
Missing Dixie by Caisey Quinn

zaza_bdp's review against another edition

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★ 2.5/5 ★

Pfffff hmmmpfffff que je suis déçue !
Ahlalala, j'avais tellement apprécié le 1er tome, sa fraîcheur, ce couple qui s'aimait sans savoir s'aimer, cet univers musical omniprésent ... Et cette fin ! Je mourrais d'impatience de retrouver Gavin et Dixie, et après les avoir perdus de vue dans le tome précédent, j'étais ravie de les retrouver. Mais ... Car oui, vous l'avez déjà compris, il y a un 'mais', un gros 'MAIS'.

Malheureusement, ce tome contient tout ce qui m'horripile en romance ... Ces couples incapables de se parler, ces quiproquos qui traînent en longueur, cette incapacité (oui encore ce mot !) des uns et des autres à se parler, à "cracher leur valda", pour être un peu moins polie. Je n'en pouvais plus d'attendre que Gavin révèle ses fracassantes vérités, et sincèrement, après tout ce ramdam mélodramatique, je m'attendais à pire encore, alors que oui, avouons-le, même si on se doutait de pas mal de choses, il fait des révélations douloureuses.

Les réactions de Dixie sont justes, et bien décrites. C'est un personnage équilibré, plein de fraîcheur, de douceur, elle n'est pas aveuglée par son désir d'avenir avec Gavin. On ne peut pas dire qu'elle est naïve, mais elle s'accroche sacrément à son ami d'enfance, je la trouve patiente et compréhensive, sans pour autant être "brave".

Je regrette que la musique soit si peu présente, tout ce qui faisait le sel du premier tome a ici disparu, c'est vraiment dommage pour moi que l'auteur a laissé cela en cours de route.

Alors oui, on pourrait dire que la romance est pleine d'émotions, touchante, Gavin et Dixie sont toujours à fleur de peau mais moi, je suis restée à quai. :/
L'histoire secondaire avec Liam vient amener un peu de vie dans ce récit somme toute assez plat, et apporte une dose supplémentaire d'émotions tout en permettant à Gavin de faire toute la lumière sur son passé, de prendre du recul et d'aller (enfin !!!!!!) de l'avant.

Je ne doute pas que ce tome plaira, mais l'absence de communication au sein du couple a été un vrai deal breaker pour moi.

ironskin's review

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This was pretty bleak, I know it was meant to be heartwarming, but ugh

caseroo7's review against another edition

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Missing Dixie is the third book in the Neon Dreams series from Caisey Quinn. These books should be read in order as Missing Dixie picks up after the events of the first two books. The first book in the series, Leaving Amarillo, focuses on Gavin and Dixie while the second book, Loving Dallas, focuses on Dixie's brother Dallas. But Missing Dixie is again about Dixie and Gavin, so readers might feel lost if they haven't read the previous two books. I really loved Dixie and Gavin in the first book, despite all their issues. But I have to say that this book wasn't what I was hoping for, and if i'm honest I was disappointed here. This book was exhausting and I just felt tired by the time it was over.

Gavin Garrison didn't have the best childhood growing up, but the bright spots were his best friends Dixie and Dallas Lark. They took him in as family and together they started a band and dreamed of a future together performing the music they loved. But Gavin and Dixie always felt more for one another, despite the promise that Gavin had made to Dallas about staying away from each other. When Dixie was at school, Gavin got into some trouble that changed everything. Believing that he wasn't good enough for Dixie, he did everything he could to push her away and ended up breaking her heart. Now Gavin is trying to get his life together and he will do whatever it takes to show her that he is better and is trying to be the man she deserves. But can Dixie forgive him for hurting her, especially when she knows that Gavin still hasn't told her everything that happened?

I loved these two together in Leaving Amarillo, and I couldn't wait to get more of them here. Gavin and Dixie had such a strong connection and such intense chemistry. That didn't change here, but I did expect some things to change when it came to their relationship. I was expecting growth and more improvement when it came to how these two dealt with one another. Their communication here though was still just as bad as it was before, and I honestly got sick of waiting for Gavin to finally talk to Dixie. He kept putting it off and yet he was constantly making a point of how he wanted to be the one to tell her directly. Yet he sure took his sweet time doing it, and it frustrated me to no end. I felt like the chemistry and connection between these two was still there, but this entire book just felt like it was Dixie and Gavin going around in circles. I also really hated the fact that Dixie continued to let Gavin get away with as much as she did, she still had problems putting herself before others. I love how much she cares and what a great person she is, but I honestly think that she needed to be more selfish for once.

