
Reaper's Fire by Joanna Wylde

mjennings17's review against another edition

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More more more

I want more of Tinker and Gage!!! I seriously just adore this series so much. There were parts I didn't like but I really enjoyed this one. A lot.

cala_p's review against another edition

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I was really disappointed with this book. I love Joanna Wylde's Reapers MC series and I was excited for this one, as I was with all the previous ones. Each one has something that just sucks you right into the book and keeps it in your thoughts for days after it's done. Those are: awesome storylines, sexy and intense romances, kickass motorcycle-riding bad boys. Reaper's Fire unfortunately fell flat for me. I kept hoping it would pick up, and then it did for a bit, but then fell again at the end.

Gage, loyal Reapers MC member, heads into this other town to infiltrate another MC that is failing by "dating" the leader's sister. He takes on a total fake identity and then weasels his way into the leader's good graces. In the town he meets shop owner and halfway divorced Tinker and immediatley is taken by her. He becomes the handyman to a building she owns in exchange for rent. and getting close to her.

Finally in the last quarter of the book, Gage learns what he needed to and the Reapers come in and take over. Then it's finally time to tell Tinker that this "Cooper" she's been falling for is not who she thinks. Of course she takes this badly but then is fixed in the end.

I think my biggest issue with this book is the story itself. It's good but the romance between them seems like any other contemporary romance book. This series is supposed to be about a MC, while this book just seemed...regular. Even when the Reaper stuff picks up, it almost seems like I'm reading from an outside view. While every other Reaper book makes you feel right there in the Club atmosphere, this does not. Maybe because they weren't at home..but even then it just felt lacking. A lot of the past characters are only mentioned and are not really in the story and it majorly takes away from the Reapers MC storyline the series has going for it.

Even then ending bothered me. With every other member's story, when they claimed the girl as their own, they said it. The book made it well known they were together. This...did not. They fought over who he really is. Then sort of made amends and had sex (finally!) and then just went blah. Then in the epilogue they were together. It's obvious they would be but there was no final I-Love-You scene where she completely accepts him and he officially claims her . It also left open questions that as a reader I have to assume happened. Last Tinker talked with her ex she had good threats to make him finally send the financial paperwork to make their divorce official. No actual word on how that went, or even if Gage and Tinker officially wed afterwards. Gage found out it was Talia who set everything up at the end (won't say what to avoid spoilers) and he promised payback..and nothing. It went right into the epilogue. Then the epilogue: they adopted Sadie's baby. Or she was a surrogate for them. No actual word on that. And why did they not have their own? Did losing her first child mess her body up too bad? No word. I just have to assume. Or because Sadie was in a bad place they figured this would be simpler and fairer to the child. Who knows. There was just a lot of small loose ends not tied up that I would have liked to see be fixed.

It's almost like the author gave up writing this one. All the others I have given 4-5 stars for. It felt weird to even think about giving this less than 4, but sadly it just doesn't hold a flame compared to the others.

Overall I still love the series and if there's another one I can't wait for it. From what I know this is the last because the author wants to move on. It's a bummer that her possibly final book of the series was a let down but at least I have all the other ones to still enjoy!

4nnalouise's review against another edition

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The male mc is just enough rough and just enough sweet. I thought tinker was great too.

trudyd's review against another edition

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When I heard the title of this story, I was totally confused. I couldn’t begin to imagine the plot. But now, it makes so much sense. Fire added the story—so much fear, so much excitement, so much suspense, so much distruction. The story has ended. The fire is extinguished. My mind is still ablaze with thoughts, ideas, and questions making this a story that will always stick out. Reapers Forever, Forever Reapers.
Gage has come to Hallis Falls on a mission of discovery. He has left behind his colors and arrived under a disguise of lies. The MC in the area has gone astray-cheating the Reapers, scaring the residents, recruiting lesser members. His plan was to infiltrate the Nighthawks by getting close with the president’s sister, Talia. I like to call her skank.
He worked as a handyman in exchange for room and board. His cover was intact. His plans backfired. Gage fell for the landlord/boss. Winning Tinker won’t be easy. Winning Tinker might not be possible. Gage’s fight for Tinker was a winner for me.
When life was going up in smoke Gage knew what was important. Gage knew what to do. Out of so much tragedy comes a lot of awesome, a lot of sighing, a lot of warm fuzzy feelings. The story had just the right balance of good vs evil, love vs hate.

romancejunkie1025's review against another edition

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Wow what a crazy ending to the main books in this series. Loved Gage and Tinker's story even though the lies almost tore them apart. I loved the ending too!

