paddyk7's review against another edition

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Just a series of blog posts. Lacks the in-depth analysis of other Levitt & Dubner titles. A couple of interesting bits, but otherwise a let-down in comparison to what they've done previously

dietcokealp's review against another edition

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I freaking love these guys. Not as good as their more traditional books (not blog entries) but still very enjoyable. Write more books, please!

chris_hendriks's review against another edition

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A little less hilarious than Freakonomics but still very amusing!

edgarpolanco92's review against another edition

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Es el primer libro en toda mi vida que prefiero dejar de leer por su contenido. Siempre he creído que todos los libros tienen algo por enseñarte, particularmente este me lo regaló mi papá, y quise leerlo por darle valor a su regalo y confiar en su criterio de selección. Sin embargo, no pude pasar de la página 80, respeto a sus escritores, finalmente consiguieron elaborar un producto en su blog atractivo para muchas personas, pero no hago parte de ese grupo, y preferí por primera vez en mis 31 años, dejar un libro a medias.

A pesar de todo, este libro generó en mí un gran conflicto moral, porque me duele pensar en la vida de un libro, el futuro de sus paginas, los árboles sacrificados para su impresión. Regalarlo sería de mal gusto, nisiquiera a alguien que no me agrade podría hacerlo. Espero encontrar algo útil que hacer con estas páginas no leídas.

avarla's review against another edition

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Auch als nicht-Ökonom sehr unterhaltsam, leicht verständlich und mit guten Einblicken in wirtschaftliche Vorgänge.

qtpieash3's review against another edition

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A slow read for me, and I'm usually a big fan of their books. There wasn't any original material here - just a collection oh blog posts. They grouped like stories together to form chapters but it still felt choppy and disjointed to me.

rahassen's review against another edition

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Interesting collection of economic blog posts.

karlmorris's review against another edition

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This could have been an email, or better yet a series of blog posts.

kccampbell_pc's review against another edition

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Always love their perspectives and tidbits.

davefoolery's review against another edition

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This was a modified blog and it read like a modified blog. There's lots of interesting stuff here, but it wasn't as well developed as their other work. This would make a good bathroom reader. Take that for what it's worth. I sometimes found myself reading during commercials while watching the World Series.

Way to go Royals.