
Call to Engage by Tawny Weber

kymreads's review against another edition

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This was another great edition to Tawny Weber's Team Poseidon series!

In Call to Engage, difficult subjects dealt with - for Elijah, betrayal by a team member, physical and emotional aftereffects of an assignment gone wrong - for Ana, a very personal tragedy that occurred during her marriage to Elijah a few years earlier, and a difficult, strained relationship with her parents - all of which makes for different angles within the story.

And that is precisely what makes this a wonderful story! We really get to know what the characters are truly thinking and feeling as they deal with these different events - how it has shaped their lives and how it impacts their future.

Ava Monroe is a strong, disciplined woman, both physically and mentally. After suffering an enormous tragedy during her brief marriage to Elijah who was gone quite a bit of the time, she rebuilds her life in a regimented way in the hopes of not risking her heart to anyone again.

Lieutenant Elijah Prescott has finally been released from medical care after an assignment that went seriously wrong. He's taking some leave to try and figure out exactly what he wants to do and if he can still be effectual with his SEAL team. He decides to stay with his cousin Mack who runs a fitness gym where, unbeknownst to Elijah, Ava works.

Part of this story surrounds Ava and Elijah becoming reacquainted both emotionally and physically - Ava wants to keep it physical (and physically they're very hot!) while Elijah would like something more. Can they get beyond the past and build a future together?

Another part of the story surrounds the betrayal of a team member, one who has caused irreparable damage to members of the team (and loved ones) and to the team's credibility as a whole. How will their commander, Nic Savino, guide the team in discovering who the betrayer is? How do they apprehend him? Here's yet another angle in the story.

If you enjoy stories with second chances, SEALs, and/or suspense, you will want to read this! You will not be disappointed!

I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy of this book, however, this is my honest opinion.

jigsawgirl's review against another edition

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A standalone book, yet continues the story of SEAL team Poseidon being under investigation.

This book focuses on Elijah and Ava who were once married. In all honesty, I started to read this book already figuring out the storyline and how it would end.

WRONG!! There are a couple of unexpected twists and turns that will end up keeping you in edge. Not to mention, there are a number of steamy scenes available for those that are not into the action and intrigue.

I voluntarily read and reviewed this Advanced Reader Copy.

scoutmomskf's review against another edition

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Exciting continuation of the series and second chance love story. Team Poseidon is searching for a fellow team member who has betrayed his country and his team. The first book, Call to Honor, involved discovery of the treachery and finding out that the man hadn't died during the mission after all. This story is about Elijah Prescott, one of the victims of that same mission. He has mostly recovered from his injuries, but still suffers from some emotional fallout. Elijah heads home on leave to decide what to do about it, and also finally deal with the failure of his marriage. He did not expect to find Ava so changed from what he remembered.

Ava has finally gotten her life back together after the devastating events of her marriage. She had been young and insecure, and the death of their baby created a gulf between herself and Elijah that she didn't know how to handle. Since then she has turned her life completely around and has the strength and confidence to handle anything - except Elijah's return. One encounter with him reminds her of the passion that had always burned hot between them. She refuses to risk her heart again, but maybe a short fling will help burn out the flames.

I loved the rekindling of their relationship. Elijah and Ava had never taken the time to talk about what had happened after the baby's death. Instead, Ava had run away and Elijah had buried his grief in his work, and they hadn't seen each other again. I ached for Elijah, whose emotional hits have built up to the point where he questions the very essence of who he is. Seeing Ava, who he has never forgotten or stopped loving, sends him reeling. The changes he sees in her only make her more appealing to him. Ava is blown away by the strength of the attraction she still feels for Elijah, but she is also afraid of it. The extreme control she has on her life has kept her heart safe. If she lets him in again, she may never recover if it goes wrong. I loved Elijah's determination to show Ava that they can make it work. This time he is ready to share his fears and dreams, if only he can get her to listen. I got frustrated with Ava because she kept ignoring Elijah's attempts to really talk to her, just as she had when they were married. It wasn't until she allowed herself to get involved that she truly understood him and what made him the man he was. I also loved that Elijah came to respect the kick-ass woman that Ava had become and wanted to do whatever was necessary to give their relationship a chance. I loved their big moment at the end as they finally fully opened their hearts and overcame their fears to take a chance on the future.

The suspense of the story was really good, as the remaining members of Poseidon do their best to flush out the traitor and bring him to justice. Added to the difficult is the suspicion that there is someone on the inside who is helping him. It was fascinating to see the measures they took to find out who it is. The way that someone is targeting Elijah to make others believe that he knew what was happening was creepy and frustrating. I ached for the team members, who were dealing with the fallout from the betrayal, and for their commander who is determined to find the answers. The buildup to the final confrontation was intense. The confrontation itself was exciting with plenty of surprises to go around, not the least of which was who brought the bad guy down. There is still a loose thread dangling, which I hope will be tied up in the next book. I also hope that there will be stories for the other team members.

thebookdisciple's review against another edition

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Call to Engage is book 2 in the Team Poseidon and you really should read these in order. While each book focuses on a different couple, there is a larger story arc that continues from book to book. If you start with Call to Engage, you will be a bit confused about the drama regarding the SEAL team.

