
Dragon Marked by Jaymin Eve

zealous_bibliophile's review

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New adult paranormal romance set in the US. Everyone knows they are a shifter, have grown up in a shifter community (with a few exceptions) and they are 22 in shifter university, which is not like regular college. From what little you see of it shifter university is morning combat training followed by the Roy of combat and history. You have Jessa a wolf shifter as your FMC, with the rough around the edges but not in a way that makes her a b***h cockiness/teasing/etc you get when you've gone up the one girl in a group of guys, and the knowledge to play dirty occasionally and pull the girl card on her over protective guy friends, especially when cake is involved. There are a number of references to the characters getting it on like rabbits (not with each other) but no actual scenes. Having finished book 1 I haven't actually figured out what kind of romance this is. The description includes a review that this is for grades 9 and up, which makes me thing this is your normal live triangle, but there are moments where you are like yup, these are her four guys. Then you are like oh no, that guy belongs to that girl. Then you are like nope she definitely has four. Or wait is she just with this other guy? No its one guy but this one. OK no its four. Wait but that one goes with that girl. At the end of book 1 I still have no idea if this is a love triangle or a slow burn harem. I'm totally cool with a long burn harem (I actually like those best in the harem universe, they quiet the objections my brain throws out) and I'm OK with one guy one girl, but I just want to know up front what kind of love story I'm getting into. Do I need to pick teams? Do I need to be preparing myself for the heart break of the guy's who don't win? (I'm always sad for them). There are moments where you are like yup, these are her four guys. Then you are like oh no, that guy belongs to that girl. Then you are like nope she definitely has four. Or wait is she just with this other guy? No its one guy but this one. OK no its four. Wait but that one goes with that girl. Ah wait is it five guys? No its four but that original one is swapped out for this one. No wait it's three.

The unclear love story aside, I enjoyed the story and am looking forward to book two. Although I will say, I did drag my feet at little.aroubd 40%. The way the description laid things out o thought the story was going to go one way and I just really wasn't into that (kind of like with 90s TGIF sitcoms when you watch and you are like nope this is the moment Corey makes a cringe worthy decision. Don't do it Urkel! Michelle you know Uncle Jesse is going to be upset with you for that. And you just have to change the channel because you just can't) ut I stuck with it and it didn't play out the play the description was leading me to believe, so I'm glad I stuck it out.

sylwniw's review

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Loved this book. Not the best written but the author knew how to write to suck you in. Best to read it when your in a mood to just gush and feel all gooie inside. Loved ever moment and so can't wait for the next one.

ashkwtf's review

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The story was aggravating. The author had Jessa do stupid things to advance the plot and it's obnoxious how the obvious mate situation with Braxton was ... ignored? Meh. I almost DNF'd at 50% but did a quick skim to the end and remained underwhelmed.

madgee's review

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Teenage angst and coming of age crap where the kids are constantly demanding respect and talking up how awesome they are. DNF at page 30, and I regret reading that far.

smileodee's review

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I read halfway through this book because I really do feel like it has what it takes to be a very interesting read. I can't though, the main character is awful. It drives me crazy how much she mentions how bad ass and alpha she is but any time a situation comes up she has to be saved or barely manages. She's always crying , being carried, being mushy and talking about love , which is all well and fine but it contradicts how she describes her self. Everything she does is either or irrational or doesn't have adequate reasoning. I wish the book was from Braxton's point of view because she failed as a heroine. I cannot continue reading this.

simplyheidi's review

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You know, I've been on a good spell with reading books. There have been a lot of books I've read recently that I've enjoyed. Most of them getting 4 Star ratings from me. *sigh* But then, all good things must come to an end.

Dragon Marked had, dare I say it? A lot of potential. (Don't tell my husband I said it! I HATE that word. With a passion.) But it's true. This book could've been amazing! The supernatural prison was interesting as well as the dragon marked. Both of those could've been expanded on and made incredible. But the whole thing just fell flat.

The characters were shallow with no depth to them. What you see is what you get with them. Our MC, Jessa, loves food and is snarky, conceited, loves food, an alpha, childish, spunky, and did I mention she loves food? Oh that's right. I did, 3 TIMES! In the book it was repeated over and over and OVER again how much she loves food (she even got emotional about a dessert. I mean COME ON!). We get it. She loves food.

The quadruplets were just as shallow. They were extremely immature with no respect for anyone or anything. All that mattered were themselves and Jessa. Not to mention that these 4 are all going to be leaders in the community in a few short years. Did I think they acted like they should be leaders any time soon? NO WAY! They have a lot of growing to do.

Dragon Marked talked a lot about sex. Sex references were made left and right. Sex jokes all over the place. You didn't know when they were having sex as all the sex references were of past and potential future moments. But don't go thinking that this is a romance novel because it isn't. It just makes a lot of unnecessary (in my opinion) sex references. To top it off, the references and jokes were all made to sound like middle school kids trying to talk dirty. The romance, or lack of, was poorly done.

I was disappointed in this book. I took a gamble and bought the book because it sounded good. I really don't like to give books a low rating but I just can't give this book more stars. I'm giving it 2 stars. I finished the book but really, I had plenty of other books I should've been reading. Sorry Jaymin.

vikcs's review against another edition

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lighthearted mysterious fast-paced


starlitbooknerd's review against another edition

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I love the world building so far and all the characters are really interesting! I can’t wait to see what happens next!!

heather_reads_romance's review against another edition

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Dragon marked

Interesting start to a series. I’m curious to see who Jess’s ends up with but my money is on Braxton. I loved the characters but Jessa did come off as immature sometimes.

peaches212's review against another edition

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Overall I did enjoy the book. However, there were definitely some issues with the story telling/character building, particularly with the main character. Its the same epidemic that plagues many YA-esque type books, where the lead female is supposed to be this strong, super talented and most importantly intelligent being yet somehow whenever the time comes for them showcase these top notch skills... *insert tumble weed* i.e. breaking into the prison/arrest??? I mean seriously! we're just supposed to swallow Jessa's logic behind that...right. Also, it sure did take a while for us to get to that prison bit despite the premise of the book being Jessa locked up. She spent a good portion on the book wondering around free, eating a lot.

But I digress, the foundations of the book were really interesting and I'm probably going to read the follow up to see how things developed as it did get more interesting towards then, even if the plot was a bit rushed (you can blame that on time spent listening to Jessa get over emotional over food)