
Darkness Matters by Jay McLean

beckyrendon's review against another edition

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4.5 stars

Jay McLean never fails to bring tears to my eyes. Darkness Matters is a heavy, heavy book. It resides in the dark corners of people's broken pieces. It's not a "happy" book. It's a meaningful one. Anyone with a bit of darkness clinging to them will feel it all. The hopelessness choking out the light.

It's seems odd but I just want to hug the author for a good hour and then do some deep breathing because as she says darkness matters. It's a soul deep book. It's not a light and fluffy. It's not the same as her other books I've read. It's a whole different kind of intensity.

I shudder at the ending, almost as though I could finally breathe.

reviewed for Naughty Book Blog

ameserole's review against another edition

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Ugh, I really hate cliffhangers. First question: Is there going to be another book?!? Pretty please say yes!! Noah and Andie both have gone through some life changing stuff. Whether it's a sibling dying or going to jail because of crazy "ex-boyfriend"--and yes I put air-quotes on that because in all honesty Matt creeped me out. I couldn't put this book down it was so good. The characters were interesting from the start and always entertaining.

jackiemcee's review against another edition

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MY HEART WAS BREAKING FROM BEGINNING TO END, and here I am asking you Jay McLean... WHY? Please tell me the prequel is underway, my heart can't take it. There's no closure Jay, nothing. It's pure darkness and make it matter by giving us the second book, please. Take your time but let's not give up on Andie and Noah.

The following lines will forever be with me. I read this novel because there's romance, but little did I know, there's also about finding yourself and fighting through the darkness.

“Noah?” she asks, and I lift my gaze. “Say something beautiful?”
My response is instant. “You.”

“Sometimes, there is no reason, and there are no answers. There just is... and everything we feel, the good, the bad, the dark… it matters.”

The girl who causes my heart to drum holds my gaze, pleads, “Say something beautiful?”
And this time, I promise to remember the light. “Us.”

ladywestfall's review against another edition

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As always, Jay McLean leaves me speechless. I love the story and the background of the characters. Idk. I just kind of wished that it explored more and dig deeper with the events post-Matt. I want to know more of Matteo. I hated his character so much, I cannot even. UGH. At the same time, I want to know more of his story.

I also love how Andie and Noah healed from their past. It's just so beautiful. I like how it did not focus on the lovestory rather than the character's individual struggles and darkness and how they lived and got past with it.


My fingers are crossed, Jay.

jen286's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

Darkness Matters is the story of Andie and Noah. Two people who have a dark past and are trying to survive their future. It was such a great read.

Andie had her whole life planned out her her. She is incredibly smart and was going to go to college and do things. But she was young and stupid and made some bad decisions that derailed her plans. She is trying to keep on the up and up now so that she can have a better future. And those straight and narrow path plans don't include the neighbor boy, no matter how much she likes him or feels a connection with him. She obviously cannot trust her own judgement. I mean look where it landed her last time?

Noah is a loner. A recluse. He doesn't talk to many people, he doesn't like to be in a crowd, he keeps to himself. He stays in his room most of the time and he is okay with that. He has some dark things that happened in his past as well. And when he moves in next to Andie and her twin sister he starts coming out of his shell. A little bit. For Andie. He likes her right from the start, but he is incredibly shy and awkward, but she seems to see him for him.

I loved reading the story of these two characters. They both have baggage, but sharing that sometimes lessens the burden. I loved how their pasts were revealed slowly so you don't really know what happened. I especially enjoyed how the author dealt with Noah's past and his situation. Noah and Andie have a connection, but can anything happen there? Andie still is on rocky ground and Noah could upset everything she has worked for. Oh this story. It was great.

*Note: I received a free copy of this book for voluntary review consideration

monromano's review against another edition

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This. Book.

"And everything we feel, the good, the bad, the matters."

This is one of the best, most emotional books I've read in a long time. This is not they "typical" book that Jay has written in the past. But it is just as amazing. Her ability to create characters that you instantly fall in love with and want to fight for is amazing. This book is so much more than boy meets girl. The struggles that Noah and Andie have had to overcome and continue to struggle with is so powerful, each in their own right. They constant struggle with their own darkness mirrors so many things in reality. And while it's not your typical romance, as there is very little romance in it, it's an amazing read.

bookramblings's review against another edition

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I want to start by saying that I love Jay McLean and her writing. For this book, I loved the entire premise. I thought it was very unique and a highly important story to tell. Unfortunately, the premise wasn’t carried out as I hoped. The book felt very rushed and unfinished. You get this major revelation with less than 10% left of the book, with no closure whatsoever. Many plot holes were left unanswered or unexplained.

2.5/5 stars

jenrich26's review against another edition

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“I’m a girl who sees the world in black and white and different shades of grays, but barely ever in color.”

I have been in such a book slump for months now not connecting with any story or characters and then I dropped what I was reading for a new release by a favorite author and I read it in one sitting into the morning hours with tears coming down my face.

This book tackled heavy subject matter with such grace, love and understanding. It never felt like too much. Andie and Noah were perfect and I could relate to the darkness and light in both of them!

cactusreadinglady's review against another edition

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it's no secret i love Jay McLean and everything she writes. i would read her grocery list if she published it. Darkness Matters isn't her typical write. it has some of her typical material (OTH references and set in NC) but that's were it ends.

i can't describe the feelings i had reading this book. Noah and Andie both had some insane things happen to them. i can't imagine the life they lived. but what Jay does is brings you into their world and makes you feel their feelings. she reminds us that no matter what bad things happen to us, it MATTERS. that we are important and loved and cherished by those around us.

our darkness matters, and it always has.

sammyj91's review against another edition

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If there was a second book my rating would change but the ending ruined it for me. Left me with a ton of questions. I am very disappointed. The story line was good but this book deserved to be finished and the author just didn’t do it.