sonja_ahrb's review against another edition

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I have been dying to read Reaper's Fire ever since I read the excerpt for it at the end of Reaper's Fall and I'll admit that I went a little crazy waiting for it. Of course, I get excited about books, but it's not often that I reach the level that I did with Reaper's Fire. I don't read excerpts very often because I would rather be able to read the book all at once instead of just a teaser, but I had read a snippet in another Reapers MC book and it didn't drive me out of my mind, so when I saw there was a preview for the next book, I thought, Why not? I don't regret it, but it definitely made me a little insane and sometimes, I couldn't even read anything else because I wanted to read this book so much. And you can bet that as soon as Reaper's Fire hit my kindle, I tossed all my other books aside and dove straight in! I know there's always a risk of being disappointed when you build a book up so high in your mind, but I never worried about it happening this time and I was right not to because Reaper's Fire was just as amazing as I thought it would be and it's quite possibly my favorite in the series!

I really liked the glimpse we got of Tinker in and at the end of Reaper's Fall and I was excited to meet and learn more about her. She's the same caliber of woman that London is - although London is still my favorite, but if London didn't exist, Tinker would without a doubt be my favorite, she's a close second for now though. Tinker is mature and sophisticated, classy and down-to-earth. She's kind and sweet, but she's also strong and independent and she doesn't let Gage walk all over her or surrender to him easily - she makes him work for it. If I hadn't loved her before that, that would've been the moment that I did fall in love with her character, it also just made respect her even more. Tinker is a real woman and she will make you proud to call her the heroine of this story.

Gage wasn't really on my radar until we got that small up-close sneak peak of him and then I was a complete and utter goner for him. He was so sexy and hot and dominant - I just couldn't wait to read more about him. Gage is a total alpha - he's protective, commanding, determined, and so possessive he'll make you melt. The man is seriously H-O-T, HOT! He does have his sweet moments, but he's rough, and raw and dirty. There was nothing that I didn't love about Gage - I'm completely his and besides Picnic, he's my favorite.

Reaper's Fire could not have had a better title than this one because it's SMOKIN' HOT and will set you on fire. It will tug on your heartstrings, make your heart pound, and leave you breathless. It's full of anticipation, danger, passion, and action. It was outstanding - I never wanted to stop reading it. I absolutely, positively LOVED it, it was one of Ms. Wylde's best books yet and I can't wait the next book!

Reaper's Fire is a standalone, it's told from Gage and Tinker's POV, and they do get their happily-ever-after.

~ Sonja, 5 Stars

angels_gp17's review against another edition

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Reaper’s Fire is book six in the Reapers MC series by Joanna Wylde.

I’m not sure what has drawn me into this series. Maybe it’s the sexy covers or maybe it’s the hard core bicker men or maybe it’s the issues each couple go through or the passion that sets the sheets on fire. It’s probably all of it combined.

Falling in love was not on Gage’s agenda; especially when he’s undercover protecting his club, but he just can’t resist falling for his landlady, Tinker.

Tinker aww man her husband/ex-husband is an ass. I felt for her and what she went through. No one should have to go through what she did alone.

Gage never expected to find a women that would make him think about settling. He loves his club, it’s his life, and he has and will do anything for them.

The sexual tension was strong between Gage and Tinker. When he finally tells her the truth and claims her as his property; well it’s intense. The chemistry was hot and steamy between them. Theirs also some dame in the town and Tinker’s best friend was great. She added the comic relief.

Their where a few things that bothered me:

- We don’t get closer on the bad guy and his sister.
- We don’t get closer on Tinkers husband/ex-husband.
- I thought that Tinker could have had a kid of her own. We have procreation options available to us. The end was nice, but with how powerful the opening was, I felt sad that she didn’t get to experience the joy of caring her own child.
- I wasn’t fully on board with what Gage felt he had to do for his club. I get it and think of it as undercover work an agent or cop would do, but eww.
- Also from the last book it’s mentioned that Gage got cut up and I was hoping we would get that scene in Reaper’s Fire, but we don’t. It’s the authors book, so they can add or not add stuff, but I was just hoping it would be in here, so I was just a little disappointed we didn’t get that scene.

Reaper’s Fire delivers action, suspense, and club business. It was a fun read.

