
The Darkest Touch by Gena Showalter

lucyhargrave's review

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I adore Gena Showalter’s Lord of the Underworld series and have always had a tiny soft spot for Torin. None of which explains why it has taken me so long to read The Darkest Touch, but I’ve read it now and thats the important thing!

I never realised how funny Torin was before this book. It felt like his character came alive; he wasn’t just the tormented one who couldn’t touch anyone. I mean I basically fell in love with Torin because he was the tortured one unable to touch anyone, but in this book I learnt he was so much more. He has a wonderful sense of humour, he can be selfish, is often impulsive and nearly always protective of those he loves.

“Princess, your temper tantrums make you as defective as an open-ended condom.”

Now I also loved Keeley or The Red Queen...

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bobsvoid's review

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"You may have the world's worst SSTD," she said, "but I throw the world's worst temper tantrum."
Interesting, but not applicable. "Are you chastising me or applying to be my sidekick?"

My sweet, sweet Torrin finally got his time to shine with a book in the series that has become one of my favorites. The keeper of Disease has spent thousands of years denying himself the pleasure of touch because he doesn't want to infect and kill people. An accident brings Torrin into the clutches of the notorious Red Queen-Keely.

My girl Keely is as psychotic as they's absolutely wonderful. There's a few things I absolutely adore in a woman and other than being a shameless hussy, it's being a shameless psycho. She spent a good portion of the beginning of the book threatening to take Torrin's life. And just like me, it seems he can't help but be attracted to such a woman.

"My greatest flaw is my total lack of flaws. Do you know what a burden it is, being perfect all the time?"
She fluffed her hair. "Yes, actually, I do."

The greatest part of these two was their acceptance of their flaws. Keely gave zero fucks about the fact that Torrin is a walking-talking-plauge (or SSTD skin-toskin-transmitted disease) waiting to happen. Hell, she welcomed it. Sweet Torrin was stubborn about that, but he at least accepted her psychotic was the least he could do.

I won't lie, I was a bit cross with the other Lords and women for their treatment of Keely. The girl saves your friends and protects your home, yet you little hypocrites have an issue with her? This brings me to my one issue with Torrin, that boy got a big mouth. If you've read you'll know what I'm talking about. Other than that, I absolutely LOVED this book.

"Old enough that I can only use one pickup line appropriately-hey baby, you better call life alert because I just fell for you and can't get up."
Pick up line...pickup line...she racked her brain until she found an explanation and brightened.
"Mine would be-roses are red, violets are blue, if you don't do what I say, I will kill you."

seejennread's review

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I'm glad the sexy times were back (mostly) but Keeley felt like a reboot of Anya after a while. I'm also getting really bored with all the new realms and different mystical creatures she keeps introducing. Faeries and curators and Giants? Doesn't feel like the original LOTU at all.

aliterarylion's review

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Gena Showalter is finally back!

This book was so much fun! One of my favorite characters in the Lords of the Underworld series finally got his happy ending and leading lady. I have liked Torin since the beginning and I always wondered how Gena Showalter would figure out his story. Torin is the handsome hacker who is the keeper of Disease. He will cause sickness, and eventually death, to anyone he touches. It was refreshing to see Torin come out his shell and become the alpha male he was meant to be instead of the quarantined computer whiz. His female that was destined for him was Keeleycael, the Red Queen.

She was such a superb character that was well written and so much fun. She is an all powerful immortal who is able to withstand Torin's curse. I was so impressed how Showalter was able to finagle the intricacies of the predicament and make it work. Keeley is ranked my second favorite female lead in the series behind Anya. She is essentially a reincarnation of Persephone: she had a relationship with Hades, emotions affect the weather, and her appearance changers with the seasons. What a cool power!
Winter: Blue skin with navy hair.
Autumn: Auburn hair with peaches and cream complexion
Summer: Blonde hair with blue eyes. The quintessential OUATIW Red Queen
Spring: Pink hair with green leaves and light skin
Keeleycael is an immortal Ramona Flowers with better taste in men.

Torin and Keyes relationship together was adorable. Their humor was a bit off-kilter was perfect for their dynamic. They were sweet as well as steamy. I liked how he referred to her as a fairy or a princess constantly. I am also looking to William and Gilly's story, if they ever have one. The looks he would he send her are volcanic.

For those who might have given up on the Lords of the Underworld series, this book has rekindled Showalter's literary fire.

holly_gram83's review

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franjessca's review

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Full review posted at Book Lovin' Mamas

In The Darkest Touch, Gena continues the storyline from the previous book, but with Torin and Keeley being the main characters. These two will be put through several tests thanks to what Gena had them go through, but that made me continuously flipping through the pages. (My husband may have gotten the evil eyes several times, while I was reading this book. He should know by now to not interrupt me, while I’m reading a book by Gena Showalter.) Gena also gives us glimpses into what is happening with other characters. Secrets will be let out of the bag in this book that will leave you in shock. I know one particular scene I’m still in shock over.

If you haven’t read this series and are a fan of paranormal romance, I definitely recommend reading this series in order. It’s a series full of action, romance, darkness, and humor that will have you on the edge of your seat.

val_readsbooks's review

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This book was a let down. Usually GS delivers above and beyond paranormal romance but this book felt like it was resting on previous success.

mnemehoshiko's review

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This was decent. I feel the author tried to hard to cramp multiple plotlines + future setup into this and it came out really muddled.

shell74's review

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Actual Rating: 4.5 Stars

“I’m more than the most powerful immortal on earth, you know. I’m a person. With feelings and everything! I’m worth more than a barrel of whiskey.”
“You’re worth more than anything,” he said quietly.
“I have a heart and it’s quite capable of being br– Wait. What?” she asked.

The Darkest Touch had such an mixture of intense and violent scenes, but also with humor and passion, that it is hard to describe aptly. It worked absolutely perfectly for Torin and Keeley’s stormy relationship, though.

I’ll be honest: this book has been really tough to review because so much happens over the course of the story that I didn’t want to give too much of it away. Plus there were just so many characters, what with this being book eleven in the series. I would highly recommend reading some of the previous installments before jumping in here or a lot of it won’t make sense.

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ashesofabookdragon's review

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Been waiting for this book for a while!! Loved it~ (but I'm bias)