
Brujas de Nueva York by Carolyn MacCullough

cristina0194's review against another edition

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I have no idea why did I give this book 3 stars when I first read it... because it was amazing!
I started it a few hours ago and I couldn’t put it down! I mean... I have to go to work in a few hours, but this didn’t stop me from finishing the book, because it was way more interesting than I remembered.
Can’t wait to read the second book tomorrow!

liralen's review against another edition

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Tamsin is a witch, in theory. In practice, she is the Once a Witch–world version of a squib: she was promised a powerful Talent at birth, but it has never manifested. Instead of living with her family on their sprawling, somewhat dilapidated property, she is at boarding school in Manhattan, awash in resentment of her older sister.

We have a bunch of weird names in our family. Even so, I had mine especially. Tamsin. It sounds so...hard and unmusical. Unlike Rowena, which ripples off the tongue, Tamsin falls with a splat (15–16).

(And yes, this all explains a lot about why I read the book in the first place.)

But Tamsin does have a Talent—just one that has been hidden thus far. When evil makes its not so subtle appearance, it is up to her to stop her family from falling to pieces.

It's a little short on logic (not to mention sensible choices) in places, but it's a fun book. Instalove, but at least the focus is elsewhere. Circular time-travel logic of the sort that befuddles and amuses me. Boarding school that is, unfortunately, barely even a backdrop—Tamsin could've commuted, say, an hour each way into the city to go to school and it wouldn't have made much difference, plot-wise.

What I ended up liking best about the story is the possibility of Talents—Tamsin's especially, sure, but also the others. Would have loved to see them used more on a large scale, rather than (almost)only at home, one or two people at a time, etc. Fun, but probably not something where I'll follow through with the second book.

misdawnty's review against another edition

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I don't really know what to say. I should probably just put three stars and leave it there but I hate it when there's no review about why people like or didn't like a book. This was an entertaining read but lacked...something. Depth maybe. And there were a few parts that just didn't flow quite right. It's a book involving 2 families of witches and one who uses time travel to right some wrongs. (This and book 2).

books_plan_create's review against another edition

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Wow. I didn't think I would enjoy this one as much as I did. I was absolutely hooked from the Prologue! And yay to netGalley for having the sequel Always a Witch available!

inkedstoryteller's review against another edition

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This young adult paranormal thriller has lots of magic or “Talent” and a dash of romance. It tells the story of a family of hereditary witches in and around NYC through the eyes of a private high school girl named Tamsin. Their magical system and family story are interesting and lay the groundwork for the existing sequel and hopefully a series. I liked this book very much and look forward to the next one. #amazon #contemporaryfantasy #witches

readsreaders's review against another edition

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This was soooooo freaking cute! I can't wait to see what happens next.

ecsun345's review against another edition

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Definitely Not what I expected

But i will read the next book in the series

starbound's review against another edition

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Det var konseptet med tidsreising som fikk meg til å kjøpe denne boka. Det var det nok av til å gjøre meg fornøyd og samtidig var det artig å lese om alle de forskjellige Talentene Tamsins slekt hadde. Likevel ble så mange av dem bare nevnt i forbifarten at de eneste karakterene jeg endte opp med å huske var Tamsin, Gabriel, Rowena og Callum. Det er jo også de viktigste, men jeg synes det er viktig med bikarakterer også. Jeg fikk ikke helt med meg poenget med klokka som Tamsin leter etter, men jeg vet ikke om det skyldes at jeg ikke konsentrerte meg eller om det var litt svakt beskrevet… Slutten var i alle fall interessant, så jeg tror jeg har lyst til å lese oppfølgeren; Always a Witch.

delaneybull's review against another edition

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This was cute. I was a little disappointed that Tamsin turned out as more of a judgmental, flat character than someone truly varied, but I chalk that up to her age. I look forward to the next (and final, I believe) in the series.

imallmadhere's review against another edition

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Time Travel and witches. Pretty awesome combination. I am a fan! I forgot to post this book and I read it like months and months ago, so i am just going to say that when the new book in this series came to the cataloger's desk I literally barely let her finish cataloging it before I had it checked out and home :) So good read :)