kate_rescueandreading's review

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Buttcrack is man in his 30s who has re-enrolled in high school cause he thinks it’s fun. He tries to fit in with the kids, and even has a few friends. To gain popularity he has to bring booze to a teenage raver.

He’s lost his wallet so we travel with him down memory lane, trying to find someone he knows willing to buy alcohol.

There are mutants, there are dicks, there are chakras & lots of Big Fun. Every moment of this book was ridiculous and hilarious!! I was seriously laughing out loud for most of it.

Give this book a read asap!!

tummidge's review

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This might just be the dumbest, most disgusting book I've ever read and it is great because of that!

A 32 year old man has re-enrolled in high school for reasons that remain unclear. He's been nicknamed Buttcrack by his fellow kids and is approached by one of the most popular kids to buy booze for his party at the weekend. Well, Buttcrack loses his wallet and he and pals, Ta-Bone and Ralph, head out on a epic quest to obtain booze while all learning some serious(ly fucked up) life lessons.

Grimbol writes engagingly and hilariously in this bizarro novella ratcheting up the "holy shit" factor as the book progresses. There are definitely unforgettable moments within and it'll be down to your disposition whether you embrace this book or kill it with fire.

The blurb was too much for me to resist having a read and it only gets more glorious from there.

mcvaughn138's review

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This book was great! It may be my new favorite from Grimbol!

ameserole's review

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It's me. Hi. I'm the problem, it's me.

Remember how I said I would dive into another book in the near future? So, it's like the super near future of any kind of future because here I am. Definitely liked this one a lot better than the other one but only a smidge more. Will try another book for sure.

cmykim's review

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Probably one of the strangest stories I've ever read. Not well written but will give you a chuckle. #BigFun

mrfrank's review

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Justin Grimbol's THE PARTY LORDS is a full throttle teen/frat romp that hits the nitro button half way thru it's run and goes balls to the wall Bizarro flying all the way to the finish line. The bottom line: fun. Big Fun.
At first, the unlikely tale of a thirty-something going back to high school where the lines between age and responsibility get blurred. A story that will hold is own against the most classic of teen movies. But then, seemingly out of nowhere, this thing goes balls out Bizarro with pus play and the most epic high school house party ever thrown, all fueled by the mythical beverage, Big Fun.
This is a cult classic in the making. Pick it up and read it. Be a hipster and say you read it before it was cool. Then go drink some Big Fun.