
Cuffed by K. Bromberg

lauren_soderberg's review against another edition

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Emotional, poignant, steamy, and absolutely immersive. This is a book that is going to stay with me a long time. It's not what I expected, in the best of ways. Prepare to experience a gamut of emotions and to probably cry some (a lot of) tears.

TW: child sexual abuse, child abuse, domestic violence

readinggirl49's review against another edition

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WOW. What a fantastic story.

jje121579's review against another edition

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A heartfelt storyline that falls short

I loved these characters. Emmy is admirable while being troubled. Grant is a hero in waiting but also confused as to how to reach a woman so important to him that he hasn’t even seen in twenty years. The premise is solid but I had to skip a hundred pages, it just drug and though I was invested I couldn’t continue the journey at that pace.

cexleybooks's review against another edition

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This is my first book by this author and it won't be my last. I can’t wait to read more of the Malone’s too! This book made me cry and laugh. This is a slow burn novel as Grant and Emerson make the adjustment between the best friends they were as children and the passionate adults they are now.

Grant Malone followed in his father footsteps and became a police office, he's always had the hero-complex. He never settles down with women, he prefers causal relationships.

Emerson 'Emmy' Reeves is this girl who was sexually abused at a young age and she confided in Phoney Malone and well he tried to protect her but she ended up hating him. She forgot about her past until he brought it up to her several times. She tried doing the gypsy thing but he wouldn't let her go.

I loved the wit and banter between Grant and Emmy. It was a real battle of wills as to who would be the alpha and make the rules and the chemistry between them was sparking off the charts.

KB didn't shy away from the tough subject matter of child abuse, it was well written, emotional, and my heart shattered for Emmy and Grant.

oxuria's review against another edition

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„[...] budując relację, musisz wsłuchiwać się także w to, czego druga strona nie mówi. Zwykle to te niewypowiedziane słowa są najważniejsze”.

Na pierwszy rzut oka może się wydawać, że książka K. Bromberg to kolejny romans wzbogacony tylko tym, że główny bohater to policjant z aspiracjami. Muszę jednak przyznać, że chodzi tutaj o coś więcej – pogodzenie się z własną przeszłością, która staje postaciom na drodze w teraźniejszości. Autorka na przestrzeni ponad czterystu stron ukazuje ich zmagania z własnymi uczuciami oraz z tym, czego zmienić nie są w stanie – ze swoją historią.

Na szczęście Emmy i Grant nie zostali pozbawieni zdolności do myślenia, za co jestem naprawdę wdzięczna – snują wiele refleksji, ich zachowania mają swoje wytłumaczenie, a co za tym idzie – mało w ich historii głupkowatych sytuacji, bezmyślnych odzywek i poczucia znudzenia. Właśnie – na nudę nie ma tu miejsca! Uwierzcie mi, że kiedy jednego popołudnia usiadłam na spokojnie, przeczytałam prawie całość z drobnymi przerwami. Można się bardzo mocno wciągnąć i jeśli miałabym przed czymś ostrzegać to właśnie przed tym!

Spodobał mi się zamysł na całą trylogię autorki – „Życiowi bohaterowie”, na którą składa się właśnie historia Granta, policjanta, ale czekają nas jeszcze dwie kolejne! Druga (zatytułowana „Płonąca namiętność”) opowiada o kolejnym bracie Malone – Gradym, który jest strażakiem (premiera już w czerwcu!). Trzecia i ostatnia skupi się na ostatnim z braci, Graysonie. Nie mogę doczekać się kolejnej dawki emocjonującej historii spod pióra K. Bromberg!

philippavic's review against another edition

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This book brought me to tears. I can't even...
It's heartbroken to know that what happened to Em happens probably on a daily basis, but knowing that this story has a bit of the authors real life... I don't know if I would be able to function if any of this had happened to me or someone I knew.
Other than that... Oh Grant.

scvallese1's review against another edition

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I haven't read much by K Bromberg, although I have to say that I really enoy her storytelling.

Cuffed is the story of Grant and Emmy, childhood friends who are tied together in an unimaginable way. Years after being separated, they meet again, although it is not an easy thing to do, especially for Emerson. But their tie is undeniable, and Grant needs to know that she is okay, that despite everything, she is happy.

I absolutely loved Grant! I thought his character was so strong, and felt so real. Emerson was a complex character, and while at times she drove me crazy, I could understand it because of her background.

I look forward to reading more from K Bromberg!

jamie_w's review against another edition

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Audible was good but the story was SUPER heavy. The triggers are child abuse and cutting. If I would’ve known this, I wouldn’t have bought it. Just not my thing.