Rated: 4 Stars


ameretet's review against another edition

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So much wasted potential in this book.

anasatticbookblog's review against another edition

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Reaper's Fire by Joanna Wylde

Interrelated MC standalone

The Reaper's Series is one of the very few series that I have continued reading. This is really the 8th book if you count novellas and the Silver Bastards spin-off, which is more than I ever stick with since I started blogging. As I have discussed before, my memory is awful, so I had a real problem with the last book, (Mel & Painter's) because I felt like it relied way too much on previous books. I know that Gage and Tinker, the characters in Reaper's Fire were introduced in that book, but honestly I don't remember them. Lucky for me, Reaper's Fire can totally stand alone (though I don't recommend it, it's much better if you read the series from the beginning).

Gage is a Reaper who got tired of running the strip clubs for the MC and was looking for something different. So he was sent undercover to investigate another MC that the Reaper's heard were having some problems. Gage came in as 'Cooper' and got a job and apartment as a handyman for an apartment building Tinker owned.

Tinker was 36, a gourmet chocolate maker, in the middle of a divorce from a total asshole, back in her hometown to take care of her ailing father. I loved Tinker and her best friend, they made the book for me, and I would totally want to hang with them.
"Holy. Shit.
I'd taken note of his build when he first walked into the shop, but everything under his shirt had been theoretical. Now there was six-foot-plus of raw sex appeal right there, all sweaty and sculpted and...well, let's just say I'd be stopping off on the way home to pick up some fresh batteries."

Gage felt the same attraction.
"I'd managed a goddamned strip club for two years, but this bitch put all those girls to shame and she hadn't even taken off her clothes yet. An image of her naked and sprawled across one of those prissy little tables filled my mind. I had to hold back a shudder.
Walk out--this isn't going to end well."

There was one big problem. Part of Gage's cover, and his "in" for the club, was fucking the president's sister and town crazy bitch. So while Tinker and her friend perved on him from the window, she knew she would never have a guy who was into skinny, young biker bitches. As for Gage, he knew he had a job, and the club comes first.
"Any other time, any other place, she'd be under me already, but I knew my job. Reapers Forever, Forever Reapers. Sometimes loyalty sucked."

Talia, the 'girlfriend', was a skanky bitch, I was hoping he'd get rid of her pretty early on, but he was with her for more than half the book. While this made for a nice slow build-up of the sexual tension between Tinker and Gage, it did go on a bit too long.

The book took place during some major wildfires, and right from the beginning, Joanna really had me feeling the smokey air, seeing the orange hazy sun and the ashes flitting down. It kind of set a foreboding tone to the whole story that I liked. In fact I really liked the fire part of the story. At like 90%, I started wondering if there was a cliffy, because there was so much that was still going on! The end was very exciting, but left a LOT of unfinished business and unanswered questions.

While reading Reaper's Fire, I was totally loving it, thinking it may be a favorite, but as I write this review, I realize how many loose ends there are. But my biggest problem with the book was not enough together time at all. I would have really liked to see the couple TOGETHER, physically and emotionally.

Reapers fire quote


  • •I loved Tinker and her best friend.

  • •I didn't need to remember a lot from previous books, though we did get a little bit of previous characters.

  • •I really liked the whole fire part of the story, it was so realistic and felt like you were there.

  • •Gage was a delicious, hot, possessive alpha who can talk dirty with the best of them.

  • •She never pussied down the bikers, it was still gritty, and his thoughts were still rough and dirty.

  • •Amazing epilogue.


  • •Too much Talia for way too long.

  • •Not enough time with the couple together.

  • •Left with way too many unresolved issues and unanswered questions.

The Down & Dirty:

I found Reaper's Fire to be unputdownable. I really enjoyed it while reading it, though I got frustrated that the main couple weren't together until way after the halfway point--then they still weren't physically together. I liked that I didn't have to remember a lot from the previous books, yet still got glimpses of favorite characters. The fire part of the story was told so well I felt like I was there and could feel the smokey air.

I didn't really realize until I had finished the book how many unresolved issues and unanswered questions there were especially regarding both exes. If they are answered in the next book I feel like I would have to retain too many details from this to appreciate it. Since there was an amazing epilogue, I felt like many of the unanswered issues could have easily been resolved in an epilogue, but they weren't.

If you are a fan of The Reaper's, I think that you'll love Reaper's Fire but you should know going in that it doesn't take place at the Reaper's clubhouse, so you won't have the same "coming home" feeling you might otherwise.

Rating: 4-4.25 stars. 4 heat



Purchase Reaper's Fire by Joanna Wylde




allibruns's review against another edition

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I love this series, this is one of those rare series where I like every book. Is this the best book of the series, no but it's still good. The downfall is now I've read the whole series and there is no news on when the next book will be out.