wiig_with_k's review against another edition

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informative inspiring reflective fast-paced


hynekozana's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


vojvel's review against another edition

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tohle je napsané tak jednoduše a hezky, že to člověk přečte děsně rychle, ačkoli by se to mělo číst pomalu.
jen to na mne občas až moc často vycházelo z jakýchsi obecných předpokladů, ale na popularizační knihu asi cajk.

torgeiraamboe's review against another edition

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hopeful informative reflective medium-paced


bmoskun's review against another edition

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one of the rare anthropology books that is both easily accessible and relevant to the casual reader. A little dated though as it was written around 2000

kimgutt82's review against another edition

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En litt tung bok som jeg hørte på lydbok for noen år siden. Personlig syntes jeg den var litt rotete og lite systematisk. Det blir en del fram og tilbake mellom temaer.

Forfatteren diskuterer hvordan vi hele tiden jakter på nye opplevelser i dagens samfunn. Inneholder dog endel interessante betraktninger, blant annet rundt arbeidsliv som en arena for personlig utvikling.

redbecca's review against another edition

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It's interesting to read a book from the cusp of the true internet-era today; and rather than going out of date, the book is remarkably prescient, identifying the trends that have led to our harried contemporary reality just as they were being felt for the first time. The suggestions he makes in the conclusion seem like utopian fantasies to me, which is too bad, because they are good ideas. For example: I would like govt. and labor contract rules limiting the degree to which people are required to be responsive to emails.

evacbj's review against another edition

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Synes han har noen gode poenger. Oppfordringene hans er viktige og noe man dom enkeltperson bør prioritere. Kommer likevel med noen usaklige oppfordringer på slutten ift hva politikere bør gjøre med dette. Gir meg tilbakeblikk til Mark Fishers - Ghost of my life.

redbecca's review against another edition

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It's interesting to read a book from the cusp of the true internet-era today; and rather than going out of date, the book is remarkably prescient, identifying the trends that have led to our harried contemporary reality just as they were being felt for the first time. The suggestions he makes in the conclusion seem like utopian fantasies to me, which is too bad, because they are good ideas. For example: I would like govt. and labor contract rules limiting the degree to which people are required to be responsive to emails.