
Second Skin by Genna Donaghy

teresab78's review

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Second Skin is a very creative piece of speculative fiction. I love Jed the idea of transferring your consciousness into an animal.

I enjoyed the variety of characters with all their flaws. I liked the little bit of romance we got - a bit of any enemy to lovers thing going on.

I loved the scenes with Shane in the animals. It really get authentic.

I wish there was a sequel. (I found that this book has been rereleased under the name Skin Deep. I prefer this cover though)

leelah's review

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There was some twinkle of idea behind this, some good writing, but I couldn't get past how badly criminal investigation part is written. I guess this is an issue with every reader when they read about something they have professional knowledge of, but as much as I understand creative freedom, sometimes it's just...impossible to turn my brain off.
Here,I got an eye twitch because it drove me crazy how author wrote DA's work. :|
I mean, if you are DA, here is a little hint:
When you are trying to build a case against someone you shouldn't conduct illegal experiments on humans against their will especially when you know that odds for surviving it are one out of ten. :|
That's worst crime than the one you're trying to pin on guy!
And guess what? Evidence gathered this way is 1)not acceptable on court and 2)incriminating for DA.
So, it's not just that your case is fucked up, you also managed to throw yourself in jail. Congratulations.
NO. that's just.... how am I supposed to believe these are good guys?!?!?!?!?
And the worst thing: DA chick who was responsible for all that is forgiven at the end and becomes part of the family.