
Embers by Laura Bickle

aphelia88's review against another edition

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The cover art for this book is one of my favourite Chris McGrath covers ever, and I have heard a lot of great things about this series over the years so I was thrilled to finally find a copy. I think this may be Bickle's first novel, and while the pacing is a little rough in places and there are a few minor issues, it has some very interesting and unusual ideas and a satisfying ending that makes me eager to read the sequel, [b:Sparks|7568425|Sparks (Anya Kalinczyk, #2)|Laura Bickle||9908051].

Anya is an arson investigator in Detroit with a secret: she can see, interact with, and consume ghosts and demons. She is a Lantern, a rare type of medium and she thought she was the only one. Until she meets Drake Ferrer, an intense artist and architect. Their shared nature, and the chance to finally talk to someone who can do what she can do, draws Anya like a moth to a flame, despite her misgivings.

I really liked Anya! She has a tragic past and this leads her to draw away from her only friends: an odd but skilled group of amateur ghostbusters. Elderly Aro is a demonologist, Jules is a man of faith, Max is his smart-mouthed teenage protégé, Katie is a witch and Brian is the tech guy that Anya can't admit she cares for. Anya also throws herself into her work. She is scarred, but stubborn.

Her relationship with her fire Elemental Guardian - a Salamander named Sparky, who likes to play with electricity for fun - was my favourite part of the story. Sparky lives in the metal collar that Anya inherited from her Mother, and always wears around her neck (as seen in the beautiful cover art) when he's not manifesting. He is like a child, mischievous, sometimes petulant, but sweet.

Bickle writes great banter, and there is some humour to lighten the otherwise dark and tense story. I also really enjoyed Sirrush the dragon, although I wish he had had more page time. Very entertaining, and an author to watch!

lalabristow's review against another edition

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My Rating: 3 & 1/2 stars out of 5!

I absolutely love the Urban Fantasy (UF) genre, along with Paranormal Romance, it definitely gets the top spot in my heart as for my taste in reading. It is specially amazing when a new book or series comes along with a new take on an old theme or deals with a subject that hasn’t been written about before.

Embers is all about fire and fire creatures, it tells the story of Anya, a Arson Investigator for the Detroit Fire department that is also a Lantern. She can see and consume spirits with ease and in her free time, she helps the DAGR and group that fights demons and evil spirits.

Anya has got job cut out for her when a series of arsons leave a number of victims and weird looking marks that point to a much more sinister reason for the fires, than simple insurance fraud.

Embers is pure UF with action, mythical elements, a great cast of supporting characters, an ambivalent villain, mythical creatures and a great plot that grips you until the end. I have to admit that the beginning was a bit slow for me, but it did pick about a third way in and it got great.

Anya is a very interesting and complex character. I loved how flawed she was and even though she got on my nerves a few time, in the end she is just human and flawed, therefore making her more lovable in my opinion.

Anya is not a kick-ass kind of leading lady, but she is definitely strong and capable of making though choices and decisions. I loved her blooming relationship with Brian, I feel there is a lot of potential there and it makes me really happy that there will be at least another book in this series.

All in all, Embers is a full plate of goodness for any Urban Fantasy lover out there. Intriguing plot and great characters that definitely make it a great read. I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book, Sparks, coming out at the end of August this year.

colls's review against another edition

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An enjoyable escapist read about a fire investigator in Detroit who moonlights as a ghost hunter. I'll probably seek out the next in the series soon.

buuboobaby's review against another edition

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4.5 stars

I liked Embers a lot! Great characters, tons of suspense, a really mean demon, and Sparky the fire elemental! The ending was a bit too pat, but the premise and setting kept me locked on the story. I am looking forward to more books by Laura Bickle - I love her storytelling style.

Full review soon at

midlifehedgewitch's review against another edition

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This book was about 10 times better than I expected it to be. A good first foray into urban fantasy, without the schmoozy romance stuff. The background research into Wicca, Egyptian and Babylonian mythology could have been a deeper (but then, not everyone has done their Honours thesis on paganism like me :) ), but otherwise, an enjoyable beach read!

bookstuff's review against another edition

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Slow (and rather dull) start with too much infodump but the 2nd half is interesting. WIll read the sequel.

blood_rose_books's review against another edition

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In her debut novel, Laura Bickle introduces the elements of fire that can be harnessed and used by elemental people.

Detroit is a city that has had a hard time, unemployment, despair are visible within the people of the city and crime is never far behind. Anya Kalinczyk is an arson investigator with the Detroit Fire Department, this work to her benefit as Anya is also a Lantern; she has the ability to communicate with ghost, devour the evil ones, but also has some elemental abilities of fire. Anya is going to need all her abilities to help solve a serial arsonist who keeps getting bolder and bolder and the fires are starting to become deadly. Anya had until the Devil's Night to uncover what is happening or an ancient evil is going to awaken and devour the city of Detroit.

This book was interesting, it had some really high points but also some low points as well. I see this book as a combination of a few authors that I have read both recently and over the years, mainly Amanda Stevens, Darynda Jones and Jennifer Estep. This is mainly seen in Anya's powers and abilities. Anya's powers seem to be a combination of Charley Davidson's grim reaper powers, Gun's elemental powers over fire, so in total an interesting combination. The story I found was written in a darker and depressing world that is more seen within Steven's novels with the main character trying to fit into a world, where she does not quite fit in.

