
Friends Forever by Danielle Steel

ncornell's review against another edition

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Had higher hopes for this book, didn't turn out how I expected and pretty depressing

bmpicc's review against another edition

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Nope. Nope. Nope. Search for a new palate cleansing author fail. Her first book I read was not so bad. This one was terrible. Let me create 5 friends who meet in kindergarten and spend their whole lives together. Then, let me kill them all off, 1 by 1 at a terribly young age to shock everyone! No. Just, no. Also, I find this author to be very repetitive in her writing. She will say the same thing 2 or 3 different ways, sometimes within the same paragraph. It is incredibly odd to me. I am reading and thinking, "Ms. Steel... I already know that. Move on." Definitely a pass for me.

adambongobooks's review

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The tragedy in this book is overflowing. The only issue I have with the reoccurring tragic events is that the characters who ended up biting the bullet, well, they didn't have too much depth to them. So the deaths were just sad due to the fact that they were deaths. However, that didn't define my outlook on this book. I loved Izzy as a character and how she grows. I love how it starts to focus on her as the book carries on. You go from following 800 characters to following one main character. I liked it as we progressed through the book. Not bad at all.

jbarr5's review against another edition

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Friends forever by Danielle Steel
Izzy, Gabby, Billy, Shawn and Andy are friends throughout the years (k through 12) at the prestigiuos private school.
Better chance to get in if you had another sibling there already. Services also offered physiological help and help with colleges.
Story follows the parents and their lives. Very confusing to me because there are so many of them.
What I do like about this book is the pact they make in 2nd grade and how many different situations they go through.
Like hearing of the older children, infants and parents lives.
Tragedies occur when they are older as they thought they were invincilbe.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).

cammieo's review against another edition

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I have always used Danielle Steel as my "guiltly pleasure" author, I read her not expecting great literary works of art (not that she is not a good storyteller) but more just casual non brain hurting books (Like Jodi Picoult). This was by far my favorite book of hers. I loved it!

aprilwright86's review against another edition

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The beginning of the book was promising...but I was very dissapointed with the rest. I understand that tragic things happen to people all the time, but this seemed to go to extremes to make that point. I also thought the ending was kind of rushed.

ltoddlibrarian8's review against another edition

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This was one of the stupidest books I've ever read.

msbups's review against another edition

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Excellent writing style as usual, but come on now with the tragedy upon tragedy! This is a bit much! And a 22 yr old that is undercover for the FBI? Not quite believable.

tiredcat's review against another edition

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Sad story. Poor writing. If I wasn't on vacation, I would have never finished it.

iris_soares's review against another edition

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Foi o primeiro livro que eu li desta autora e só o li porque me foi oferecido.
Para ser sincera quando o comecei a ler não gostei muito dele, achei-o muito secante, mas quando cheguei a metade do livro comecei a gostar mais da história, ficou mais interessante, comecei a imaginar os finais que a história poderia ter, e as dificuldades que estes cinco amigos iriam ter de ultrapassar para serem felizes.
De todos os finais que eu imaginei nenhum foi o que aconteceu, o final desta história sobre estes amigos é muito chocante e emocionante.
De cinco amigos, só dois sobrevivem depois de virarem adultos, de começarem a ter a sua própria vida, de fazerem as suas próprias escolhas. O que mais me chocou no livro é que as diferentes mortes podem acontecer a qualquer momento, conosco ou com alguém que amamos, há mortes que acontecem por nossa causa por corrermos perigos sem necessitarmos e há outras que acontecem sem termos feito nada para acontecerem.
O meu conselho para quem está a ler este livro é que não desistam no começo, que deem uma chance ao livro, eu entendo que tenha baixas avaliações pois se não fosse por as últimas 100 páginas do livro eu também daria.
Posso concluir que o livro surpreendeu-me positivamente.