kellyherself's review against another edition

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Synopsis: P.N. Elrod's latest urban fantasy anthology, Dark and Stormy Knights, contains a series of tales in which the line between the bad guy and the good guy is extremely thin. The collection features short stories by the following authors:

* Ilona Andrews
* Jim Butcher
* Shannon K. Butcher
* Rachel Caine
* P.N. Elrod
* Deidre Knight
* Vicki Pettersson
* Lilith Saintcrow
* Carrie Vaughn

Review: I ♥ a good urban fantasy anthology. One generally gets a nice mix of authors, though the stories have a similar theme running through them. Generally, I use anthologies as a way of finding and checking out author that aren't on my regular reading list. I enjoyed Dark and Stormy Knights tremendously. I would definitely recommend this collection to urban fantasy fans.

travistravis's review against another edition

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Like all compilations, I really liked some of them, and some of them were just so-so. In this case, most of them were just so-so, and the only one I kind of liked was the Dresden Files tie-in (although it was written from a different main character, which begins to destroy the world in my mind)

airaseem's review against another edition

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Usually when I read this type of book is because it's a point something to a story. So I only read those stories for the series I am going to and already am series. So I read the #.5 prequel to the Kate Daniels series. It was ok. I kinda got lost a couple of times but overall it was nice prequel and I am curious about how the series will turn out to be. Hoping for the best. The series sound interesting.

roni1574's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed these short stories. I have read many of the authors previously and really enjoyed learning more about the characters. My favorite is A Questionable Client by Ilona Andrews....great to find out how Kate met Saiman. The authors I haven't read have me looking into their series to put on my TBR list.

andersenmom's review against another edition

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my book of short stories for the 2015 reading challenge

kagetsukai's review against another edition

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I picked up the book mostly for Jim Butcher's short story. I've read a few other stories as well, but this anthology just didn't really jump out at me. Even the Dresden Files story was sub-par. Granted, it was still pretty good, but I didn't enjoy myself as much I usually do with Jim Butcher stories. Oh well, it was just short stories, right?

jen1110's review against another edition

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The collection was hit-or-miss. Overall, I'm kind of wishing I'd just checked it out from the library instead of buying it. I may look into the series that some of these stories came from, but there really wasn't anything that made me deeply glad that I own the book.

ian's review against another edition

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A Questionable Client by Ilona Andrews

If you've read Ilona Andrew's Kate Daniels Series, this story shows Kate meeting Saiman the shapeshifter for the first time.

I really enjoyed this story. Fast paced action, nice dialog, and some genuinely funny sections (I love all the mercs home-brew recipes to get monster stink off Kate's shoes). The twist at the end is very fun, too.

Even Hand by Jim Butcher

I'm a big fan of the Harry Dresden series, and this story doesn't disappoint. Told from the POV of John Marcone, Harry's sometimes arch-nemesis, although in this case he gets to play the reluctant hero. Marcone must defend a woman and child from a nasty Fomor from Faerie.

This story has some very witty lines, and a clever twist ending. Just because Marcone is playing the hero doesn't mean he won't profit from it.

The Beacon by Shannon K. Butcher

A professional killer finds there is a line even he won't cross.

This story had me on the edge of my seat. Very well done. I don't envy the moral dilemma the main character is faced with during the course of the story.

Even a Rabbit Will Bite by Rachel Caine

A retiring Dragon Slayer must pass on what she knows to her predecessor, but with only one elderly dragon left in the world, the task seems pointless at first. I won't say more because I don't want to spoil this gem of a story.

I'll admit I purchased this set for Ilona Andrews and Jim Butcher, but it ended up that this is by far my favorite story in the collection.

Dark Lady by P.N. Elrod

A vampire nightclub owner attempts to help a damsel in distress, but ends up needing rescued himself - by the ghost of a former employee.

A bit slow to start, this story ends with a bang. Highly enjoyable.

Beknighted by Deidre Knight

An artist attempts to free a Knight imprisoned inside a puzzle box, but dark forces seem a bit too eager for his release.

I didn't really enjoy this story, mostly because I really had a hard time understanding what was going on. The writing was dreamlike, in a way which made it hard to follow. At the end I couldn't really bring myself to care to much what happened.

Shifting Star by Vicki Pettersson

A newly human, former Tulpa must learn what it means to be human.

Another story that had a hard time following, at least at first. This story seems to associated with a series that I haven't read. However, by the end I was really enjoying this one, and the ending left me very sad.

Rookwood & Mrs. King by Lilith Saintcrow

A vampire seeks revenge on his creators by killing their new protege, Mr. King.

Its a bit more complicated than that, but I don't want to spoil anything. This one was good, and has a bit of a twist ending that I enjoyed.

God's Creatures by Carrie Vaughn

Cormac discovers that sometimes even a killing that needs to happen can weigh on your soul.

Not bad, not great, this story keeps you reading but never really pulled me in. The hero is hunting down a werewolf that has been killing cows outside of town, and he tracks it down to the local church. There is a bit of action, and the story comes to a nice, but sad, ending.

Overall a very solid collection