
The Cosy Coffee Shop of Promises by Kellie Hailes

soulhaven's review

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Right... it's time I sat down and really wrote something about this one.

I picked it up because I was in the mood for checking out something classed as a "light" read, and it was by a fellow Kiwi.

Within the first page I was a little bit in love not just with Tony, but Mel as well.

Now, this is key.

There's a difference between watching your good friends hook up in real life and reading about a couple hooking up... and falling out... and hooking up again.

When you read it, you *experience* it. You're not just watching friends fall in love and fist pumping on the sidelines when things are going well. You're falling in love a little bit yourself and your own heart aches when things aren't going smoothly.

This was one of those books for me. Immediately, I had sympathy for these two characters. Tony's struggling to keep his bar running and decides to diversify a bit by bringing in a coffee machine... but this doesn't sit well with Mel, who runs the *only* coffee shop in the small town of Rabbits (no apostrophe) Leap. Right there, you know Tony's not really doing it to step on Mel's toes, he's doing it because he's desperate. But, of course, it's understandable that Mel would feel threatened.

Immediate bonding on my part, which drew me in. I had to see how they worked it all out. And it was super cute and fuzzy, and picked up the book whenever I could and finished it all too fast.