lecybeth's review against another edition

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I am a true Da Vinci nerd and will spend more time than I'd care to admit reading about and researching his life and work. This book takes a look at how Da Vinci's work influenced thousands of other artists of his time and after, along with science, literature, and politics. In addition to the text, there are a hundred color images, including side-by-side comparisons of Da Vinci's originals and pieces that were inspired by them. If you are a fan of Da Vinci or art history, you'll love this one. *Advance copy provided by the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

contessacarmilla's review against another edition

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On the 2nd of May this year we marked the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci’s death. Alas, it was only sensible to expect an avalanche of books about him and his work to come out this year. Being who I am, an art history student and enthusiast, I grabbed every single one I saw.

The Da Vinci Legacy: How a 16th Century Solitary Genius Became a Global Pop Icon is a pseudo-biographical non-fiction book written by Jean-Pierre Isbouts and Christopher Heath Brown.

There is so much to say about this book, however, I will keep it short. The main reason is that I disliked the book quite a bit. I wouldn’t call it an easy read, especially not for someone who isn’t well versed in the subject. But, I am, and even though when I started reading I was not intending to nitpick at details that did not add up about Leonardo da Vinci himself and art in general, I simply could not unsee some of the bullshit I’ve read. I will not provide examples. The only reason is that I do not see the need and do not want to start a quarrel in the comments. If anyone wishes to discuss this further you are free to DM me.

I did enjoy the writing style and some of the biographical segments, but the earlier mentioned details bothered me beyond measure.

As I said I am keeping it short, this will be all from me.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

jmrprice's review against another edition

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Engrossing exploration of the threads of art over centuries. Fabulous illustrations deftly show DaVinci’s influences throughout time.

nm237's review against another edition

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A thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this title.
As a fan of most things da Vinci related, I must say I thoroughly enjoyed this book offering a different aspect from which to consider our understanding and appreciation of the great Leonardo da Vinci. The numerous works trying to piece together scarce clues to the life and work of this gifted man, or attempting to understand what made his mind and spirit tick like some magical machine, are too many to count. This read elegantly separates the work and legacy from the man of mystery, and in doing so provides an enjoyable stroll through some of the highlights of art history, pictures most gratefully included! Just what is it that not only allowed this man and his art to endure, but to in fact thrive in comparison to other masters with much more extensive portfolios? Was it merely luck or something more? Read this lovely book and rediscover the magnificent talent of the original Renaissance man and the greats (both appreciated and neglected by the passage of time) that willingly took up his torch cementing one of the greatest legacies the art world has ever known.

booksrockcal's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


Excellent book that gives an overview of Leonardo’s life and work, and of the paintings and artistic techniques that made him the leading painter of the Renaissance. The author discusses the contemporaneous biographies and other details of Leonardo’s life and work as well as posthumous accounts to help readers understand the legends and truths connected to Leonardo. The author includes histories of his works and comparisons between them as well as the keen interest of so many people in those works and the artist in an attempt to explain how an artist with so few extant works became such an art history giant. Truly the story of the survival of the Last Supper, painted on the wall of a monastery refectory in Milan and degraded from its inception, subjected to heat and temperature changes, use of the refectory as a stable and finally a near miss by a bomb in WWII is incredible by itself. A great review of Leonardo and his work prior to our trip to Italy. 

nietzschesghost's review against another edition

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Being a long time admirer of art and the surrounding culture I couldn't pass by the opportunity to read more about arguably the most revered and influential Renaissance painter, but I was concerned that this may be a lot like other titles I have read which merely discuss the art and not the truly fascinating man behind it; however, I needn't have worried as The da Vinci Legacy combines the two: we get some breakdown and analysis of his works, accompanied by some stunning illustrations, so that even those with no prior knowledge of the artist could follow along. It's not only accessible to all but it is also full of very intriguing information.

One of the primary reasons why I feel strongly about having a book that incorporates the artworks and biographical information is that the mind of a great such as da Vinci is an essential part of analysing his paintings. The tenuous distinction between genius and insanity has never been more appropriate when applied to da Vinci. In short, understanding the man helps you understand his art.

It's nearly always those on the edge and staring into the abyss who create the most wonderful, affecting art and who stand the test of time. Here, we explore how da Vinci was perceived in his time and the years that followed, how his quest for perfection impeded his work, his journey into madness and his lasting legacy exactly five hundred years after his death. All in all, this is an invaluable resource for art and Renaissance fans in particular and tells the life story of one of the most enigmatic artists in history. Many thanks to Apollo Publishers for an ARC.

qulit's review against another edition

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The Da Vinci Legacy: How an Elusive 16th-century Artist Became a Global Pop Icon written by Jean-Pierre Isbouts and Christopher Brown was certainly an interesting read. However, I think the scope was much too wide for the length of the novel, and consequently key details were missed.

Had more attention been paid to the finer details, such as the translation of all quotes rather than select ones; the presence of artworks in line with the discussion and not watermarked; and the phrasing I might have been able to provide the text with a higher rating. When non-fiction is presented as a ‘story’, the integrity of the authors must be interrogated.

There is an expectation that you should have read previous works by the authors as they mention that they’ve already provided information in previous books. This text is supposed to be an authoritative exploration and assessment of Leonardo’s enduring and evolving reputation across five hundred years. A reader should not be expected to read another two books to source necessary information. Had the authors wished to reference more in-depth discussions this should have been placed in the notes.

At times, the tone of the text was rather condescending. This was particularly evident when describing the pre-industrialisation of Europe and subsequent transformation in the nineteenth century. Yet, the tone did not affect the entire text. The biographies of artists and creatives across the centuries were often compelling and well-researched. In particular, I appreciated the mention of Matteo Bandello’s Novelle, which was modelled on Boccaccio’s Decameron and was used as a point of reference and inspiration for a handful of Shakespeare’s plays.

In my opinion, the conclusion of the book was rather weak, and argued that in the 21st century, Leonardo has become ‘a maverick scientist and a brilliant engineer’, but this was their reasoning for him enduring through the twentieth century. The authors never delved into the twenty first century until the conclusion.

The select bibliography was surprising, in a non-fiction book I would expect a complete bibliography and credits for the images used. I also appreciate the limitations of the e-book format, but it would have been better if the notes could have been more easily accessed.

I would recommend this to anyone who knows very little about Da Vinci and would like a neat overview of art history. It’s a good starting place for anyone who is intrigued by the mystique of the Mona Lisa and Last Supper, and how Leonardo’s works infiltrated into the European consciousness.

*I received a free copy of this via NetGalley for review*