Call to Engage is also a second chance romance between a now ex-husband and ex-wife. Elijah is a SEAL and was injured during his last mission. He heads back home to where his ex-wife Ava is to trying and sort through the wreckage of his life. These two still have a chemistry they can't and don't ignore. Ava thinks the fling will help her. Elijah has no plans to let her go again. Both have matured since their marriage ended and they are different people now. I enjoyed reading about their relationship and seeing them fall back in love again. The event that created the beginning of the end for them 
Spoilerthe death of their son at 4 months old

The suspense comes from the continuing drama with the traitor on the SEAL team. Ava ends up helping the team when the shit hits the fan. Terrorism, the hunt for Brandon Ramsey, and more all add to the drama of these two trying to repair their relationship.

Like book 1, my biggest struggle was the pacing. I felt both books drug on at points and were longer than necessary. I did also find it annoying that both Ava and Elijah were telling themselves they were just having sex for closure. I wanted them to WANT to repair their marriage. Eventually they get to that point, but again, I think it took too long.

Call to Engage brings together second chance romance with military danger and drama to give you a story that will heat up your sheets and keep you guessing!


  • POV: 3rd person

  • Tears: no

  • Trope: second chance, military

  • Triggers: 
    SpoilerAva and Elijah's son died at 4 months

  • Series/Standalone: series

  • Cliffhanger: 
    Spoilernot for Ava and Elijah but some aspects of the overall story carry over

  • HEA: 
    Spoileryes for these two

Book by Susan Stoker, Janie Crouch, Kaylea Cross...then you will probably like Call to Engage!


Call to Engage

ibooks-icon amazon-icon-star

See full review on The Book Disciple

nikkisbooknook's review against another edition

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Can love 2nd time around work for this wounded SEAL and his ex?

Elijah aka Rembrandt has had problems galore recently. He was betrayed by a team member and he is now nursing an injury. But when he attends the gym for help with PT he runs smack into his ex, Ava. It's been 4yrs since he last saw her and he can't help but feel fate is either throwing him a lifeline or trying to mess with his head!

Ava Monroe has got on with life. She is no longer the meek and mild female, who allowed her parents to mess with her life. She is stronger in both body and mind but seeing Elijah again has got her in a spin! But can she have a no strings fling with Elijag or will hearts get involved once again?

A great love story, wrapped up in a strong suspense. I loved how Ava had grown a back bone and no longer allowed anyone to trample over her or her feelings. Elijah showed his softer side and really grew on me.

beckymmoe's review against another edition

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The second book in Ms. Weber's Team Poseidon series did not disappoint! This one follows "Rembrandt" (aka Elijah Prescott) as he and the Poseidon team continue to try to find the missing traitor who eluded them in the last book. Elijah's also struggling with his future--is it still in the military? as a part of the Team? or does he have a second chance with his ex, the only woman he ever loved? Does making one of these choices exclude the others?

I loved Ava--she truly is a kick butt heroine! Fingers crossed that we'll see more of her and Elijah in the next book (which is Nic's; whose story I do want to hear--but what about Jared and Andi??? You're killing me here, Ms. Weber...and now I want to know more about Ava's BFF Chloe and her story too, darn you) just as we got a bit more Harper and Diego in this one :)

Call to Engage would work okay as a standalone if needed--the pertinent details that you need to know from the first book are explained--but everything's going to work better all around if you know the whole story. Plus, it'd be impossible to know just a little about these characters and not want to know all--so you might as well put the whole series on your TBR and save yourself the trouble ;)

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

elylibrarysec's review against another edition

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The author has an interesting way to grab the reader’s attention. Left me thinking that I won’t be going anywhere for a while. Even though this is part of a series, I don’t feel you have to read the books in order. But in order to understand the group of men that Elijah Prescott works with, you may just want to make sure to read all the books that come out in this series.

Elijah “Rembrandt” Prescott shows us that being in the military takes a very special person. And that not every person can handle all that goes with the job. But they fool themselves into thinking they can handle it all by themselves. And there’s really only one person you can rely on. Right?

Ava Monroe has a life where she won’t allow anyone to suffocate her spirit. It’s interesting to see what a person might do so that they won’t get hurt. Then a blast from her past ends up in her clearly organized world and turns it upside down. She has a good friend named Chloe that keeps things real for Ava. Chloe has her rethinking life and choices. Mack is an experience. He has a connection with both Ava and Elijah – wouldn’t mind meeting him.

Loved the “reunion” scene between our two main characters. Wouldn’t mind being on the other side of the door. And the scene after was kinda funny – wished I had been there in person. The author does a great job at weaving Elijah’s two lives seamlessly through the story. Not sure which one held my attention more. One had mystery and suspense. The other was watching a painful past creep into the present - bated breath to see if it will lead to a future. Also loved how great some of the secondary characters were. But they didn’t overtake the story so that we would lose our focus on who this story was really about.

The author gives us our happy ending but also gives a hint as to the next book coming out in November. You won’t realize it as you read this book, but one of the secondary characters is up next. If you’re a fan of all things SEAL, you will enjoy getting to know this group of men and the women that come to love them.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.