I could not warm up to Emerson at all. Makes me feel like an asshole since she was the victim of child abuse. She was kind of awful. Very little redeeming qualities. She wasn’t nice, she wasn’t friendly, she wasn’t loyal, she wasn’t forgiving, she wasn’t honest or open - yet she sure did expect all of that at Grant, which he did do, but noticed none of it. Grant was so good. Too much so. I actually wished they wouldn’t of ended up together.

Also, the overarching sentiment that Grant always loved Emmy but only thought about her occasionally over 20 years and they parted at 8 years old - nope. That makes no sense.

Also, stating Emerson was a strong woman made no sense. She never dealt with her trauma, would always run the moment life got too real, needed Grant to intervene with the loan officer. Emerson was stubborn not strong.

anasatticbookblog's review against another edition

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Cuffed by K. Bromberg

Narrated by Joe Arden and Maxine Mitchell

Standalone. First in an interrelated Series.

WHOA!!! Cuffed by K. Bromberg was NOT what I expected! It’s SO.MUCH.MORE. From the cover I figured it’s a lighthearted, funny, sexy, protective cop story. At times, that’s exactly what it was. But it was also heartbreaking and devastating, romantic and swoony. And it was an absolutely GORGEOUS combination of all of that and more.

I haven’t read too many books that can make me laugh out loud and make me sob, but Cuffed did just that.

Grant and Emerson were best friends in grade school. Grant was protective even then, but Emerson moved away, and he was a big part of the reason. Now she’s back in town, and her past is completely off-limits, and that includes the hot cop she hasn’t seen since 3rd grade.
"I only live in the now. I only live in tomorrows. I can only cope with the future I make for myself." 

Grant is having none of that. He just goes ahead and inserts himself into her life.
"She’s always been there in my mind. Sure, it’s been a long ass time since third grade, but in some sort of way, I knew I’d see her again. She isn’t someone I could easily forget."

Emerson is running a parachuting school. I loved the unique profession, and the slogan from her mom: “Head up. Wings Out.” She is such a great character and despite her torturous past, she has a love for fun and adventure.
”I don’t need a hero.” 

The book is told with flashbacks of the past and it’s not easy to read. Have some tissues ready and know that there may be triggers. But the funny, sexy, hot moments take a lot of sting out of the emotional moments! I just love a protective man….sigh…


  • •Took it’s time to tell a full, well rounded story with fleshed out characters.

  • •Brought out every emotion

  • •The rare book that can make me laugh and ugly cry.

  • •The drug store scene will be a 2017 favorite book scene for me.

  • •So excited to get his brother’s stories.

  • •I loved all the side characters.


  • •The cover doesn’t fit. It made the book seem more light and fun than it was.

  • •It was a bit on the long side with a few story threads that didn’t quite materialize, but they may in future books.

The Narration:

I LOVED the narration from Joe Arden and Maxine Mitchell. They were PERFECT and made the story even better. There is something about both of these narrators that allow me to forget any other books I have heard them in. They easily and immediately become the characters.

The Down & Dirty:

Cuffed may look like a light and fun romcom, but it was more than I ever expected, Ms. Bromberg brought out every single emotion from laughing out loud to ugly crying. The story and characters were well developed with full backstories and I really loved getting to know them. Cuffed was sexy, swoony, emotional, funny, and heartbreaking. It’s a story of promises broken, second chances, forgiveness and healing. K. Bromberg outdid herself here. If you want a swoony alpha hero, a strong heroine, and strong emotion mixed with humor, (plus great narration!) K. Bromberg’s Cuffed is a must listen.

Rating: 4.75-5 Stars (Will be rounded up everywhere, but I need my 1/4 stars for me!), 5 Heat, 5 Narration

Purchase Cuffed by K. Bromberg

themarishale's review against another edition

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Without giving anything away entirely, I do think it’s important to note that this book should come with a trigger warning regarding different types of abuse. I did not know nor anticipate the storyline and, despite loving Grant and Emerson, may not have picked up this title had I known.

It’s a wonderful, heart wrenching story, don’t get me wrong, with a brilliant hero and heroine, but the storyline was quite heavy and I had to put it down a few times to not sink.

That said, you’ll cry. And sob. And rage. And laugh. And cheer. It’s definitely not your everyday “hot cop meets wild woman” story—it is so much more.

10/10 would recommend (if your mental and emotional space allows for heavy, triggering topics)