
The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window by Kirsty Moseley

brittanyb_0615's review

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So there’s so many things that I can say about this book. My grandmother gave me a kindle for Christmas years ago and this book was one of the ones she had on there for me. I absolutely loved this book. It has to be one of the best I’ve ever read. I’ve read it probably 5 or 6 times. It will make you laugh and cry and fall in love. Definitely recommend if you’ve never read it

chloemariexo's review

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Definately not the best book, but was I hooked? Absolutely!

nathalyalvarez's review against another edition

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Creo que este es uno de mis nuevos favoritos.

Esta historia es todo lo que siempre quise de un libro romántico, todo. En realidad lo amo con cada partecita de mi raro corazón y lo amare por siempre. Desde un principio juzgue a este libro por su portada y su titulo, pero el corazón dibujado en el vidrio es demasiado cursi, asco. No quería leerlo. Pero desde ayer estoy de humor para leer romance hasta que vomite corazones y flores. ¿Por donde empiezo? Bueno, les contare esta es una de esas historias que desde que empiezan despiertan una curiosidad en ti. Realmente me gusta historia sobre padres abusivos. La historia se centra en Amber quien tuvo un padre abusivo, y un día después de que su padre la golpeara cuando estaba llorando en su cuarto, el mejor amigo de su hermano, Liam se escabulle dentro de su cuarto a consolarla. Ambos se quedan dormidos y la situación se repite una y otra vez hasta que Liam prácticamente se mete en el cuarto de Amber y duerme todos los días allí, de ahí el titulo.

Los personajes: Amber es un personaje que no me molesta leer pero tampoco me gusta demasiado, es tan normal. No hay nada en ella que sea un personaje que pueda recordar. Jake, es el hermano de Amber, sobre protector, mujeriego, un típico chico popular y obviamente sexy, según el libro. Cuando leí sobre Jake en el libro hubo algo en mi que quería abrazarlo, no se como explicarlo. Y por ultimo, y mas importante: Liam James, ¿no es Liam James es nombre mas hermoso que existe? para mi lo es. Ni había leído sobre el y ya me había enamorado de su nombre. Aparentemente Liam es mujeriego, popular y arrogante. Pero durante las noches cuando se escabulle al cuarto de Amber se vuelve tierno y cariñoso. Durante 8 años, Liam ha dormido con Amber para hacerla sentir segura.

Mientras el libro se desarrolla, vas conociendo a los personajes lees como la relación de Liam y Amber evoluciona hasta que la química entre ellos es casi palpable.

Me gusta este libro ya que reúne muchos aspectos que no se leen comúnmente: El abuso por parte de los padres, hermanos sobre protectores, romance, embarazos en adolescentes, violación y también aborto.

Por ultimo quiero decir que estoy completamente enamorada de Liam, estoy segura de ello. Cada vez que el la llamaba Ángel mi corazón se enternecía hasta el punto en que deseo tener mi propio Liam.

leahjessicaa's review against another edition

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This book was just amazing, i absolutely loved it!

brittanica_bold's review against another edition

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Ugh, I was so torn over what to rate this book. I was really looking forward to this book from the synopsis. This storyline had so much potential, as did the characters, but ultimately it just fell flat for me. I was expecting the book to gut me a bit more, similar to works by the fantastic Colleen Hoover, or at least be a bully romance. Sadly, I didn't really get either. Did that stop me from reading the bonus chapter? Absolutely not.

natimat's review against another edition

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Positive ending, nice plot. Sometimes the characters made me pretty angry but eventually they behaved sensibly so I forgive them xd

svillanu's review against another edition

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I can't believe I actually finished it. The plot could've worked if the writing wasn't so terrible.

kagura_'s review against another edition

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Nothing special. Liam was way too perfect. Everything was way too perfect (excluding the abusive father ofc). Nothing struck me as special. Except Liam's love at first sight which is in no way realistic.
Oh, and grammar. The novel didn't seem to be edited. //mean

vlccjdv's review against another edition

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It was okay...


I finished the book, but only because I never DNF. The idea behind the story was amazing, but I didn’t really enjoy the execution. I found the main female character childish, and the boys not much better. Parts of the story line floored me. Like, yah, teens are that calm about getting knocked up. NOPE. It should probably come with a trigger warning as well. The sensitive subject matter was handled well, but hard to read without knowing what you’re getting into.

renuked's review against another edition

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Man, I feel really awful writing this review, but I felt even more awful reading this book. The first 3% was fine. I was excited to read it. It addressed some really important issues immediately and I wanted to see how the book would develop the impacts such trauma can have. Sexual abuse is a serious matter, and it needs to be addressed carefully. And then, there was the cute story of the ten-year old boy crawling into her room to comfort the little 8-year old girl. It was sweet. I was hopeful.

Flash forward 8 years. It's gross. I mean I've read a lot of romance, but this is just groping. It's just an abysmal amount of ridiculous dialogue, innuendo, and outright nastiness. There are a thousand different boys who make suggestive comments and force kisses upon our protagonist. And one of them is Liam, the so called boyfriend. I was so shocked when he grabbed her and made all sorts of comments. If someone you know has suffered sexual abuse, why would you continue making disgusting comments to them? Because you think they are hot? Because you supposedly love them?? WHA? And even Amber, who is a so-called "emotional wreck" and can't let anyone touch her, is all over him in seconds. 16% of the book was done and they were all over each other like hormonal animals. No.

And then, they make the decision to keep it a secret from Jake, her "over-protective" older brother. Honestly, he was the only decent character in my opinion. I didn't even get that far, but any brother willing to get beaten within an inch of his life is probably one of the most selfless people in the world. Is it wrong that he wants to protect his little sister? I think, given their past, it's fully justified. Don't make him out to be the bad guy. He's the only one I really trusted. Keeping their relationship a secret from Jake. No.

Also, where was the mom?? Why was she not addressed?? Yes, the father is an abusive bastard, but the mother is an enabler. Surely that caused some trauma too? What kind of sick mother allows her children to be tortured? Where the heck is she? I need some sort of explanation for this behavior and why it doesn't affect anyone. It's too unrealistic that they literally don't care about their mother. No.

Finally, this language is just WHYYY? Every third word was "fine ass" or "man-whore." Yes, maybe teenagers curse a lot, but was this amount necessary? What purpose does it serve? And the amount of touching, kissing and general lack of plot made me nauseous. I stopped at 36% because i just didn't want to continue reading it. It was erotica packaged as a YA novel that should have been about recovery, sweet and slow romance, and family. It just went so, so wrong.