
Obsession by Jennifer L. Armentrout

ac223's review

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Well that was different.. Reading all of the Lux novels, you get a pretty clear picture of the Arum, who are supposedly the bad guys. Like anything else there are always two sides to every story. In obsession we meet Hunter, an Arum working for the DOD helping them contain the Luxen. When he is asked to watch over a human, and protect her from the Luxen who are after her, he is clearly not happy with the task. Hunter is all hard edges, and attitude. He doesn't care about humans, or anyone for that matter. Serena happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time and saw something that has put her life in danger. After her friend Mel was killed for the knowledge she possessed, Serena is on borrowed time. She knows that either the Luxen or the DOD are coming for her, she just isn't sure which, or when.

Hunter and Serena quickly fall for one another, something Hunter never expected to happen, ever. He hasn't ever experienced the very human emotions of love, fear, and worrying about a human hasn't ever happened. He found himself working for the DOD after his sister died. She didn't want any part of the ancient war between the Lux and the Arum, and was happy living her life alongside the humans. She was killed by a few Lux who only saw her as a threat, and not for what she really was. It seems as if most of the two races, especially the younger generations are all fighting this war as a continuation of something their parents started. Of course the Senator who is responsible for Mel's death, and who is coming after Serena has his own ideas of grandeur. Their "Operation Eagle" is a plan to bring in the hundreds of thousands of Lux living elsewhere in the galaxy, and to take over earth, including dominating the humans who reside there. When the Senator captures Serena, Hunter will stop at nothing to get her back. He kills all of them, including the Senator and he and Serena are now on the run from the Luxen, and the DOD. At the end they stopped at Hunter's brothers house in Georgia to hide out for a while before making plans on where to go from there.

megancperry's review against another edition

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dnf @ somewhere nearish the beginning

Wow. This was really bad. So, to give a little background, I read the Lux Series last year and I loved it, it's one of my favourite series, but this was nowhere near as good as that. I felt like I was reading a bad fanfic for Obsidian. There was so much that seemed unrealistic and didn't make sense, I didn't like either of the main characters, and the overall writing/plot was just disappointing. So much so that I couldn't get through more than 50 pages of the novel.

Firstly, I don't understand the main premise of this novel, why would Hunter be left in charge of protecting Serena? Here is a quote to explain my concerns:
"I was not happy about this... I didn't watch over [women]. I didn't protect them... There was a good chance I'd kill Miss Cross"
Why would the DOD officers send an endangered victim to be looked after by an alien? An alien with a bad temper, a bad attitude and a bad reputation. WHY??? That literally makes NO SENSE!! The DOD have never trusted any of the aliens, only used them to do their bidding - why would they trust one with the safety of a human?? Why wouldn't the officers take her to a safehouse or somewhere with reliable protectors or at least someone overlooking the situation? Why would you leave an endangered woman in the hands of an alien who's only ever around women to 'sate a primal hunger' (cringey, I know)? Here is an alien with a bad reputation for women, I know what to do! - trust him with the safety of a young woman, that makes perfect sense!!!

I hated Hunter. My first impression of him was that he couldn't stop swearing. Not that I based my whole opinion of him on that, but his constant swearing just got on my nerves as it was so unnecessary. I didn't like his attitude and it just seemed so cliché: the bad boy that's too good for everything and uses his foul language as a weapon to raise his status. Ugh.

Then there's their first introduction. As soon as Serena meets Hunter, she's attracted to him. Fine, I can live with that. But they do not get along, so I didn't expect nor desire anything straight away. I wanted them to get to know each other, to fall in love, that's what I'd expected from this. I was rather disappointed.

**MINOR SPOILERS BELOW (for the first 50 pages or so)**

When Hunter saves Serena from the luxen (cliché, once again), he then literally tries to suck the life out of her. Why would he do that when he has just fed off a luxen? Also, did this not ring alarm bells for the DOD - her protector is trying to kill her, perhaps this was a bad idea? Was nobody watching over them? These things just did not make sense.

Moving on, Serena is then unconscious for two days. Two days. Alarm bells, anyone? Oh, it gets worse. When Serena wakes up, she isn't wearing her jeans; everything else is intact except her trousers. Where did they go, you ask? Hunter took them off. Why?? Who in their right mind would do that? "I thought you'd be more comfortable" - what?? You don't just go around undressing people while they're unconscious, thanks to your doing, after kidnapping them. There was just so much wrong with that scene.

