
Guardians of the Galaxy, Cilt 2: Angela by Brian Michael Bendis

divineblkpearl's review against another edition

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The Guardian's introduction to Angela!!!!

erat's review against another edition

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A lot of people really disliked this book. I'm going to be the weirdo that goes against the grain and likes it. It wasn't perfect, but unlike volume 1, this book captured a lot of the humor and snark that you see in the movies. And I thought the story was more story-like than the the first volume (the good stuff, the reason I keep watching the damn things). Perhaps getting Neil Gaiman to help made a difference? Don't know. Either way, this felt more like the movies and less like a mishmash of action scenes. Personal opinion.

squidbag's review against another edition

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Incorporating Neil Gaiman's Angela into the Marvel 616, this phases out the Iron Man time in the GOtG, and as it bridges some other title-overlapping events in the Marvel U, feels a bit uneven, with some jarring artist changes toward the back third. Story's strong where it needs to be, and the fight scenes are big and spectacular. This is the somewhat weak chapter 2 between the 1st new Guardians collection and the Trial of Jean Gray, and it does the job. Try to read them in order. I didn't.

abarger89's review against another edition

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This volume of Guardians of the Galaxy contains issues #4-10.
I thought this was an enjoyable volume. I enjoyed the team-up between Gamora and Angela. I did think the *spoiler alert* random hook-up between Gamora and Tony was weird and unnecessary.

kate18's review against another edition

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Kresba od různých autorů se mi líbila snad kromě Francavilla, tam mi ale spíš neseděly barvy. Příběh opět našlapaný akcí a hláškami oblíbených hrdinů.

Strážci spolu s Tonym popíjejí v baru, když tam dorazí Spartaxká armáda. Nedaleko se ve vesmíru objeví záhadná žena, Angela. Strážci se jí musí postavit a zjistit, co je zač, protože ani jejich lodní systém o ní nenalezl žádné informace. Starlord pořád vidí záblesk, po kterém už nic nebylo jako dřív. Mohla by tahle záhadná žena vědět, co se stalo?

icfasntw's review against another edition

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QUICK PITCH: The Earth is in peril! Someone irresponsibly rent spacetime and pulled through a "vaguely clothed" hunter--but wait! She might also be an angel! Suddenly the X-Men appear! (It's a Marvel comic!)

VERDICT: The book is well-written, well-drawn, and manages to wink at its own ridiculousness. I believe the word "romp" is in order.

I don't really have any other notes here. It's fun, Rocket is funny, and I am Groot.

mossyforest's review against another edition

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Enjoyed the first part of this much more than the second. The dialogue was really good between the characters, the art was great, really dynamic for the action scenes. But in the second half the art changes (which I always find jarring when it happens withing one book) and then it just skips a who story conclusion because I am guessing it took place in another title, possibly an Avengers one. This is my main problem with these big conic book universes, when a story you are following just skips to another book or you are required to read a tone of other titles to know what is going on. It just doesn't make sense to me from a story telling perspective.

rgag86's review against another edition

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Rocket Raccoon and Tony Stark, please hang out more often.

thebooksanctum's review against another edition

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Love the mystery of Angela, and Tony's banter with the Guardians!