
Witch's Memory by Laura Greenwood, Laura Greenwood

annettebooksofhopeanddreams's review

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The Purple Oasis series has quickly become one of my favorite dystopias. And that's mostly because for once this is not about all the bad things and the horror and the violence. On the contrary. The world has changed and a lot of people are gone, but this series focusses on the future and the hope. I was therefore really happy when BookSprout let me know this arc was available.

It's hard to pick favorites in this series, because all these books are different and unique, but for some reason this book really spoke to me and really touched me. I guess it has something to do with these witches, who are empaths. This book is about emotions. About the power of feeling them, but also about how painful and destructive they can be.

I really loved seeing these two witches finding each other and helping each other with some really heavy emotions and most of all grief. I loved the cleansing ritual they had, mostly because it felt like something that would also really work for humans, who are not empaths, but who simply feel a lot. It was magical and realistic at the same time.

I also love how the downsides of feeling all these emotions from everyone were shown. Just like how hard it can be to know for sure if you love someone or if it's simply gratitude or someone else's emotion. It made for an honest, pure and in a way also really touching love story, starring two people who really needed AND wanted each other.

lolasreviews's review

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Witch's Memory is the fourth book in the Purple Oasis series and follows the point of view of two empathy witches. I liked how we got to know a bit about Hayley in book 3 already and was looking forward to her story.

I really enjoyed Witch's Memory, it feels a bit sadder at times than previous books with more focus on what Hayley and Brandon lost, namely her brother and his best friend John. And despite that I liked how the focus is still on the romance and hopeful theme this series had. This book has them facing and dealing with their grief. And then they also spend more time together and develop feelings for the other. I liked seeing how their connection grew.

I liked reading about Hayley and Brandon. They're both great characters. I like how kind and caring Hayley is and how's she's there for others, both in her work in the med bay as well as reaching out to Brandon and help him deal when his emotions become too much. I thought these two were so sweet together. It also was good to see how they dealt with their grief and found a way to keep the memory of John close while also moving forward with their lives.

The hopeful theme and vibe of this series is so well done, especially when contrasting with all the difficult things these characters have gone through like the end of the world and losing friends and family.

I also liked how we got to see more of Reese from the third book, who is good friends with Hayley. And how Brandon becomes friends with Aaron from book 2. I like how previous main characters continue to play a role in this series. There's also a shifter side character who makes another appearance and whose story is next in book 5.

I enjoyed learning more about the empathy witches as this is the first time this series has the point of view of an empathy witch. It was interesting learning more about their powers and also kinda sad at times as it definitely sounds tough to be an empathy witch in the apocalypse. I liked reading about how their powers worked and seeing things like the cleansing ritual.

To summarize: This was another great read in this series. I like the hopeful and uplifting vibe of this series and how even with the sadder moments the series keeps the hopeful vibe. Brandon and Hayley are both empathy witches, they share their grief as Hayley's brother and Brandon's best friend John died in the apocalypse. I liked seeing them connect with each other and grow closer. They have to deal with their grief and also build something new while spending this time together. I found it interesting reading more about the empathy witches and how their powers worked. It also was nice to see more of some of the previous main characters. I look forward to the next book!

chrystalclearwpg's review

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 Living after an apocalypses must be hard but being an empath witch during this time must be tougher which is what Hayley has been trying to deal with since the end of the world. Learning to deal with your powers and still manage to live your every day life can sure take a toll on your own mental health which we get to see a bit of in this story. We see grief, bonding and healing. 
I received a free copy of this story and this is my unbiased review.

dwinprincess's review

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Being an empath witch after an apocalypse isn't easy. Read Witch's Memory and follow Hayley and Brandon as they get reacquainted after many years. Join them as they revisit the past and the sorrow that comes with it.

Great story, so much heart and soul in it. It is a M/F romance. Must read. I loved the characters and the story of Purple Oasis as it continues to move forward.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.