Later that night Serena, understandably, attempts and fails to run away. Then it happens. The supposedly 'romantic' scene that I just hated. They kiss. This guy has been a jerk to you Serena, but, hey, he has an amazing six pack so let's forget all about that! Let's throw away ALL COMMON SENSE and start making out. That's plausible. In [b:Obsidian|12578077|Obsidian (Lux, #1)|Jennifer L. Armentrout||17588854], it worked, because I didn't hate Daemon , and the scene was written well (the whole book, in fact). But I despised Hunter and Serena was annoying because - where is your self respect? Needless to say, I pretty much gave up on this book after that scene.

I didn't get far into [b:Obsession|14060046|Obsession|Jennifer L. Armentrout||19696664] so these are just a few things that really bugged me. I'm sure if I had read further, I would've found more but I don't have time to waste on disappointing books when I have so many others that I want to read. Overall, this was a massive disappointment after reading the Lux Series, which is so much better!

P.S. I know the edition I've reviewed is French, but the original English cover is awful and I didn't want it clogging up my account.

chrystalo's review against another edition

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Apparently meant to be read as a companion series, but per Jennifer Armentrout's website, could be viewed as a standalone novel. I can't help but feel like I missed some really important context by reading this book before the Lux series. But it was the one available from my online library's catalog, so I read it anyway.

clockworkbook's review against another edition

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danacanterino's review against another edition

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MAS RESEÑAS EN --------------------

¿He dicho que amo esta saga? ¿No? Bueno... ¡LA AMO! Sin duda, cualquier libro que Jennifer saque con respecto a los Luxen, Arum, Híbridos o lo que sea, lo voy a amar. Leí la historia principal (Obsidian, Onyx, Opal) y la de Dawson&Beth (Shadows) Así que cuando leí la reseña de esta, me volví loquita, además, de que ya antes de empezar te dice que esta es más erótica y picante que los otros libros, comencemos.

La historia comienza con Serena y su amiga Mel, la cual vio y escuchó a dos Luxen, hijos de un senador de USA, lo que eran y planes de la raza alienigena, por lo cual, la matan. Pero antes de morir, Mel le cuenta todo esto a Serena, siendo la única testigo que pueda revelar los secretos de ellos. El DOD pone en vigilancia a Serena, y para guardar su seguridad, la dejan a cargo de Hunter, un Arum. ¡Si! Morí cuando leí que esta historia no eran Luxen/Humano o Luxen/Híbrido si no un Arum (los enemigos de los Luxen), y me encantó conocer más de esta especie creada por Armentrour.

Por ello, el libro me llamó todavía más la atención. Es interesante descubrir el lado de a los que los Luxen nombran todo el tiempo, conociendo como son verdaderamente, y también desde el lado de los Arum, ver que los Luxen no son ositos de felpa todos buenitos...
Cómo ya dije, la historia es genial, y los personajes me encantaron. Hunter es el chico todo malote (posta) que tiene un genio horrible y es súper mandón y controlador. Es también medio creídito y malhumorado, por eso me ha encantado su personaje, sacándome casi siempre una sonrisa por sus salidas. Pero al ser un Arum, alguien de las sombras, es muy peligroso y frío. De lo más inhumano, y por ello, al ver la evolución del personaje en todo el libro, lo sentí todavía más querido.

Serena, por otra parte, es una mujer independiente, segura de si misma, humilde y con carácter. Odia que él la mangonee todo el tiempo, y se viven peliando. Esa relación de amor-odio me encanta, haciendo que esta pareja se transforme en mi segunda favorita (Luego de Deamon y Kitten), por la química que explota entre ellos.

Obsession es subida de tono, erótica y más. No roza lo pornográfico, estando muy bien narrada. Las escenas eran calientes, pero no burdas, y al no haber leído (ni escuchado) que Jennifer se dedique a este género, se lo reconozco porque el libro se posiciona entre mis favoritas. En fin, la historia, los peronajes y el descenlace es genial. Por eso lo súper recomiendo, Saludos. Danna.

tgold98's review against another edition

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Dnf 2/3rds in.
I'm actually disgusted by this and so disappointed since I love the lux series. The amount of times sa happens and is brushed over as if its not just ok but romantic!? It just kept getting worse. Even if it wasn't for that, the book is boring and adds nothing new in my opinion.
I honestly don't recommend this at all, it's completely different to the lux series and not worth the read.

devansbooklife's review against another edition

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Delightfully dirty, steamy, and hot all rolled into one book. I am completely entranced by Hunter. He roughness, his stubborn streak, his attitude (which sucks a lot throughout the book) and just him. What a lucky, sad girl Serena is. I am not one for smutty romances but I will gladly admit this book smoked me. Jennifer Armentrout did such a fantastic job describing Hunter for me that I now have the perfect man burned in my mind. I accept and completely disregard the alien aspect. I loved this book!

literary_steph's review against another edition

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“Somehow, in the relatively short time I’d known Serena, she had wiggled her way into my cold body. She was my light, my warmth, and I wasn’t ready to let her go.”