Overall, this book tends to have a slower pace and flow, and I think that this has something to do more with the profession that Bickle chose for Anya to have. She is a fire investigator, therefore, less "regular" police work when compared to a main character is a police investigators. The investigation overall seems to unfold slowly even when there is a suspect is identified and confirmed and for some reason this also means there is lack of action within the book as well (and this includes the ending which I found lack luster).

I absolutely Loved Sparky, I think that he is my favorite part in the book. Sparky was something different that I had not read before and I found that he was the comic relief when Anya is in her downward spiral. I thought it was interesting that sparky was attracted to anything that was electrical and shiny and that his favorite toy was a light up glow worm. Sparky was just the relief to the depressing attitude that has surrounded Detroit.

The D.A.R.D is an interesting aspect, and very current idea as it seems like ghost hunting has become once again popular, but it has gone past the simple weegie board to going to places to try to find ghosts. However, in Bickle's book the D.A.R.D help relieve places and people from evil spirits. Whether an individual believes in this type of thing or not I think that Bickle does a good job in covering all bases and have it equal to what has become more popular today.

I was not a big fan of Anya's two love interests. I never really felt like there was a connection with either man and that everything was just forced upon her, or what she thinks that she should be feeling especially with Brian. The forced attraction to Drake kind of made sense with Mimi holding the reins (and due to circumstances), but I was not really a fan of either man. I think that this is part of the place where Bickle struggled the most maybe with the thought that she had to have some sort of love interest with I think she could do a lot better and possible listen to Sparky more with her man selection, lol

Overall, I liked the book and the combination of elements that Bickle brought into this novel, however, I did find the book to be a rather slow read and lacked the action (especially in the ending) I have come to expect in the urban fantasy and paranormal genre. I think that I will pick up the next book in the series as I want to see how Anya's powers grow and to read more about Sparky as for me this was the most interesting aspect within the book, but this is not for those who like books that have action.


shannonleighd's review against another edition

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*3.25 Stars*

This is sort of a tough one to review. I've lived south of Detroit for the better part of 25 years. This novel is set in and around Detroit so I knew I had to read it just for that fact alone. I think that I let the fascination of reading about somewhere that I'm familiar with overshadow some of the book's faults. By the last page though, it became clear that this was a less-than-perfect book.

Anya Kalincyzk is a fire investigator in Detroit, but she's also a Lantern - she has the ability to see and communicate with ghosts, and also devour them and send their spirits ... somewhere. Anya teams up with a group of ghost hunters every now and then when they need her help getting rid of some of the more malevolent ghosts. She even helps them out when a girl gets possessed by a demon, and unfortunately that demon proves to cause Anya a bit of indigestion.

Anya's job is getting tougher when someone starts setting fires around the city, and leaving their calling card for her to find: a symbol melted into concrete, a feat that would take a considerable amount of heat. Anya starts to investigate and what she finds is a little closer to home than she anticipated. There's someone else like her in Detroit, but he has his own twisted plan for renovating the city.

Anya's abilities are really different and interesting. Her personality though, was sort of lacking, and I unfortunately found that to be the case with most of the characters. On the other hand though, her elemental familiar Sparky, is fantastic. He really stole the show and made this book a lot more enjoyable. I think I might have even deducted a whole star if he hadn't be included. It probably helps that I've had a pet newt since I was little (I think he's immortal, he's pushing 19 years old!) but Sparky the salamander with his Gloworm toy really warmed my heart.

The hook-up Anya has near the end of the book was strange. I wasn't expecting any sex, and I especially didn't expect it to be with the person she chose. It really seemed out of character, although it was sort of sexy.

The ending fizzled. The build-up to the "final fight" was fantastic, but then it's almost like the author ran out of steam at the end. This was the most disappointing part of the whole book, and I don't really understand what happened. I also don't like what happened to one of the characters, even though if you were paying any attention you'd see it coming. It seemed kind of a waste of time to create a relationship between him and Anya, and then end things the way they did. Anya's relationship with him seemed kind of pointless and also questioned her integrity, making her seem wishy-washy.

I think even if this had been a 1-star book I'd still read the next just because it's set in Detroit. This book had it's shining moments but it also had it's share of low points, although it wasn't a terrible story. The author has a lot of good ideas, her execution is just a bit off. I'm going to chalk that up to "first book syndrome" and hope this series only gets better.

schomj's review against another edition

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What I liked: Strong characters, excellent world-building (drawing from multiple mythologies usually bugs me, but Bickle seems aware enough of their relationships and differences that I actually liked it), a fast pace and Anya's elemental familiar, Sparky--I want one of my own!

What I didn't: parts reminded me of that stupid Ghost Hunters show and the final confrontation with Sirrush was really cheesy, but those are pretty minor complaints about a really fun book. I'm looking forward to the next in the series.

jezebelle's review against another edition

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Originally posted on my blog
What can I say about this book? Well, for starters, I really enjoyed it. I’m not going to gush and rave that this is an amazing book and everyone should read it because everyone is different and not everyone may like it.

Unlike most Urban Fantasy novels, there are no vampires werewolves or fey in this book. There are ghosts, however, elemental spirits and witches. Anya is a Lantern, which means that, not only can she see and interact with ghosts, she can devour them as well with a sort of fire in her chest. She also has an unusual familiar: a fire elemental named Sparky that often behaves similar to a dog. He likes electronics and sleeps curled up in Anya’s bed with her. Any is a great character. Very real and enjoyable to read about.

The plot could be considered some what formulaic, but formulas exist for a reason: they work. I wouldn’t exactly call it predictable though. It was a fun read and exactly what I was in the mood for at the time.