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The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

cinnamonfox's review against another edition

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challenging informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


 The God Delusion de Richard Dawkins e un alt volum la care am vrut să ajung de ceva timp. Clar nu e o lectură comodă, dar e al naibii de bine structurată, cu o multitudine de informații relevante și puncte de vedere valide și analizate din toate perspectivele despre ceea ce înseamnă ființa umană și nevoia - sau, mai degrabă, nevoia indusă - de a crede în ceva ce e mai presus decât viața reală. Volumul abordează multe situații ce țin de credință și religie în general, care „trebuie luate ca atare”, și aduce o mulțime de argumente care să îndemne omul, individul, să gândească cu propriul creier și să supună unei analize riguroase tot ce aude și vede, să-și creeze propriile impresii. 

apfelahmed's review against another edition

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ما من شك ان ريتشارد دوكنز رجل عبقري و له اسهاماته الرائعة في العلم، خصوصا في مجال تخصصه الأحيائي التطوري.

لكن ... كأي شخصية كهنوتية (بابا الكنيسة الالحادية) يصر على ان رأيه صحيح و اراء الأخرين تحتوي على سذاجة و سخف و كذب ، للأسف لم يستطع ان يتفادى ما رمى به غير من بعض تحيزات في اراءه

أعجبني جدا الجزء الذي رد فيه على اطروحات توما الأكويني الفلسفية على وجود اله

لم تعجبني الأجزاء التي حاول استخدام التطور الدارويني لتخيل و تفسير البدايات، و التي هي كما يقولون مربط الفرس بين المؤمنين و الملحدين حول الاعتقاد بوجود او عدم وجود خالق بدء كل شيء

يجب ان تقرأ كتاب كهذا لفتح سبل امام عقلك و روحك لمحاولة الاجابة على اسئلة قديم حديثة مستمرة معنا من الميلاد حتى الممات

jemin's review against another edition

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challenging informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


omg bro was just spitting facts the whole time
idk if it was good or i just agreed with everything but i liked this quite a lot more than the selfish gene because i found it more interesting and although it could have been slightly shorter  

merrieberrie's review against another edition

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Lots of good points wrapped up in a snarky attitude that will piss off more people than it will convert.

hperks18's review against another edition

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challenging informative medium-paced

beaundarrows's review against another edition

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Interesting, witty, eloquent, British.

Pretty much just confirmed the reasons for my own lack of belief.

rainerani's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed investigating alternative world views. Was occasionally hard to follow, with opinion, fact, and philosophy all kind of treated the same, at times. Would recommend to anyone curious about apologetics.

lord4skin's review against another edition

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challenging informative medium-paced


frostling's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


paroof's review against another edition

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So, this is a good and logical book. I can't help it, it just kind of bored me. I guess it was a "preaching to the choir" sort of thing. I also read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis at the same time to get a differing view and again, blah. I think Lewis has all kinds of holes in his logic. Now, I think either of these books would be great for the right audience, I'm just not that audience.

A book that was much more interesting for me, and that I had read first, was Misquoting Jesus by Bart Ehrman. I grew up with an evangelical background and Ehrman, a Bible scholar, covered topics that mattered to me and actually influenced my thought process more than just the straight forward logical arguments of the God Delusion. Dawkins does touch on a few of the problems with the historical texts of the bible, but does not go into detail, and certainly does not have the credibility, that Ehrman does in that area of study.