Obsession, an Arum novel, is a stand alone and an adult spin-off of the Lux Series. Hunter and Serena make their appearance in book 4, Origin. This novel is sexy and it tells their story. I think it’s a must read for Luxen fans, but be sure to read below.

“You feel perfect,” Hunter grunted, slamming up and wringing a strangled moan from me. “You are perfect for me, only me.”

👽 arrogant, wicked, alpha male with a southern drawl, adult language, and sex. Hunter likes it raw and rough and that is all I’m saying. My face was burning up! Can I get an ice cold peach tea, please?

bookblogjj's review against another edition

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Really enjoyed this tale

julianfineman's review against another edition

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Le di cuatro estrellas a esta novela porque, a pesar de que me encantó todo sobre ella, Hunter me recordó, sino del todo, sólo en algunas partes, a Christian Grey. Y no es que yo no ame a Christian Grey, porque realmente lo adoro, sino que, bueno, ahora todas las novelas eróticas tienen al tipo estereoptipo-Christian-Grey y no me mal interpreten, Hunter, quién es el protagonista masculino de esta novela, no va por el BDSM, pero sí """""folla duro"""""".

Comencemos: está novela va entre Opal y Origin, y, a diferencia de las series Lux, que es sobre los luxen, aquí Hunter es un Arum. Sí, leyeron bien, es un Arum.

Serena estaba sentada en una cafetería hablando con su mejor amiga, Mel, y ella le estaba contando a Serena sobre su conquista, quién se había transformado en un "bombilla gigante" delante de ella, y ella, asustada, se había ido corriendo.

Serena, por obvias razones, no le creyó a Mel, pero después, saliendo de ese lugar -no recuerda que era- ve como un hombre mata a Mel, lanzando un rayo con su mano.

Serena le cuenta a la policía eso, y ellos la llevan con Hunter, para que la proteja, porque Mel había escuchado a los hijos del Senador Vanderson hablar sobre un proyecto águila, y unos niños en Pennsylvania, y ella le había contando a Serena y Serena le había mencionado eso a los oficiales -que eran del DOD (Departamento de Defensa)- y el Senador se había enterado y quería muerta a Serena.

Hunter, al principio, era reacio a estar con Serena, porque, vamos, ella era humana. Pero luego, él siente un imposible atracción hacia ella y la va conquistando, hasta que más o menos empiezan a tener sentimiento por ella, pero él no lo aceptaba porque los sentimientos eran humanos y él era un Arum.

Así qué cuando el DOD le dice a Hunter que ya habían decidido que hacer con Serena (matarla), él lo impide.

Está es una novela erótica. La mitad del libro explica la relación entre Hunter y Serena. Su amistad, su relación amorosa y todo eso.

Aquí también vemos a Luc -sé que recuerdan a Luc-, por lo que ahora sé que Hunter no es exactamente un aliado sólo de Luxen, lo es también de los Arum. Y aprendemos que el Opal no sólo ayuda increíblemente a los Luxen, también lo hace con los Arum (cuando un Arum está en contacto con un ópalo, la piedra mueve de una forma su energía y lo hace irreconocible para los luxen, lo que, obviamente, ayuda. Y también hace que no se tenga que alimentar constantemente).

Y VEMOS A DAEMON. No de un modo obvio, es, sólo, por como, unos dos segundos?????? Serena y Hunter van a ver a Luc, y Daemon también va a ver a Luc. Y se encuentran. Porque los luxen querían matar a Serena, así que Hunter siente a Daemon, Daemon siente a Hunter y tienen como una muestra de soy-más-poderoso-que-tú, muestra que Luc impide.

Después, los luxen malos logran capturar a Serena. Y al parecer, el proyecto águila era conquistar la tierra -no es tan malo, porque los luxen son hermosos-. Pero obviamente. No es bueno. La cosa es que casi la matan, pero Hunter mata a todos para que no la maten. Y como que viven felices.


Recomiendo Obsession, es fácil de leer, te entretiene y tiene a dos personajes principales que son para amar.