tidbit of information.

The action gets a little slow at times what with POV transitionings. A few newer characters are introduced here, with familiar faces from book 1 making appearances. However, they seemed a bit two-dimensional at times as the focus was on the 3 main characters.

That’s right. THREE main characters.

I will admit that the previous novel left me in a tizzy as there were hints of a love triangle blooming. Well guess what? I was RIGHT. Erin added in the king as a separate protagonist. I’m not sure how I feel about it, but I suppose it wasn’t so bad as it wasn’t a true triangle.

What do I mean by that? Well, Britta was somewhat easy to like still but I had trouble connecting with her on this book. Maybe it had to do with 3 POVs instead of 2, but she didn’t really stick out to me. However, I adore her for standing firm to her feelings, and taking the time to decide who was the one for her without dragging both boys along.

Of course, a lot of that good thinking came from Cohen. Ah, Cohen. If he was the protagonist in this whole series, I would’ve gobbled up this novel so much faster. Erin does well in writing out both his flaws and his abilities. I felt I didn’t get enough of him in book 1 so I’m quite satisfied with how it went with his character development here.

While I enjoyed Ever the Brave enough, sometimes I felt like it was missing something. That extra umph you know? The plot was fine, the 3 protagonists were fine (aside from those weird scenes with the king whose name I shall not even bother mentioning – but he was a nice guy otherwise), and the ending was pretty great – all wrapped up in a bow.

Then what was I missing? I’m not sure. Maybe a bit more action, or a few more unexpected twists to keep readers on their toes. The solution to all their conflicts wasn’t as amazing or dramatic as it was set up to be and that was a bit of a letdown.

Would I recommend this then? Well, I’m a sucker for YA fantasies, especially those with cute romances and happy endings. Ever the Brave checked both these things off although I may have had some issues with it overall. But the answer would still be yes. I suggest coming into this with an open mind. Maybe it’s just me very used to high fantasies and unpredictable story lines. I think this series was worthwhile reading in the end.

Overall Recommendation:
Ever the Brave smoothly brought forth a happy ending for this duology, and while that sounds like a good thing, it could have done a bit better. From a love triangle that almost seemed unnecessary to the inability for me to connect with Britta, I had some issues getting through the book. The plot is simple and sometimes predictable, but if you love a book that brings out good and heartwarming feelings in you, then it more than does the job. Maybe a little lacking compared to high fantasies, this series at least put a smile on my face at the end of the day.

For more of my reviews, check out Down the Rabbit Hole: