
Bridesmaids by Zara Stoneley

impowers's review against another edition

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finitha's review

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The blurb for sure summarises what you can expect from this new Zara Stoneley book. Definitely the most hilarious, feel-good rom-com of the year. Be prepared for a roller coaster ride because this book has lots of excitement in store for you.
As you might have already guessed, the whole story revolves around the preparations of a wedding. Added to this is the fact that our chief protagonist, Jane, is dumped at her hen do and is sworn off weddings. And other bridesmaids have their own skeletons which are threatening to come out at any moment. Yes, folks! We are going to have our hands full.
There are relationships made and unmade and a heartwarming fairytale ending (talk of true love!) that is both realistic and magical. Cosy and comforting, 'Bridesmaids' is the perfect gem for summer holidays with the most charming romantic mix -- a cute kitten and a cute guy along with it. Sigh!

emmascr's review

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This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Thank you to Rachel for letting me take part in this tour. and to HarperImpulse for my copy of this book. I loved Zara's last two books so I was excited to read this book.

Sadly I didn't enjoy this one as much. There were some really funny bits in this book most of them towards the end of the book. The beginning of this book was good. I found it dipped in the middle but really picked up at the end.

I found the main character rather annoying, to be honest. I wanted to shake her and tell her to ditch her boss, see how perfect Freddie was and that he was quite clearly in love with her. Jane had a habit of taking 2 and 2 and coming up with 5. I found this so frustrating. I just wanted to tell her to stop and listen before assuming things.

I loved Freddie. Freddie is everything you need in a man. He is supportive, kind, caring and just damn well amazing. Freddie was the shining star in this book IMO.

As for the bridesmaids, I loved Maddie. I wanted to give her a big hug and Sal needed putting in her place. I think deep down she might just need to be loved but she does not go about it in the right way

This was an okay read with some funny parts but sadly it wasn't my favourite book by Zara. I wanted to love this book, I really did but something just didn't click.

laura_devouring_books_crumpets's review

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Bridesmaids - Zara Stonely

Have you ever been to a disastrous wedding?

norwayellesea's review

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It's wedding season...!
Jane doesn't dislike weddings but she's not a fan either. Her attitude isn't surprising when you learn her ex dumped her before their wedding on her hen night. Therefore she's trying her best to be happy for her best friend, Rachel and agreed to be the chief bridesmaid to boot after the unexpected wedding announcement. However, fate steps in to alter the course events for better and for worse.

Fast-paced, there's never a dull moment as friends come together to celebrate the wedding yet as the big day gets nearer secrets are exposed with startling consequences. Many characters are involved in the wedding shenanigans, all who have a story to tell. They are relatable in their own way and equally likeable. Like reality, expect clashes of personality as well as a deep sense of sisterhood. Additionally, a shout-out to the mums too...I love their attitude!

Throughout the novel, several plot lines running alongside each other, offering insight into the backgrounds of all the bridesmaids and their relationship to the bride. The main spotlight shines on Jane and her life post-non-wedding and how she's rebuilding her life. It's a time for her to re-evaluate her own situation with surprises along the way as unexpected changes give her a chance to fulfil her own dreams.

Ms Stoneley is a new to me author and I liked how she managed to keep the narrative flowing with so much happening at any given time. Laugh a minute, Bridesmaids is a fun packed, humorous caper which will have you turning the pages furiously until you reach the more than satisfying, happy conclusion.

***arc received courtesy of HarperImpulse via NetGalley***

kdurham2's review

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Check out the full review at Kritters Ramblings

Weddings can be high stress times between the couple, their families and friends. Everyone seems to be very opinionated and it can be such a dramatic time. Throw in a bridesmaid with a cancelled wedding, a bridesmaid with baby daddy issues and two bridesmaids who share a man with all the drama, this book was full of drama!

erinremen's review

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This was my first book by the author so I had no idea what to expect, which is always exciting, and I was blown away by it! Funny and crazy, hilarious and downright a pleasure to read from start to finish. Which did not take more than a few hours, in one sitting! Intriguing characters with a storyline that was fun to read and so many secrets to keep track of! No wonder poor Jane can't keep up! It's a mess! And sweet Freddie just has your heart pitter patterning from his first introduction. Loved all the characters and their dynamics and interactions and overall this read was a real good time, a great way to pass an afternoon and very well written. Well done to the author, I would be remiss not to give it five glowing stars!

maryandherlibrary's review

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I received a complimentary copy through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Unfortunately, I was quite disappointed by this read.
It starts off good and I was intrigued by all of the bridesmaids‘ secrets. However, it was really predictable and it was obvious that the main character Jane jumped to conclusions again and again. The romance was cute but overly dramatic and predictable as well. In the end I skipped most of the descriptions because I really wasn’t enjoying it anymore. It also really doesn’t stand out: after putting it down for two days it took me quite a lot of pages to even remember half of what had happened.

zooloo1983's review

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All I can say is Ms Stoneley and her books never fail to make me smile. I loved being surrounded by Jane and her friends. I loved I knew exactly where this story was going to go for each character but having them discover their own path. I loved Louie the most though lol. And allllllllllll the secrets!!

I wanted to read this in one sitting because I was thinking about this book when I wasn’t reading it. I started it Monday evening and made a dent before I fell asleep so early because of a hectic week, and then Tuesday I stayed up until just before midnight finishing it. I then took to Twitter just to let Zara know she totally knocked it out of the park with Bridesmaids.

The story was cute and one that was so easy to lose yourself in. It is a book, to read in sun savouring the words written in front of you. I must say that wedding sounds like the best ever! I wish I had an invite and it had me cackling when I read it.

This is Janes’ story as we watch her grow from someone who has been cruelly dumped on her hen party, with no self-worth, dictated too by an “influencer” to a woman who was self-assured, albeit a little bit dappy at times. In some cases, she reminded me of…Well me! Slightly dappy, quick to go off on a tangent in her head, not always letting people finish their sentences and jump to the wrong conclusions as they can’t finish their sentences!! However, when I was reading this, I was so quick to tell her to stop and slow down. She did make me chuckle and I also had hair envy, I just loved her. All the women were so down to earth and likeable in their own way, yes even Sal!

I found myself smiling at my kindle a lot especially at how down to earth and real this book truly was. The friendship of the girls, despite not living in each other's pockets was lovely. And did I mention the secrets, it was funny that everyone turned to Jane and she got herself in a right old tizz about it all. Plus where can I meet a man like Freddie???

I would love there to be a sequel to this book as I don’t think we are quite done with all these ladies. Plus I need to know what happens on the honeymoon!! And I need more Louie!

Bridesmaids is definitely a story that will make you smile and make you love a little bit more and it has left me with all the feels for sure! I stand by my statement that Ms Stoneley has so knocked this out of the park. That’s three in three for me. Loved them all!

daydreamer1983's review

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Impulse for an electronic Advanced Readers Copy of "Bridesmaids" by Zara Stoneley in exchange for an honest review.

"The funniest laugh out loud rom com of 2019 – the perfect beach read!"

Jane, Rachel, Maddie, Sally, Beth, and the men in their lives have provided a true laugh out loud romantic comedy. This novel could easily be made into a movie! While there are some difficult moments for each of the characters to overcome, they do so in hilarious, and believable ways. There were moments where I found Jane to be annoying or wildly overthinking a situation, but overall, she was a likeable lead character. This story is a perfect beach read, though you may get some looks your way if you're reading it out in public because it is a story that will make you laugh!