randikaye's review

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We live in a society where being someone who is sensitive or who leads with their feelings is often seen as a bad things. After all, emotions can get us into trouble... we need to think with our brains instead, right? But, if feelings were such a bad thing... why would God have given them to us? What if instead of being a hindrance, God gave us these emotions to help us to better hear and understand him. This idea of feelings is just the topic of Dr. James W. Goll's newest book The Feeler.

I must say, this isn't really a typical read for me and perhaps not one that I would have chosen on my own. Regardless, I did find it quite interesting. As Christians, we hear a lot about discernment. It's one of those churchy words that gets thrown about quite often... but how do we really come about it? That's a topic I personally haven't seen or heard much about. This unique read takes on that idea and shares how God uses those emotions He has given each of us can better help us to understand Him. Like I said, it's quite unique. Filled with lots of Biblical references in addition to personal stories, this is certainly a book that will make readers think and might just offer some new perspective on our spiritual journeys. It is definitely one worth checking out.

**Book received for consideration. All thoughts are my own.

sassybookishmama's review

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I am a feeler so this book definitely suited me. It gives you a better understanding of how God may use me for His kingdom. Society may see your emotions as something bad but God sees it as something beautiful and useful. After all He designed you this way for a reason and a purpose.

The author does a great job at conveying this in a simple yet engaging way. The book is filled with Bible verses and personal stories to make it even more relatable and personal. There is so much to be found in this book and I highly recommend it to the "feeler" and "non- feeler" in your life.

I received a copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. I was not required to post a positive review. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.