Besides just Gavin and Dixie going round and round, I also had several other issues here. I felt like this story should have focused more on their relationship, but there were so many other things being dealt with that I felt like the focus wasn't on Gavin and Dixie for the most part. We didn't see a lot of them together and when we did it was the same thing over and over. The way that Dixie just let everything go though was unrealistic to me and I kept wanting Gavin and Dixie to really make some progress which I felt like the reader never saw. I didn't care for the way the Ashley situation was handled, and I don't know how Dixie was as okay with it as she was...even going so far as to hire her for additional work for her and not just Gavin. I felt like there were several things here that were a large part of the story or series at the beginning only to be dropped, mainly her friend and ex Jag. Dude seriously just disappeared here! So as much as I wanted to love this book and close the series out well, I just didn't get that with Missing Dixie. I grew tired of the whiplash and constant games that were played here and I am sad to say I was ultimately disappointed though I did like how things were at the end of the book.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

gabbysreading's review against another edition

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This was a great ending to a series I love so much. It was heartbreaking,frustrating and full of love and hope. Gavin's story...*sigh... I just want to give him a hug.

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

Leaving Armarillo broke my a good way. I couldn't wait for us to get back to Gavin and Dixie. I was a bit torn up that I had to make my way through Book 2 with little to no Dixie/Gavin but it was worth the wait. Missing Dixie is a book full of rollercoaster emotions. I smiled, I laughed, I cried. I just loved it.

Gavin is everything you want in main character: sexy, brooding, tortured drummer who just grabbed my heart. He is just the right amout of everything and he loves Dixie. Hands down. Not questionable. The question is does he love himself enough to believe he can love her enough. The answer is yes but Gavin has to figure this out for himself because he spent most of his life not feeling worthy of anyone until he met the Lark siblings.

Dixe fell in love with Gavin when she first met him and nothing changed for her. She is beyond brave, strong and ridiculously beautiful. She knows Gavin can be dark but she also knows he is full of light. She wants him to be happy and she thinks she can handle whatever it is that Gavin is hiding from her.

Caisey Quinn takes us on a hell of a ride as Leaving Amarillo attempts to reconcile and with the band getting back together, Dixie and Gavin are thrust together to deal with their mess head on. The moments between these two seem so real, you feel the pain radiating off the pages. You root for them because you know they are right for each other.

Don't miss this series. It is a showstopper from front to back cover....all three books. I can't wait to see what Caisey has in store for us next because she poured her heart into this one. Book hangover guaranteed!

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cupcakegirly's review against another edition

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Gritty, heart-wrenching, and intense, MISSING DIXIE broke my heart in the best way before piecing it all back together again. It was everything I hoped for for Dixie and Gavin and then some.

I loved these characters from book one and I knew Gavin's story was going to gut me, hence the reason I was afraid to read this book. Afraid whatever Gavin had done would be unfixable, unforgivable, and not even a little bit redeeming. What I didn't expect, was the hope it would leave me with.

Caisey Quinn has done an amazing job of showing the good, the bad and the ugly parts of addiction and the ripple effect it has on everyone, not just the addict. She balances light with darkness, so it's not too angsty and depressing, and not too perfect to be true. Best of all, she gives Dixie, Gavin, and Dallas the endings they deserve and one that is sure to warm reader's hearts. It did mine. I ugly cried. Like Daryl Dixon from the Walking Dead but with more tears and snot.

It wasn't pretty, but it was totally worth it.
Just like Gavin and Dixie.

mrsjkamp's review against another edition

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Her absolute best book yet. Emotional, raw, and unforgiving in that gritty, intense way. Everything Dixie and Gavin's story needed to be. The tears are still drying. <3

Full review coming closer to release day.

dragoneyes451's review against another edition

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DNFing. You are a grown-ass man, tell your the woman you love that you had to take your drunk mother home. Don't plot to hurt her "because you don't deserve her". Ick, GAG.

deepilk's review against another edition

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2.5 stars

kimmypete1's review against another edition

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Check out this review and more at On the Wings of Books

What I Thought...

• Oh. My. God. Missing Dixie was one hell of an emotional roller coaster.

• While Gavin and Dixie start their relationship in Leaving Amarillo, it ends with them being apart, and that completely broke my heart because you know they belong together.

• Missing Dixie is dual narrated by Gavin and Dixie, which gives you so much more insight into Gavin and his childhood and how he became the person that he is. This is the part that wrecked me the most. There are just no words to describe this.

• Dixie is stronger in Missing Dixie. She knows what she wants and she isn't tolerating Gavin or Dallas's crap.

• Seriously it is really hard for me to articulate how I feel about Missing Dixie. It's more than just a romance, it's about life and change and it produced a lot of feels.

• I really enjoyed the epilogue. Sometimes they can be overly cheesy, but this one was perfect.

Overall this is one of the best books I've read in 2015 and I highly recommend this series to all the people!